Excited n happily scared at the same time xD (also new furniture)

okay, so I went to a job interview on Friday December 4th n I met with a guy named Joe n he was the nicest guy ever. He asked me some questions n I don't know how but I made him laugh on each n every one of them xD even my name xD He walked me out by the door when we finished n he told me that he'll call me around Monday or Tuesday when the managers meet n decide on which applicants they wanna keep. 

Monday came, the Tuesday, Wednesday n by that time, I thought he wasn't gonna call so I was like, "whateverrrr" but Thrusday, around three-ish in the afternoon I gotta call from Menards, Homer Glen n I picked up n Joe pops up n asks me how I'm doing n I'm so nervous n excited at the same time. He asks me to go in on Frieday December 11th to meet with Brian, one of their managers n this is how the conversation went on the phone with Joe: 

Joe: Hi Suhair how r ya?!

Me: I'm great, how r ya?!

Joe: I'm doing great thanks for asking, it's so good to talk to u again

Me: It's so good to hear from u! hahaha

Joe: hahaha sorry to keep u waiting but we want u to come in for an interview sometime tomorrow, would that be alright?

Me: that'd be perfect!

Joe: okay, that's awesome! ur gonna be meeting with Brian, one of our head managers and he's just gonna ask u few questions

Me: whaaat?? I wanted to meet with u! now I'm scared!

Joe: hahahaha don't be, I'm gonna be outside that whole time n Brian is a nice guy, don't worry

Me: okay, I'll take ur word for it then haha I'll c u tomorrow then, it was so great talking to u again Joe.

Joe: tomorrow for sure, it was great talking to u too Suhair, have a nice day n I'll c u soon

Me: u too, bye

Joe: bye, bye  

he's really nice like u have no idea, his wife n I share the same interest in the medical field n his daughter n I share the same interests in the art world xD 

okay so anyways, I go in for the interview on Friday n he makes me do a paper survey real quick then Brian comes in n I'm so nervous from the start cuz he looks like he was gonna eat me, like in the mean way not the ual way -.- (don't be jealous dummy) okay so anyways, he asked me some questions n this guy's so serious! I mean I'm so goofy n silly n he's just serious. He asked few more questions n then, FINALLY, he laughed! I managed to make him laugh n that was a huge relief! xD he finishes his questions n tells me that he's gonna go talk to Joe n Joe will be right with me in a few so I stand up n shake his hand n telling him that it was nice meeting him n he does the same. 

I'm bored so I read the papers they have on their walls to kill time, I love reading, shocking! Joe comes in with a huge grin on his face n I blurt out, "I'm scared" n he laughs saying, "scared? don't be scared" then he sits in front of me n starts telling me about the drug test that I have to do on Monday December 14th n he starts giving me these papers n tells me that the uniform is jeans with belt holders n a collar, polo shirt, gym shoes or snow boots, n a belt n I'm like, "wait, wait, wait, wait, hold on a second, does this mean I got the job?!" he starts laughing n nods, "yes it does! n u jut had to take away my one excitement didn't u? I wanted to tell u that!!" from that point, I was so excited n happy cuz I just freaking got my first job!!! we talked n talked n I was just ahead of him, he couldn't keep up with me xD I always answered questions he had before he even asked them n I asked questions he was about to answer n I asked questions that weren't on his mind n some questions he even had to look up in their system xD oh one more thing, for that survey, they asked from my SS# n I forgot it so I had to call my dad in the middle of the interview to give my my social xD thank god I was alone though xDDD but I told Joe later on n he was cracking up n every time I needed to write my social down, he'd show me the paper I had already written it on when I called my dad xD 

okay so anyway, where was I? uhmmm mmmh.... let me look at what I wrote xD oh right! okay so he couldn't keep up with me n then he told me that I needed either my birth certificate, my passport, or my SS (Social Security) card, my high school diploma, the papers from the drug test, n before he finished I saw "license" n I was like, "and my license! here it is!" I pulled out my license from my back pocket cuz I always carry it whenever I have pockets on me n he started laughing cuz he didn't expect me to do that xD it was hilarious. At the end, he walked me out n I still couldn't believe that I got the job n I told him that. He told me that I have amazing ppl skills n I'm so friendly n easy to talk to n I'm nice n ppl want that cuz they want someone that's rude to help them out with anything. This made me completely happy n I went to the car n my sis was there since she loves to go with me everywhere n I the car n told her to hand onto the papers he gave me cuz I got the job n she freaked out n couldn't believe it n thought I was lying cuz she always tells me to not be my goofy self n to be serious which's something I simply can not do! EVER! xD so I'm just myself, u hire me for what I am n who I am instead of hiring me for someone I pretend to be. I wanna job that I feel comfortable in not a job where I have to pretend I'm something I'm not. I go home n Hasan (my brother) asks me how it went n I told him I don't know n he says, "aww, well I wish u the best" n then I give him the papers that I have to give to the clinic n tell him, "please put these papers somewhere cuz I have to go to the drug testing facility on Monday since I got the job" n he completely flips out n so does mama n baba xD it was hilarious. 

okay so next day, our parents completely kick us out of the house to do some things, like to go to the laundromat the laundry, or to go to the UPS Store to return some things, or to go to Target, to Shell, to the bank, anywhere u think of, they told us to go there. So we were out from 8am n now it's 7pm n we wanted to go home so we call them n check if they needed anything else n dad says yes n asked me to go grab him 2 neon daylights lights, broom n a dust pan, n a leaf rake so we go to Menards to grab those things n it takes us an hour since it's 30 minutes away from my house. So we come back home n we c this....


she wouldn't get up so I took it with her in it xD

there's our biggest surprise! that's Hasan's bed

it can open up n we can put another mattress in there since it's another bed; we already put another mattress in there xD


that's Nancy n my beds! here n I decided to switch bunks every day since we get bored pretty easily xD 

we were freaking out! n we were so exhausted cuz they kicked us out for the whole day cuz they didn't wanna ruin the surprise since it's part of our Christmas presents cuz Nancy n I always, always wanted bunk beds n Hasan wanted something fancy xD it's awesome, I love my parents even though they exhausted me from 8 am till actually midnight. We came home around 8pm n saw the surprise n then we had to go some other place n we were home n in bed by midnight. 


okay, so back to the job, I did my test today n hopefully it doesn't mess up cuz I'm concerned about few things since I had to do a urine test n I drank 2 full water bottles n I had to pee so freaking bad! when I had to pee in the cylinder, my urine was almost completely clear cuz of the water! so that's what I'm concerned about, if it messes with the results or not. Hopefully not! But I called Joe right when I got out n he requested the test results n it might take up to 3 days n when he gets the results, he'll call me n set up the orientation date n we'll go from there. He'll tell me my schedule n assign me to a department n I'll be training n getting paid for 2 months since he might put me in the wood center or cardboard or whatever they got that has to do with building things from wood xD I'm excited though cuz I'm gonna be building stuff!!! ahhhh!!! I'm happy!! yay hahaha 

Anyways, obviously I'm gonna be really busy n I might not be able to reply to all of u guys except on my days off. The only person I'm gonna reply to is Artu cuz I won't go a day without talking to him, I refuse! xD I love u babe haha u gotta deal with such a crazy girlfriend! 

love u guys, wish me luck! babye! 

oh!!! before I forget! we gotta Christmas tree n we decorated it but we're not finished yet so we're gonna have to wait till next week to get things we're short on since my dad works n gets paid Friday n that's when we'll be able to get the rest of the stuff n I'll take pictures of the Christmas tree n maybe show u what I got my dad n little sis n I'm still working on getting my mom's n brother's presents since I'm a little short on money n dad's gonna give me the rest of the money! yay! gotta wonderful dad here that I love so much ^~^ 

okay guys, sorry to bore u with this unbelievably n unexpected long, long blog xD believe me, I seriously didn't know it was gonna be this long xD I'm so surprised! xD it's almost 5am n I'm supposed to be asleep! I can't sleepppp T~T 

okay, bye now, for real xD 

love ya guys, babye! 


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Chocochip-Ari #1
I'm technically supposed to be studying, but school's been killing me! I can't help but at least a comment to let you know that I haven't forgotten about you, old haggie! My, oh my! You've grown up (I kid I kid ;p) congratulations on getting the job! I'm sure all will go well! I'm so very happy for you! As for your parents' surprise for you guys, that's so sweet and awesome. It seems like all is going well for your family, so that is very heartwarming. Missing you lots! Take care and I'll chat with you when my x-mas break begins! *hugs you tight and grins*