Which fic to advertise?

So...I've been saving up my karma points for a while, so I can advertise a story here on AFF. And I've got almost enough now that I have a shot at winning one of the big days like Friday or Saturday.

Everyone knows that Circling Fireflies is my heart, but I'm well aware that it's not for everyone—especially as we head toward the heartbreak of the split. I want to advertise the fic that will 1) make readers want to read more of my stuff and 2) best represent my work,

These are my three most popular fics:

  • At His Command (with sequel, AGfHC)
  • JJ's Foolproof Guide to Seduction (with upcoming sequel)
  • Unbound (with possible sequel)

My question is for you, my faithful readers: Which fic should I advertise?



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I absolutely love all of them (Fireflies being my absolute favorite ^^) but I think you should go with JJ's Guide since you'll be coming out with a sequel. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FIGHTING!!!!!!!!! >:D
blueangel749 #2
I really like all of your fics, but I would go with JJ's Foolproof Guide of Seduction
Wow, people on this site do not mess around! I was outbid immediately. XD I'll try to advertise again in January.
Thanks for your input, everyone. I decided to go with JJ's Guide. With the sequel coming up for sure in January, it makes the most sense to promote that story. I'm trying for next Saturday, so cross your fingers for me! ^^
JJ's foolproof guide to seduction, definitely
MinjiHeart #6
u shd do unbound
jjbrownsugga #7
I'm torn between JJ's Foolproof Guide to Seduction and Unbound, but leaning towards Unbound.
claire_yj #8
JJ's foolproof guide to seduction is my absolute favorite. So I'm voting for that. :-)
JFGtS is crushing it over on LJ. But Unbound over here. Interrresting...
My vote goes to Unbound
foodiemin #11
Go for Unbound!!!
bluejay99 #12
JJFGTS is a personal favorite of mine, I've enjoyed it immensely. There ya have it, my vote :)
Yes, it's fine to message your answer if you don't want to explain it here. ^^