mind giving some input on this situation?

Okay... so I've turned to a few friends of mine regarding this matter but I'm still looking for some advice from others, also I'm just curious to see how you guys might think about my situation. 

I'm sure you guys have seen a lot of this kind of thing and I'll stop delaying. In advance, I'm sorry if I don't make any sense. 

Here goes... 

There's this guy - yes, a male - and, I don't know why, maybe it's just me but I'm finding it rather creepy and subtly annoying by how frequently he contacts me. Initially, it started with him just saying hi and eventually he moved to calling. To which I so kindly answered everytime he did and I would listen to his ramblings. The thing is, I was only giving an ear, I wasn't being all empathetic because it was all just so sudden. We don't talk in class (we're groupmates). We're very awkward with each other. At least, I feel really awkward with him. And I felt like it was only polite to not push him away but now I feel like he's expecting... more from me? 

Back during semester break, he called again and my mom was very against it that a guy would call in the middle of the night to talk. I was actually already asleep and it was like... 2 in the morning. So I actually got up and listened to him talk about his day. His topics weren't that heavy. Okay, maybe it was but I... honestly don't know if what I'm doing now is good because I'm feeling a little pressured by this role he's fixed me with. Or at least that's what I think he's doing. 

Which is why I need some help on giving me a few ... ideas on what's going on. Do you guys really think he just wants a friend to talk to, or he has other intentions? Or am I just overthinking it and overanalysing this? 




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