
Why do people create countdowns?


Why do people like to ponder about the future and the past so much?


Why do people make a fool of themselves just for someone to notice them?


Why are the people the one chosen to have the capacity to think? What's so special about humans?



Why is Allecra so perfect? Nvm. 



Why can't I be friends with Science? I just don't like it. But I need to. 



Why do we have to keep labelling everything and everyone? 



Why don't we maintain a peaceful life where everyone can enjoy all the resources and everything?



Why don't elders try to understand us?



Wjy do we always HAVE to think of the future when there's so much to think of in the present?




Why do we let our past get into us and let it eat us?



Why can't we just be one happy family?


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