I'm a K-Pop Idol (tagged by blacktinkerbell-)

1) I don't know, I always liked the name Sandy so maybe Sandybell? xD 

2) well, I'll be solo, I won't be in a band so singer n until they teach me how to dance, I'll be just singer n later on I'll be a dancer n a singer xD 

3) PARK JUNGMIN! <33333 (sorry baby!!! it's just a game!!! I still love u forever!!!! hahaha mwah!) 

4) If I were to be in a group, I'll most likely be the youngest cuz I'm always the youngest between all my friends 

5) Art, Graphic design, belly dancing (cuz I know how to do it xD), potter, writer, n yeah, that's it I think xD 

6) RED!!!! that's for sure!!!! n also red eyes! oooh I'm so excited just thinking about that xD 

7) well, my best, best friend is Maria that I've known for 5 years already n she's been with me through everything n, even though I moved away, we still call each other n text everyday if we can. So my roommate will definitely be Maria, we even talked about it before xDD

8) uhmmm the Bells Club? Sandy Beach? xD I dunno, ur the fans, u pick! oh wait, is that a club I have to create so my fans can come to it? I'm such an idiot cuz I don'to even know what they're talking about xDDDD okay we're done


I tag u all, if ur interested n wanna do it then go ahead! it's fun to have an imagination of what it'll be like if u r a kpop idol xD 

okay, babye now. N I'm so sorry that I haven't been able to reply to nearly all of u, I've been busy n I promise to reply whenever I can, I'm not ignoring u guys or anything, I'm just really busy with some things



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