102 Either Or questions (stolen from CaptSunRiser)

  1. Coffee or tea? - tea, I love Arabic tea it's the best 
  2. Black and white or color? - hmmm Red! 
  3. Drawings or paintings? - both, I'm an artistic person xD 
  4. Dresses or skirts? - shorts n sweat pants! hoodies too! 
  5. Books or movies? - Movies if there r no books behind them n books if they made a movie about the book cuz the movie is never as good as the book 
  6. Pepsi or Coke? - both, I like them both 
  7. Chinese or Italian? - I don't know, I tried neither assuming ur talking about food xD I only tried the American version of Chinese food n I won't judge based on that since I need to try their actual food in order for me to judge 
  8. Early bird or night owl? - Night owl, I love the night 
  9. Chocolate or vanilla? - Vanilla, I don't really like chocolate 
  10. Introvert or extrovert? - I'm an extrovert but I don't mind being around an introvert 
  11. Hugs or kisses? - neither, unless it's Artu then both 
  12. Hunting or fishing? - I don't like killing animals so I'm gonna have to pass on that in order to prevent jail time for me! xD 
  13. Winter or summer? - Winter cuz u can warm urself up when it's cold 
  14. Spring or fall? - Spring since it's not too cold n not too hot, it's just right 
  15. Rural or urban? - urban since I've always been a city girl 
  16. PC or Mac? - PC since I own one I think xD hold up, I own a windows hp, is that a PC? I honestly don't know n don't even care xD 
  17. Tan or pale? - Tan like the love of my life <3 haha but I'm pale xD u'll c that I'm truly a ghost when u put me next to him -.- sorry babe!!!! I'll try working on my tan xD
  18. Cake or pie? - depends on which I'm in the mood for. I sometimes have cravings for cakes or pies in the middle of the night n I just want them, my dad always gets me them n I don't know y he does xD I love my dad
  19. Ice cream or yogurt? - Ice cream, I hate yogurt, it just doesn't feel right when I'm eating it, the taste is really funny. Not cuz it's spoiled, but it's cuz I don't like it  
  20. Ketchup or mustard? - Ketchup, mustered is really bitter, I'm a very picky eater xD 
  21. Sweet pickles or dill pickles? - oh my god I love pickles, I like the dill ones but I love the regular ones, I don't like the sweet ones *shivers* 
  22. Comedy or mystery? - mystery, I like to be on the edge of my seat till the very end 
  23. Boots or sandals? - Boots, or gym shoes, I hate sneakers, sandals, n high heals n anything girly. They make me shiver n cringe 
  24. Silver or gold? - neither, I'm not the bling type of girl 
  25. Jazz or classical? - rock! 
  26. Dancing or singing? - singing unless it's slow dancing cuz I at dancing xD I've been trying to make Artu teach me how to dance since he's a great dancer but he's too lazy *rolls eyes at him* who else would teach ur wife u dummy?! get ur up n teach me! please, I love u mwah haha
  27. Checkers or chess? - I at both xD I'll play uhmmm let me think what I'm good at, this is gonna take a minute... uhmm.... nope, I really can't think of anything. oh wait, no! I lied! I'm good at card games! that gotta count! 
  28. Board games or video games? - board games, my siblings have been trying to make me play video games for a century but I don't like shootings. If it was something else like soccer, football, basketball, swimming, n anything else other than shootings, then yes, I'd play but I still prefer board games 
  29. Wine or beer? - water 
  30. Freckles or dimples? - I have one dimple xD I forgot which cheek xD oh wait, I honestly don't know if I have one or two dimples -.- I gotta look at them later, I'm too lazy to get out of bed now 
  31. Honey mustard or BBQ sauce? - BBQ sauce since I love BBQ, but to be fair, I never tried honey mustard, at least I think. But I refuse to try any type of mustard, also peanut butter, I hate them both n would never try them, I'd rather be thrown off a bridge then try these two 
  32. Body weight exercises or lifting weights? - lifting weights, oh my god it's the most amazing thing in the world. when I lift weights, it's like I'm in my own world n all my problems disappear for the amount of time I'm lifting weights. Same goes for swimming but swimming is a whole different story n I love it more than I love living 
  33. Baseball or basketball? - uhmmm basketball but I hit the ball pretty hard when it comes to baseball 
  34. Crossword puzzles or sudokus? - uhmmm both, I like to challenge myself  
  35. Facial hair or clean shaven? - I have zero hair on my body except for my head n eyebrows so clean shaven wins! xD although this question's for guys n it's awkward to answer, but I answer any awkward question without even thinking xD n I leave it, whatever I type stays. Stupid, I know, but that's me! 
  36. Crushed ice or cubed ice? - both, I love ice, I eat it alone, I love ice cones, shaved ice, ice chips (I know they're for labor but I can still eat them!) n I love cubed ice, I actually eat cubed ice nearly everyday, depending on my mood 
  37. Skiing or snowboarding? - teach me both please! 
  38. Smile or game face? - Smile, I have a friendly personality, or so I've been told 
  39. Bracelet or necklace? - neither. I hate jewelry 
  40. Fruit or vegetables? - Fruits, if I have to pick a category to be my forever meal, I'd pick fruits cuz they're awesome n delicious! now I want some bananas T~T 
  41. Sausage or bacon? - pastrami 
  42. Scrambled or fried? - I don't really care as long as it's good 
  43. Dark chocolate or white chocolate? - don't like chocolate 
  44. Tattoos or piercings? - both but I can only have piercings 
  45. Antique or brand new? - I like to change my stuff every 2 to 3 years so I'm not really that picky on what I own. Like it's not the end of the world if I don't get a brand new phone or what's today's style, n it's not the end of the world if I have a really old laptop or a phone, but if I get the chance n I can change it, then I will; if not, then I'll keep it till I can change it 
  46. Dress up or dress down? - dress down, don't want s to look at what's under my dress xD (also, someone said this to me, "dress up when I'm in the bathroom, dress down in public" xD) 
  47. Cowboys or aliens? - Aliens cuz they're spooky! 
  48. Cats or dogs? - both but I fear animals 
  49. Pancakes or waffles? Pancakes, waffles taste bad T~T n they're hard too, they scrape the top of the inside of my mouth T~T that hurts! 
  50. Bond or Bourne? - I never watched anything for either of them 
  51. Sci-Fi or fantasy? - Sci-Fi, I love Sci-fi movies so much, they're really exciting! 
  52. Numbers or letters? - letters cuz u can type out a number with letters but u can't type out a word with numbers 
  53. Star Wars or Star Trek? - watched neither, I'm planning on watching them though 
  54. Fair or theme park? - either or, as long as I like who I'm with we'll have a blast 
  55. Money or fame? - neither, I don't like them cuz they're the cause of every problem, almost 
  56. Washing dishes or doing laundry? - Laundry, definitely laundry. Even thought I don't know how to do laundry, I'll learn cuz I can't stand doing the dishes anymore! 
  57. Snakes or sharks? - *shivers n closes my eyes cringing* none!! 
  58. Orange juice or apple juice? - depending my mood but I prefer LEMONADE! 
  59. Sunrise or sunset? - both r nice 
  60. Slacker or over-achiever? - over-achiever at things for my future, a slacker in everything else xD 
  61. Pen or pencil? - pencil so I can erase my mistakes n start over again :p
  62. Peanut butter or jelly? - jelly, can't stand peanut butter 
  63. Grammys or Oscars? - I don't know the difference xD 
  64. Detailed or abstract? - definitely detailed, I hate when ppl tell me a story but it doesn't have the full details! ugh that makes me slap them repeatedly until they tell me! xD I probably won't do that in real but in my mind I will xDDD but if it's art, I like it simple n not too detailed cuz that'll be too much n it'll hide the structure of the whole design (talking about ceramics) but if it's a drawing, then simple but detailed, I like abstract for drawings too 
  65. Multiple choice questions or essay questions? - if it's something about a topic I don't like, then multiple choice but if it's something I enjoy n have a lot to say about then an essay question cuz, believe me, that essay will be two to three pages if I like what I'm talking about. If I don't like what I'm talking about then the essay will probably be a page n a half 
  66. Adventurous or cautious? - Adventurous until I get caught xD like for speeding, I accidentally told my dad that I speed n he took away my set of the car keys n he's watching me all the time so I have to be cautious on that -.- (he gave me back the car keys the very same day btw cuz he needed me to go get something from Harlem n it's like an hour or two away n he was really lazy to drive xD) 
  67. Saver or spender? - I like to save a lot so I can spend it on something big in the end
  68. Glasses or contacts? - if I have to go to a party, contacts, if I don't glasses n I honestly prefer glasses even though I don't need glasses but I wear glasses frames of my sister's old glasses n they don't have the lenses in them n I tricked a lot of ppl into thinking I wear glasses xD our hair stylist once said when we first cut our hair short, like boy short, he said, "how does it look? you probably need your glasses to c, Hasan, get ur sister her glasses please" n my siblings n I started laughing cuz I put my fingers through where the lenses r supposed to be n the look on his face was priceless xD 
  69. Laptop or desktop? - Laptop
  70. Classic or modern? - somewhere in between 
  71. Personal chef or personal fitness trainer? - personal chef cuz I'm my own fitness trainer n I can't even cook so I need that chef xD 
  72. Internet or cell phone? - internet cuz I rarely use my phone for what it's supposed to be used for 
  73. Call or text? - texts but I don't mind calls 
  74. Curly hair or straight hair? - straight, n mine's naturally straight but I won't need the straightness since it's really short n I love it 
  75. Shower in the morning or shower in the evening? - both n at night too, before sleeping
  76. Spicy or mild? - mild cuz I can't handle spicy food 
  77. Marvel or DC? - aren't they both comics? what's the difference? 
  78. Paying a mortgage or paying rent? - rent cuz I'm probably not gonna stay at one spot n I'd wanna travel a lot 
  79. Sky dive or bungee jump? - NEITHER! I'm afraid of heights T~T 
  80. Oreos or Chips Ahoy? - Chips Ahoy! I know that I hate chocolate, but they're the only exception! I love them xD
  81. Jello or pudding? - Jello, u have no idea how many times mama made me jello in the middle of the night cuz I was craving them xD I'm like a pregnant lady ever since I was 1 xD 
  82. Truth or dare? - dare
  83. Roller coaster or Ferris wheel? - Roller coaster if u wanna raise ur blood pressure xD n Ferris wheel if u wanna relaxing ride 
  84. Leather or denim? - Denim
  85. Stripes or solids? - I prefer solids 
  86. Bagels or muffins? - muffins, especially blueberry muffins! 
  87. Whole wheat or white? - don't care as long as it's bread 
  88. Beads or pearls? - neither -.- 
  89. Hardwood or carpet? -hardwood, actually no, gypsum that's what it was in Syria n I loved it 
  90. Bright colors or neutral tones? - depends on my mood 
  91. Be older than you are or younger than you are? - when ppl actually talk to me n learn about me, they'll know that I'm way older than my age n when ppl have a first glance at me, they say I'm a child n if u've been with me my whole or most of my life (or if u actually really know me), u'll know that I'm actually both. But I'd like to be my age, ppl never assume my age based on everything I know n everything I've been through (u guys will never know everything I've been through btw ;p) 
  92. Raisins or nuts? - Raisins, they're sweet! or no no!!! pomegranate dried cranberries (http://www.vegwithanedge.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/soaking-cranberries.jpg) they're freaking to die for! 
  93. Picnic or nice restaurant? - picnics 
  94. Black leather or brown leather? - depends on the theme of the place 
  95. Long hair or short hair? - short 
  96. Aggressive or Submissive? - I like to be submissive, u can ask my boyfriend xD hahaha I should really stop sharing so much information xD but yeah, he doesn't like to be aggressive either but he likes an aggressive woman so I'm aggressive sometimes but so is he okay someone should really tape my mouth, u should really do it babe or I'm gonna spill our whole life xD okay okay I'm really gonna stop talking. I'm trying to but my hands r typing -0- 
  97. Fiction or non-fiction? - nonfiction since the author puts every emotion they have into it n it's guaranteed to be good n full of emotion since it's real (also talking about fan fictions, not only history n biography n all that) 
  98. Smoking or non-smoking? - Non-smoking but I might end up smoking in the future since my parents smoke n I've smoked before but I'm not really planning onto smoking  
  99. Think before you talk or talk before you think? - I always talk before I think n, CLEARLY, I should stop that but I really can't! everything just blurts out. God help me with my life xD 
  100. Asking questions or answering questions? - I do a whole lot of both, like u seriously have no idea 
  101. Tall or Short - I'm short, according to my siblings -.-, but I'm average though. I prefer both, my best friend Maria is really tall, my best friends Brian n Dashawn r my height, n my friend Mariela is the short one xD hahaha we make fun of her all the time but I love her xD I love all my friends they're the reason I am who I am today. They should be smacked for that though xD 
  102. Handsome or cute - Handsome, I gotta very handsome n y boyfriend that I just wanna eat up! okay for real, I should stop talking, u better tape my mouth babe or I won't stop xD 

babye! I'm forcing myself to stop 

love u baby, n I'm so gonna kick ur boss when I meat him! count on that! 


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As a nerd, I'm going to suppress my completely made up, nonexistent, stereotypical nerd rage ... in a nutshell, Marvel is Avengers (Iron Man, Spider-Man, Hulk, Thor, etc), DC is Justice League (Superman Barman, etc.)

You can dress up without showing your body, and your boyfriend needs to teach you to dance. A) You'll need to be a pretty pretty princess at your wedding because it's the law and B) You have your first dance with him!

Short, over simplified difference: Grammys is music, Oscars is film.

Fiction is stories, non-fiction is facts like history books or reference books. Not things like real emotions. Although I agree with you on that; real emotions kick .

Also, if I give you my pickles and BBQ sauce, can I have your peanut butter and chocolate?