⇒ Pre-G (Precious Girl) | Choi Jiyeon | Main rapper, dancer

Stage Performance

STAGE NAME [ + ] Zina
PERSONA [ + ] The prankster
POSITION [ + ] Main rapper, dancer
 - VOCAL TWIN [ + ] Jimin (AOA)
 - DANCE TWIN [ + ] Sana (Twice)
 - RAP TWIN [ + ] Jimin (AOA)
 - SPEAK TWIN [ + ] Hani (EXID)
SPECIAL TALENT(s) [ + ] Wrestling & writing lyrics
TRAINING YEAR [ + ] 8 years, 3 years in TS and 5 years in BigHit
TRAINING LIFE [ + ] Jiyeon first started training with her twin brother, Junhong. They were inseperatable(?) but after 3 years in TS, Jiyeon had to transfer to bighit because of this program, all the agencies in Korea had to transfer at least one trainee and Jiyeon was one of them, she transferred to BigHit and met various trainees. she also met bts. she became quite close to Rap Monster or Namjoon, due to their interest in rapping.
PAST EXPERIENCE [ + ] show me the money season 3, lost to CJamm in 1vs1


   Jiyeon was born on October 15, 1996 in Mokpo, South Korea. She was 10 minutes younger than her twin. While growing up, Jiyeon was placed through hell, at the age of 7, her mother, forced her to study advanced math for 13 years olds and even forced her to take piano lessons. Jiyeon did enjoy learning piano but stopped when she came in contact with rapping. Jiyeon rapped almost everyday but that pisses her mother off. Her father, well he supported her through thick and thin. He even gave Jiyeon a teacher to teach her how to write and compose her own song a the age of 9

When Jiyeon turned 10, her brother, Junhong got accepted to train under TS Entertainment. Jiyeon was beyond excited to see her brother living his dreams. When Jiyeon was 10 turning 11 in a few days, her school held a talent show which was scheduled on her birthday. Jiyeon participated and rapped a song she composed herself. She won 1st place and on that day, Jiyeon was scouted to become a trainee under TS Entertainment.

After 3 years in TS, all the agencies is Korea, came to a suggestion to transfer at least one of their trainees to another agency. Jiyeon was one of them. TS Entertainment sent her to BigHit where she could train and improve. Jiyeon, although she doesn't want to go, had to and started her training in BigHit.

While in BigHit, Jiyeon became close friends with Kim Namjoon or also known as Rap monster. He gives her advice on how to improve in composing and rapping.

  [+] ; Playful, Bubbly, Caring, Trustworthy, Funny
  [–] ; Shy, short temper, bipolar, impatient, blunt

Playful ~ Jiyeon is really playful. she loves to play pranks on people, especially JungEun. This sometimes annoy her fellow groupmates but at the same time, makes them laugh.

Bubbly ~ A happy virus, she always make people laugh when the atmosphere is either awkward or depressing

Caring ~ Though she is not the leader or co-leader, Jiyeon is really caring towards her peers, she respects them a lot.

Trustworthy ~ Jiyeon is known as a trustworthy friend, she won't ever betray you like what Lee Kwangsoo always does in Running man. She also can solve anything, even if it is friendship or love probles, she will be able t answer it in a blink of an eye.

Funny ~ Jiyeon has lots of jokes and terrible aegyo. Even if it is terrible, her groupmates would always laugh.

Shy ~ Despite her being the most cheerful girl, Jiyeon is still shy and would stutter when she needs to talk or when in front of guys.

Short tempered ~ Jiyeon can be really short tempered when on her time of month. She would get mad over small things or even without a reason. Most of the times, her groupmates would never disturb her when she has her period.

Bipolar ~ Even if she is not on her time of month, Jiyeon has a lot of personality. She can be mad and then happy. Jiyeon is sometimes a really hard girl to read.

Impatient ~ She hates waiting, when travelling, she would annoy the crap out of the leader and whine a lot.

Blunt ~ She wouldn't think before speaking. yes, she would voice out her opinions and sometimes it goes over the top. It sometimes pisses her manager and groupmates a lot.

- BAP Zelo's twin spotted on a date with BTS Rap Monster | Pre-debut | It was false, they were just having a friendly chat because at that time, Jiyeon went back to Mokpo to visit her parents. They were also holding hands.

- Big Hit trainee, a drug addict? | After 1st live show | False, Jiyeon would never take drugs as statted. she told the media it was a rumour and there were no evidence statting Jiyeon taking drugs. The poster, admitted that it was false.

- Pre-G's Jiyeon spotted on a date with BTS's Rap Monster | After comeback | Like before, Jiyeon was out on a friendly date with him. Though she said that Rap Monster was her ideal type.


Kim Yerim
Kwon Mina
180 280

Choi Jiyeon

was born on October 15, 1996. She is Full korean  and korean. She was born in mokpo, south korea,. Currently 19 years old, she grew up in mokpo. Standing at 175cm for 47kg, Jiyeon is notably known for looking like yeri (Red Velvet) or even sometimes MINA (AOA)

social circle

» Mother, Heo Jiyoon | 45 | CEO of Double J Inc. | strict, scary, protective | Although she forced Jiyeon to take Advanced Math, Jiyeon loves her mother a lot. Jiyoon is very protective with her children and doesn't allow them to date 
» Father, Choi JoongKi | 50 | CEO of Choi Ent. | Understanding, laid-back, calm | Jiyeon is really close to her father, he was the first person that supported her apart from her twin of course. He is very calm and laid back but is very serious when it comes to work
» Twin Brother, Choi Junhong / Zelo | 19 | Idol, member of BAP | Protective, shy | Junhong and Jiyeon are obviously close. Junhong protects Jiyeon a lot and is doesn't like her to date.


» Best friend and victim, Yoo JungEun | 19 | member of Pre-G | Strong, hardworking | Jiyeon and JungEun are close due to age and personalities. Jiyeon learned wrestling and often challenge JungEun to a fight. JungEun is also a victim of Jiyeon's pranks
» Crush a.k.a close friend, Kim Namjoon / Rap Monster | 21 | idol, member of bts | playful, relaxed | Namjoon always gives good advice to Jiyeon. Jiyeon has a small crush on him.

» Annoying guy, Wang Jackson | 21 | idol, member of Got7 | annoying, bold | Jiyeon and Jackson aren't in good terms. They always fight whenever they see each other. They once fought on live tv before but viewers thought it was scripted. 


» Ice cream
» colour black
» Rock bands (BVB, PTV, SWS, BMTH etc.)
» pranks
» fighting
» violent movies
» rapping


» Colour pink
» chocolate
» Got7's jackson
» Haters
» Skinship
» Saesangs
» Haters of Gays and lesbians


» Bites her nails when nervous
» playing the guitar
» moves her arms in a weird way when stressed (360 degree turn)
» wrestling
» Tends to mix Korean and English together in a sentence when lying
» Avoids eyes contact when guilty


» Loves Got7 but hates Jackson
» she has a puppy called Hoshi
» she has a kitten called Dino
» She loves cars especially Mercedes
» Namjoon taught her english
» She fights for gay and lesbians right


Jiyeon hates dresses, skirts, heels and makeup. she would rather use jeans, shorts, band shirts, hoodies and sneakers. her makeup would be natural and she would use snapbacks and beanies. For practice, she would use tank tops and sweatpants along with some gordans



» JiJi | its a cute way to pronounce her name
» Aegi Ji | a nickname to annoy the crap out of her by her brother



» Korean, fluent | Native
» English, high-conversational | Namjoon taught her


PERSONALITY + Although Namjoon looks tough and rough, he is a softy inside. He is very relaxed and knows when to be calm and serious. That's what Jiyeon likes about him. He is responsible with everything his group does and shows a good example of a leader. His rapping are on to the top and his dimples are life.

FIRST MEETING + Jiyeon and Namjoon met when Jiyeon started her training under BigHit. She was a little distant due to her being in a young age. Namjoon was the first to approach her but being Jiyeon, she pushed Namjoon out. That didn't stop Namjoon though, he still tries and Jiyeon asked him a very simple question, "Why won't you give up?" and Namjoon's answer brought her to reality, "Giving up is not in my dictionary," that was how Jiyeon and Namjoon first started.

RELATIONSHIP + Namjoon taught Jiyeon a lot of things, how to speak fluent english. Love advice, friendship problems and even composing. Namjoon treat her like a little sister but Jiyeon thought wrong. She started having feelings for this 21 year old guy who is really chilled. When they are together, too much skinship. Jiyeon hates skinship but when she is with Namjoon, they would hug a lot and even kiss each others cheeks or forehead. That is how close they are.

THE ENDING + I want them to be together

+ xXExoLover1Xx
+ Ari
+ 9-10

Kim namjoon

Member of BtS, he was born on September 12, 1994.


BACK-UP LOVE INT + s.coups seventeen.




LAST COMMENT + Hope you like Jiyeon, and i hope you don't mind me sing bap's Zelo as my twin brother



Pre-G going to Lotte world
Pre-G having their own reality ahow
Jiyeon and Namjoon cuddling, earning some groans from the maknaes
Pre-G collab with another company's trainees


PASSWORD + Im Nayeon



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