《우리의 사랑》 : PARK MINHI

《우리의 사랑》 : 박민희
korean name : jaelyn park minhi
nicknaME(s) : none.
birthdate & age : 09 february & 20
ethnicity : korean
languages :
english - native
korean - mother language
occupation : part time concessionist at movie theater, full time student
faceclaim : kim chungha
Backup : yoon bomi
height and weight : 153cm & 46kg
appearance : 
- dimples; left is more apparent than right
- round eyes that gives people the misconception she's constantly pulling the puppy face
- fit body due to working out
- shoulder length brown hair with front bangs
stylE : she's a tomboy so she can usually be seen wearing snapbacks and shoes are mainly sneakers. she likes to wear baggy sweatpants, leggings with simple tanks and tshirts. she's the casual, comfortable and simple type. abercrombie shopper mainly.
"being simple is the best happiness."


persona : hot-tempered youth 
personality traits :
( + ) : outgoing, well intentioned, carefree, honest
( - ) : short temper, vulgar, detached, obnoxious, reckless 
( ? ) : willful, boyish, sarcastic
expand : 
minhi isn't your typical prancing around in 4in heels and skimpy clothing kind of girl. she's that rough and aggressive tomboy whose friends consists of a boy to girl ratio of 4:1 and basically appears shameless with her open and embarrassing actions that no girl would ever think to do. she slurps her noodles without a care, burps like a firing canon, and is obnoxiously rowdy where people can hear her from a mile away. from far, she appears to be a stuck up and spoiled brat but she's actually well intentioned even if her laziness hinders her kindness from showing itself. extremely detached, it takes a while for her to warm up to you and talk about her deepest feelings in which she'll usually resort to sarcasm as a defense mechanism, though many wouldn't have been able to tell since shes so reckless and never using her brain, she says things without thinking it through which makes her honest. like overly honest.
even though minhi consists of so many flaws, there's still a few more to the list such as her temper thats as small as a goldfish. shes overly carefree and laughs her way through out life, one of her facades, but she can be irritated easily by those she dislikes and can get loud real fast. oh and she's also quick to flex her legs and arms, "accidentally" hitting someone in the process if they pissed her off. more of a brawns than brains girl, minhi is violent with her favorite tactic being all things action first. this girl is also vulgar as , cursing in almost every single one of her sentences and when she's pissed off, its after every other word. extremely stubborn and prideful as well, even if she got into a fight with someone important, she's never the first one to apologize and if that person chose to leave her life, would even open the door for that person. she's too obstinate to degrade herself and beg for forgiveness. even when she knows she's wrong. as she loves to do as she likes, don't ever try to refrain her because it's not going to happen because she's rebellious as ing hell. the more you tell her not to do something, even if its to her benefit, the more she'll be compelled to do what you asked her not to. another flaw of minhi is her ability to be so petty towards those she despises, the number that can be counted on one hand. even lending a penny is a bother for minhi when it comes to the people she abhors and kindness is the farthest thing the person would be able to see from her.
despite all her flaws, minhi does have some, rare but still there, good qualities. for one, once someone becomes important to her, she's extremely loyal and wouldn't ever leave that person's side unless they get into some sort of fight and her pride shows again. very honest and is something she holds as a virtue. she expects honesty from everyone as she gives people nothing but that. so when someone makes her lose her trust in them, they can forget about ever gaining it again. because of her stubborn nature, once she finds something, she'd do her best and all she can to excel in it. minhi is a funny and vivacious moodmaker most of her life with her constant laughter and nonsensical jokes. this leads to nobody being able to take her seriously even with all her sarcastic and blunt remarks since she always ends up laughing at it right after. she's also very friendly and making friends at the market wasn't out of the norm for this girl. all in all, she's just a girl whose way too happy and easy going about life which makes it hard for people to take her seriously as she's just laughing the day away.
background : minhi was born and raised in new york in a family of four as the youngest so she was spoiled for a considerable of time by everyone. life was blissful; she had the love of her family, a wide range of friends, no major problems a simple " it." couldn't disolve. things do change though when the girl's parents divorced due to incompatibility when minhi was 8. she hasn't seen much of her father since as he's busy with work and mieun eventually started seeing someone. the two got married and in august, mieun gave birth to a baby boy. minhi hated her mother's new husband and refuses to have any interactions with him. she didn't hate her baby brother though since everyone is their own person. when he was later restationed in sk as he was promoted to senior sales manager for that location. the separation of her parents left a huge mark on minhi's ideas of love and it was that it did not exist so she has no plans to ever get married or be settled. 
lifestyle : from monday to thursdays, she wakes up at 8:30 and heads for her classes. it takes about thirty minutes to get there by bus and her first class starts at 9, last class ending at 1:30 then she works from 2pm-7pm. on fridays, she works from 8am-4pm and has the weekends off. the movie theater she worked at was a 15 min walk from the school.  not really the studious type, she'd do her homeowkr last minute, usually starting around 11 and sleeping at 1. if it's essays, she'd start them as soon as she got home. on weekends, she tries to hang out with friends but she's usually too lazy lel.
- sleeping habits :
can't sleep with doors open
can't sleep w/o a plushie if alone
whines in her sleep. usually lasts a few seconds.
- she gets cold easily. but she also sweats easily.
- anti-umbrella. never uses them no matter how much it's pouring out
- prefers fruity scented perfumes
- she is terrified of snakes as in a picture of it has her screaming and spazzing out.
- can't take spicy food but eats it anyways, trying to get used to it.
- she can't swim
- extremely ticklish, like just run your finger along her arm and she'll squeal so she hates skinship.
- fastest way to get her pissed off is acussing her of something and she only cries when pissed off
- can't watch any movies or dramas besides action/fantasy and cartoons
- is obsessed with anything starry, galaxy print, and pandas
- doesn't know when she's sad. (thinks its either annoyance, anger, or irritation)
- has baby tastebuds, she hates coffee or anything bitter including alcohol
- only eats grape skittles
- hates artificial watermelon flavor
- senses are very sensitive to parsley. hates them and tries to stay far away from it.
- pickles are her favorite snacks. and the only sour thing she likes/can take
- avid fan of american action shows like agents of shield, teen wolf, supernatural, flash, grimm, gotham.
- can not watch horror movies for because she's a huge . clowns, masks, and mannequins scare her thanks to supernatural
- hobbies include pulling pranks, watching action movies/dramas, playing sports and videogames, and building legos
- has a habit of her lips, shaking her legs, spreading her legs when she sits,
- can't keep a straight face when she lies
- she gags on plain white rice
"they with me 4ever"
family & friends:
mother | jang mieun | 45 | 9/10 | since minhi became a young adult, she's more rebellious than ever and takes mieun's words as a joke. having grown up abroad, minhi acts casual with mieun, treating her as if she's her friend; pulling pranks, annoying her about basically everything in life, splashing water on mieun's face, saying her new shoes looked like , etc. mieun usually tries to control minhi though her daughter was having none of it so these two tend to get into bickers and fights due to their stubborn personalities. when mieun saw the way sehun and minhi were getting along, she knew trouble would one day arrive and she was in no way going to allow her daughter to be affiliated with the son of that bastard. 
coworker | kim jongin "kai" | 22 | 7/10 | they've become fast friends since they both worked as a concessionist and kai doesn't fail to see all the minhi pulls on sehun. he's not entertained by the immaturity going on and questions minhi about her evil intentions whenever sehun shows his face since he knew the girl wouldn't be so mean without a valid reason. when minhi does let kai know why, kai justifies for sehun, saying he's only ever had eyes for one person. thanks to kai, minhi and sehun are on better terms but he's still the mediator whenever the two's bickers get out of hand.
mother's first love | oh kihyun | 45 | 3/10 | Sehun's dear father. he tried his best to be polite to minhi but minhi would give a toot or hmph and go on her way with her head held high and eyes at the sky. he laughs everytime since he's sure mieun had probably said some wierd stuff to minhi and that's why she was doing that. he has no hard feelings for mieun or minhi though. when sehun goes asking him for advice, he's supportive of his son wooing minhi and tries his best to get on mieun's good side again to help out the youngsters a little bit.
sehun's crush | bae joohyun irene | 25 | 5/10 | minhi first approached irene with the thought of helping sehun get the girl so she tries her best to hang out with her, stealing her away from her friends and inviting sehun along for lunch or outings. irene's not dumb and knows what minhi is playing at but she usually ends up feeling like the third wheel with how comfortable sehun and minhi seem with each other. she's a shy girl and sehun's shy with her too so the two are on awkward terms. without minhi there, sehun would only be able to muster up a simple greeting before silence falls upon them again. she doesn't see sehun as anything more than a dongsaeng, even if she was attracted to him at first.
"being happy is the most important."
korean name : oh sehun 오세훈 
nicknaME(s) : none.
birthdate & age : 12 april & 22
ethnicity : korean
languages : korean
height and weight : 183cm & 70kg
appearance :
- brown hair
- eyebrows always on fleek
- six pack abs - he excercises alot
- eye smile
- has a one inch scar on his right cheek
stylE : versatile dresser from street casual to chic, claims to be a fashionista.


PERSONA : the sassy jester
personality : he's easy going and laidback, a friend you can easily make though you'll ahve to do the initiatives because the boy is as shy as can be. he's also not that good with talking to girls due to that and is a romantic at heart who would give his girl chocolate and bouquet of flowers during their anniversary with a planned candlelight dinner. sehun tends to get possessive of what's his since he doesn't take interest in things for too long,a fickle young adult with the attention span of a squirrel. he likes to try everything and adores adventures. an honest and sassy person who does best at being a brat around his friends. loyalty is the most important thing to him, especially when it comes to friends and family being important people in his life. he can't stand betrayal and he won't commit it, ever.
background : born and raised in korea as the youngest in a family of four. their family was apart the middle class and his parents had raised their children with love. sehun was spoiled but grew up into a good kid. 
RELATIONSHIP status : young adult
relationship : 
minhi's mother decided to move back to south korea for the sole reason to have a brand new start. having her first love live next door was far from that especially when she finds minhi and sehun wierdly getting along. "mom it's cute how me smacking the out of him just cause he shows his ugly makes it seem like we're getting along." the first meeting/reunion between the four was awkward af, both minhi and her mother carrying their boxes into their new house when the father-son were heading home after some basketball. seeing as their new neighbors could use some help, the two approached the mother-daughter. mieun and kihyun stared at each other for what seemed like eternity until minji came out from the house asking why the next boxes were taking so long. that was when mieun told kihyun to gtfo and he did just that.
minhi questioned mieun about her harsh tone afterwards. mieun ignored her questions in the beginning but what minhi wants to know, she finds out by pestering to no ends. so mieun tells minhi about their past love story. sehun's father had cheated on her with her best friend and hearing that made minhi's blood boil. of cuorse mieun failed to mention the fact that they had already broken up by that time so it wasn't even cheating. nonetheless she felt betrayed and broke off contact with the two of them. at first, minhi didn't hate sehun saying everyone's their own person but she saw sehun on different occasions with different girls and jumped to the judgement that the boy was cheating on the girls. like father, like son right? so her hatred for the boy started to grow and since she was a concessionist at the theaters, a popular dating site so whenever she sees Sehun come in with a girl, she'd make up rumors about the boy. "wow after giving me hiv you go trying to bring other girls down?" "you made me abort our child while you're here with other girls?"
sehun didn't pay much attention to the girl until she pulled a stunt like that for the first time. he was confused as and annoyed as hell, asking her what's her problem but since his date had ran away, minhi didn't bother acknowledging his existence. their relationships became full of bickers, banters, and violence since. sehun would get revenge by doing the same thing whenever he sees with minhi with her guy friends. which is alot of different people so he has a lot of fun destroying her image to such a wide range of people. "hey babe i got you the extra strong waxing strips you asked for. your pubes sure are their different person." "heard you had diarrhea this morning even clogging up the bathroom. how are you feeling now?" "didn't you say you liked this guy? that he was cute and you'd do whatever it takes to make him like you?"
you can imagine the ill intention these two get for each other as this continues. all these immature pranks and stunts pulled on each other come to an end when minhi meets kai and has found out that sehun wasn't a playboy like she had thought. on the contrary, he was very shy with girls and had eyes only for one particular noona. when the two meet later on and sehun is being an , something he's accustomed to doing towards the shortie, he's taken aback when she offered to buy him chocolate bubbletea. of course, the boy thought this was all part of some kind of scheme. "i'm just buying you a drink cause i think these childish actions between us should come to an end. afterall, we are in college not daycare anymore." 
as a way to make up for her past actions even more, minhi offers sehun help to help woo that noona he's been in love with for the past three years. the boy doesn't accept but minhi doesn't give him that option, becoming friends with irene and asking her all about what she wanted in a guy, what she thought of younger ones, how oh sehun looked to her, etc. minhi starts liking sehun seeing all the effort he's putting in for a girl and sehun grew fond of the girl, her being one of the few girls he can be so comfortable around.
sehun eventually confesses (he was sick of just waiting around) and minhi accepts. at first she was going to decline but she decided that their relationship would be short lived anyways as she doesn't have plans to ever settle. in the relationship, they still bicker and banter childishly, competing and make games out of everything. they act just like when they are friends with sehun awkwardly trying to find the best time to hold her hand or initate skinsip. minhi cracks up everytime and though she's not much for skinship, she'd get sick of the boy ing up something so simple and initate the holding hands, first kiss, etc. these are the only reoccurances that tell sehun, minhi actually likes him because she's detached all the other times. 
relationship triva :
- sehun likes to use her as an armrest
- she nicknamed him skyscraper since he's a whopping foot taller than her
- she named him spongebob on her phone since he had a squarish face with hair pushed back. in turn, sehun named her plankton cause of her small size and sometimes calls her squidward.
- they have similar likes and habits
- lips
- fave bubbletea is choco bubbletea
- fave ice cream is mint chocolate chip
- stealing each other's caps and snapbacks to wear
- he's more of a cat person and minhi is more of a dog person though they both don't mind the other 
- they have a chill relationship as in they'll openly check out other guys/girls. sehun gets more jealous but because he can't stop his wandering eyes either, minhi won't take any bull coming from his mouth.
- sehun likes to plan minhi's outfits for her so she doesn't look like a walking disaster as he lieks to say
- they are each other's first relationship
- sehun shoved justin beiber in her face by constantly playing his music since he knows she dislikes the man. her current ringtone is now love yourself and sehun is ing smug about it.
- sehun uses minhi's fear of clowns, snakes, etc to get her to do as he says. 
this is where is starts...”/insert evil laugh
what is your ideal type like? : someone funny and nice.
why & how did you know they were the one? : i don't know if he's the one tho. /laughs
what do you do for fun?play games, sports, watch tv, all the normal teen stuff though i do love to explore and go about just that i haven't found someone to do all that with me yet.
what are you doing or going to do with your life? : good ing question. i ask myself this all the time too.
"i don't even have a plan"
scene suggestions :
- the girls meeting up and talking smack about their boyfriends only for all the boys to see this.
- sehun wanted to get a kiss from minhi who refused so he opened up a picture of a snake and chased minhi around with it until she did
- minhi trying to become friends with some of the other girls' boyfriends and gets misunderstood, causing tension between the two.
comments : good luck with this story ^^ i was deadass going to add yueun and shownu (<3) in here but the relationships section got very long haha so i held back. anways, i hope you enjoyed minhi even if its in the slightest! :)
password : minhi x sehun

"it's not a problem if i don't consider it a problem."

campus's little miss curious who wants to know everything but at all things academic. an extrovert with no filter, what you see is what you get with minhi. she may be one of the tiniest girls you can meet but she has enough energy to travel around the sun and back, make friends with everyone, and start ten new hobbies all within a day. likes to charge head first into everything while her heart stubbornly refuses to budge.

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