Eternal | Coming 2016 | Amazing Posters

Okay, so Fifty Shades of Jimin was my big writing project for 2015. It'll be finished early 2016, hopefully.

My big project for 2016 will be Eternal, my first fantasy fiction. I'm incredibly excited for it. It's modern with a historical feel to it at the same time. It's got an intricate plot that I've been thinking about for months now, and will continue to do so until its finished. I don't want to reveal too much about it yet, so instead I'll show off these lovely posters made by the one and only yongharu21 and let you form your own opinions of what's to come.

These posters are absolutely beautiful, I can't get over them. >~<

There will be more art to come, as well, so look forward to that if you love these posters as much as I do.


P.S. Below them I have a small excerpt from Eternal. Nothing too exciting, but I hope you guys like it anyway.


It was with a silent roar that the wind rushed through the trees, weaving through the leaves of the summer growth. The sun had already begun to set and the moon had started to take it’s place in the cloudless sky, the hint of stars sparkling and evident as the oncoming night progresses. With the hasty wind, the greenery broke from it’s branches and scattered through the air, casting a silent scream as it vanished and died, withering just along the edges of it’s now freed and lonely body.

One such leaf managed to make it’s way into the outskirts of the village, drifting and shifting through the chilled breeze until it landed soundlessly on the ground in front of a hut. It’s new home was short-lived, however, when the curtain was drawn and a woman stepped out from the warmth of her home, her foot raising over the leaf and falling with a stomp, crushing and crumpling the last breathe of life it had left.


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