but really though

I was looking for a pic of got7 to set as my new desktop background and so I landed on the official twitter and found this. Tell me why they all look like stock photos for a korean language textbook.


I really can't with these boys sometimes I mean


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doussa #1
Lol true xDDDDD
Lol it does XD
Lol I would totally buy the book if they are in it... That kissy face tho plus JB's heart pose, I really don't know why I became their fan watching them derp around and be dorky XD
My MarkSon radar is on.
K-pop entertainments do everything to make you homeless.
Truly_Yours09 #6
OooooHHHH You can paste it onto school supplies looool
koreankimchibaby #7
Wahahahah xDDDD
Jackson wtf WAHAHA
Got7 is just too much sometimes
omg got7 and their cuteness....ugh too much to handle and its cringyness....no need to even start XP
psikwita #10
Soooo cute
I was long
time ago done with these ppl :D
MyungGyuForever #12
lolll the Markson one
hellobts1003 #13
Lol so cute! <3
satanwoosus #14
BAHAHAHAH stock photos omg
! All of them is cute! Swaggie Sweet Got7!! <3