suga x suzy crackship

I came across a random 'insert-story' generator and I put Suzy and Suga as the main characters and I copied the story result. I'll be posting it here on a blog because it's not my story and I just had the urge to share with ya'll who secretly ships these two. heheheh.

Anyway, I can't seem to find any suzyxsuga fics so if you know of one (or more) please do send me the links. Thanks!


[1st Story] 

Suzy, a pained lady in the full bloom of youth, stood alone on the beach, gazing over the aquamarine water with her lachrymose brunet orbs. Her coffee hair danced lightly in the ocean breeze, tickling against one cheek as she tried to deny the stirrings in her heart, resting her cheek against one hand as she hummed "My Immortal" to herself. She wore a kiwi-colored shirt that left her light-colored, tinted with hazel, arms bare and obsidian shorts that looked comfortable and easy to wear. Her locks flowed in a brunet torrent past her shoulders, complementing her pained fuchsia-flushed ivory visage. 

Her thoughts wandered to her days in Suga's company. On that day, the shadows of her past had become unbearable. Meeting Suga brought some light into her life for the first time in a long while. He was her salvation. From then on, Suzy was sometimes needy and close, but then suddenly cold and fearful. Suga tried his best to hide his pain, but it was plain in his depths.That was how it was to this very day. 

"Suzy," Suga said simply with a smile on his face. His brick-colored orbs complimented hisashen mane, brushing against his shoulders, belying his caring heart. He was dressed in his own unique fashion, a style unlike that of anyone else Suzy knew. He had a toned but slender body covered with lily-white skin. As Suzy drew nearer, she caught a note of his familiar scent of lingering iron and steel. Her crystals softened. It always reminded her of the time they shared. 

"Suga. I feared you might not come," Suzy whispered. 

"Of course I came," he said nonchalantly. 

She shook her head. "Everyone else abandoned me." 

"I won't leave you," Suga said firmly. He held his hand out to her, and hesitantly she took it.With that, they began to walk along the beach. 

Suzy's mind was flooded by painful thoughts. She clung tightly to Suga's calloused hand as if it could save her. She was without a father and she was always reliving that day. He, strong as he was, wouldn't possibly be willing to bear her burdens. 

"What is it, Suzy?" Suga suddenly asked. 

"N-nothing," Suzy whispered. "Why do you ask...?" 

"You've got my hand in a death grip." She let her head droop and let go. She was always causing him trouble.... "I don't mean it like that. I mean if something's bothering you, you should tell me." 

"No... Suga, I couldn't..." 

Suga looked at Suzy long and hard. He was struggling to understand what it was that plagued her, but to her, it seemed like she was glaring at him. 

"I-I'm sorry, I'm always so..." 

"Always so... what?" 


He scratched his head and looked out over the sea. "You'll tell me when you're ready, won't you?" 

Suzy gave the faintest of nods. But of course she could not imagine ever feeling ready to tell him her secrets. In truth, she hardly even deserved him. Suzy was ... Damaged beyond repair. 

Suzy was unworthy of his time. The very thought of that brought tears to her eyes, and she looked away from Suga to hide them. But she couldn't hide the sobs that shook her. 

"Suzy." Suzy rubbed the tears from her eyes. "Suzy, look, you need to tell me. You're a mess!" 

"There's a reason... I am the way I am. A dark secret hidden deep in my past that I wanted to keep from you. I just... I don't want to burden you with that. It's all worthless..." 

"It's not worthless. If it's about you, it's important to me. Tell me." 

"It's... I'm..." Suzy's shoulders shook, and she buried her face in her hands. "Forget it! Let's just..." 

Suga put an assuring arm around her shoulders and brought her toward himself. "Hey... hey. It's all right... I'm here. I'm here." 

After a few moments, they found themselves walking down the beach again. Suzy couldn't stop thinking about her mother's absence. It plagued her endlessly -- while she was far from him and while she was near. It threatened to consume her. When she had let the faintest hints slip in the moments before, it had already taken taken so much of her will. 

With concern, Suga turned his blameless depths toward her. "Suzy? What's wrong?" 

"Suga... it's..." 

And at that moment everything came together, all of the magic and the hurt that had been building that day, and he locked his windows to his soul with hers and whispered, "You can tell me." 

It was like a floodgate burst, or some barrier of fear had been struck down. Suzy shook her head and everything came out at once. "It's... sometimes I wonder about my mother. Where is she now? Is she even alive? Given how things were, I... -- I don't even know what it is I want. Sometimes I'm close to accepting that she's gone. Other times... I wonder. I just wonder, and it hurts, Suga." 

Suga listened silently and solemnly. At last, when all the words had left her and she was at a loss for words, he reached out to her and took a deep breath to whisper back, "Suzy... I know it's not the same, but, my father... I don't know where he is, either. I think I can imagine how that... your mother's absence... how that is." Suga laid his hands upon Suzy's shoulders. "How... hollow... things feel." Suzy's eyes began to burn, and she abruptly pulled him into a fierce embrace. His pools widened at first, but then he too felt overwhelmed by emotion and succumbed to the warmth of her touch. 

"You," Suzy whispered, her breath hot on his ear. "As long as you're here, I... I can make it." They held each other as tears trickled down cheeks and dripped onto the shifting sands to be carried away into the sea. With time and soothing embraces, their pain dissipated into a mist swept out by the ocean breeze and into the setting sun. 

They basked in each other's quiet companionship for a few moments. 

"Look... it's the sunset." 

Suzy lifted her head at Suga's words to behold the dying sun's fiery radiance. "Mm." 

After a moment of silence, he asked, "Do you think we'll be together forever?" 

"Please... let it be forever," Suzy murmured in response. 

He kissed her head. "Then as long as you and I will it to be, it will be. Even forever." 

Suzy sighed with contentment and brought him closer. She gazed at the beautiful golden rays of the falling sun, thinking about everything that had transpired on this day and all that would pass between them. 

"I love you, Suga." 

"I love you too, Suzy." 

Their lips met, and auburn strands met silver ones, aflame in the dying light. The sand was their witness and the rumbling ocean their approving audience, and Suga, her eternally faithful lover. Suzy thought to herself that nothing had ever been so perfect for her as this. 




[2nd Story] 


What was it that brought them together, to be united in this perfect love? 

They had known each other since they were children. They had spent time together so often that, despite all differences, others often mistook them as siblings. However, it was not until recently that they had recognized their feelings for each other. From then on, Yoongi was sometimes needy and close, but then suddenly cold and fearful. Sooji tried her best to hide her pain, but it was plain in her pools. That was how it was to this very day. 

Yes. He often reflected upon that day with fondness. It was a day that had changed his life, after all. 

Yoongi, an agonized young man in his best years, stood alone on the beach, gazing over theazure water with his aching atramentaceous crystals. His jade hair rustled lightly in the ocean breeze. He tried to deny the stirrings in his heart as he hummed "Crawling" to himself. He wore a mahogany shirt that left his pearly arms bare and many-colored shorts that looked comfortable and easy to wear. His moss-colored mane brushed against his earlobes, complementing his lachrymose light-colored visage. For a moment, he absorbed herself in these thoughts, of him, and Sooji. 

Yoongi's obsidian orbs spotted Sooji further down on the beach, closer to the roaring sea. Her lovely coiffure rippled behind her in a auburn wave. Her globes were turned toward the ocean, hidden from Yoongi's sight, but he knew and loved their innocent sepia hue. She was dressed in her usual everyday clothes. Her skin was light-colored, tinted with henna, and her form was slight. As Yoongi drew nearer, he caught a note of her familiar scent that brought yellowed pages to mind. His pools softened. It always reminded him of the time they shared. "Soo," he called, walking towards her. 

She stood at attention. "Yoongi! I'm glad." 

Yoongi shrugged and said only, "Let's go." They began their leisurely walk along the ocean's edge. 

Yoongi never said much on their dates, never showed much emotion. It was just how he was. He thought that by now Sooji might be used to it, so it surprised him when she turned around on him and insisted, "Yoon... do you truly enjoy these dates?" 

Caught off guard, he took a moment to simply stare at Sooji and her spotless globes filled with khaki worry. In measured tones, Yoongi replied, "I go with you on them. Don't I?" 

That answer seemed to chill Sooji. She furrowed her eyebrows and murmured, "But..." and could say nothing else, letting that word hang there until he started to walk again, and she followed his lead and walked beside him. After a few moments, she said quietly, "I enjoy them. Yet, if you don't, I don't want to force you." 

"I'm fine," Yoongi said firmly. Yet in truth he was far from fine. He was without a mother and always reliving that day. It haunted him deep down, filled his lungs with hollow humors, tormented his in the night until he woke to the silent dark. His only solace was that Sooji did not yet know -- and that being so, he would continue to pretend that he was not broken. 

"If you say so," Sooji relented. She laid a soft hand on Yoongi's arm and he let it stay there, warm and comforting to the pain in his soul. 

After a few moments, they found themselves walking down the beach again. Endlessly, Yoongi was haunted by his shroud of pain -- but he resolved to battle it alone, as he had all his life. Sooji could not know. No one could. It was his burden alone to bear. 

All the same, Sooji seemed to notice. She looked at Yoongi cautiously for a moment before murmuring, "Yoongi? Is... something wrong?" 

"Sooji... it's..." 

And at that moment everything came together, all of the magic and the hurt that had been building that day, and she locked her pools with his and whispered, "You can tell me." 

It was like a floodgate burst, or some barrier of fear had been struck down. Yoongi shook his head and everything came out at once. "I don't know if I can put it into words. I... lately... it might not even be just lately.... It's nothing. It's nothing! I just... I don't feel well.... I don't know where it is, whether it dwells in my heart in my head. It burns... there's nothing that helps. Except that... sometimes, I feel a bit better when you're by my side...." 

Sooji listened silently and solemnly. At last, when all the words had left him and he was at a loss for words, she reached out to him and took a deep breath to whisper back, "Yoongi... I... I don't know what it's like, to live with your shroud of pain... but... I'm sorry, Yoongi. I wish... I wish I could help." Yoongi's eyes began to burn, and he abruptly pulled her into a fierce embrace. Herspheres widened at first, but then she too felt overwhelmed by emotion and succumbed to the warmth of his touch. 

"You," Yoongi whispered, his breath hot on her ear. "As long as you're here, I... I can make it." 

"Yoongi..." Sooji laid a hand on his shoulder, pushing him lightly so that they parted enough to look each other in the eye. "The truth is, I... feel the same way about you." 

Yoongi tilted his head forward, pressing their foreheads together, and whispered, "What is it, Sooji? Have you... been in pain, too?" 

"Yoongi, it's..." Sooji took a shuddering breath and whispered, "It's just something that happens... with time. It's been so long since I was born. So many things have happened since then. All of it... it presses down on my mind. It hurts, Yoongi. At times I only wish to rest in peace. I've seen too much...." 

Yoongi placed his hands on Sooji's cheeks, her cheekbone as he soothed, "Oh, Sooji... I, I'm so sorry. I wish nothing so awful ever happened to you... I love you so much...." They held each other as tears trickled down cheeks and dripped onto the shifting sands to be carried away into the sea. With time and soothing embraces, their pain dissipated into a mist swept out by the ocean breeze and into the setting sun. 

They basked in each other's quiet companionship for a few moments. 

"The sunset is so beautiful, isn't it?" 

Yoongi lifted his head at Sooji's words to behold the dying sun's salmon radiance. "Mm." 

After a moment of silence, she said quietly and seriously, "Yoon, you and me... do you think this is what they call destiny?" 

He clasped her soft hand and murmured in response, "I'm... so lucky." 

"Yoon... Let's be together forever." Sooji squeezed his hand and sidled closer. 

Yoongi sighed with contentment and brought her closer. He gazed at the beautiful sunny rays of the falling sun, thinking about everything that had transpired on this day and all that would pass between them. 

"You'll hurt your eyes doing that," Sooji whispered. 

Yoongi looked at her instead. "I love you, Sooji." 

"I love you too, Yoongi." 

Their lips met, and pea-colored strands met cinnamon ones, aflame in the dying light. The sand was their witness and the rumbling ocean their approving audience, and Sooji, his eternally faithful lover. Yoongi thought to himself that nothing had ever been so perfect for him as this. 



HEHEHEHEH! I'm overflowing with feels! Both stories are somewhat similar (esp the last para) coz it's generated (duh) LOL so that's why I post it on a blog instead of a new story because it's not mine (TT) but it's beautiful isn't it? :) I'M OVERFLOWING WITH FEELS





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that was... interesting? but honestly Suzy and and Suga are the last people I would think to ship together LOL XD
Coffee2s #2
Both of these stories were really good! I've never thought about this ship before lol.