My biggest fears (Top 5)

I decided to write out a few of my biggest fears and thought it would be fun to hear about your biggest fears as well ^^


1) Sharks. 

I am super afraid of sharks, but more particular to Great Whites. I don't know why its only them /Jaws/ but their gingivitis looking just gives me goosebumps T.T I hate looking at them, seeing them. I hate going into big bodies of water. Fun Fact: In my story, "My Marriage With Mr. Playboy" I used my fear and put it in with Soo-Rae (: 

I use to be scared of swimming at night because the shadows that casted at the bottom of the pool would make me think of sharks. 


2) Clowns

In case you didn't know, I use to be heavily into ICP. Given my fear of clowns, their style of clown never scared me. What scares me are those nice looking ers who pass out balloons at the mall and of course the ones you would see at a haunted house, but its the nice ones who scare me more.

I had a bad experience at a circus my first time and I think that triggered it. Whenever I went to the mall, I would walk the opposite way of the balloon clown because I was so afraid xD


3) People in costumes

I refuse to take any pictures with the Disneyland characters. I refuse to stand next to anyone dressed up. I refuse to go to chuck-e-cheese. I don't trust those weirdos. I dont like them. I stay away from them. NO.


4) The Dark

For being almost 22, yes, Im still afraid of the dark or should I say.. whats in the dark. I've always been afraid of the dark. Even now when its super late at night I make my mom turn on the hallway light. I hate walking home at night. When I use to walk home at night from high school, I'd have mild panic attacks thinking if I looked into a dark house- the grudge would be looking back at me.


5) Cockroaches

I think theyre the most disgusting creature whom walked this earth. They are big and ugly and fast. UGH. NO. 

In late September of this year, I woke up to a crinkling sound in my room and I used my flashlight to look around and out popped a 2 inch sewer roach and that er was fast. I killed that with rubbing alcohol. Fast foreward to now 11/22/15 and I haven't stepped foot into my room and have been sleeping on the couch the last few months because I am too scared of another one that may crawl on my bed /My mattress hurts my back whereas the couch helps it too/.


Here are my top 5 fears. I would love to hear everyones fears as well :D 


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Debbiemo48 #1
1. Snakes and Sharks.
2. Forgotten.
3. Betrayal.
4. Cockroaches.
5. Heights.
mine :
1, nightmares
2, darkness
3, make people I love disappointed
4, betrayal, especially by friends
5, eating alone
from 5 to 1:
5. Alone in open spaces such as big rooms (I get extra paranoid)
4. Being abandoned or lost (I get paranoid especially being lost in a large crowd)
3. The dark (My heart pounds faster and louder when I'm in the dark)
2. Horror ( this .)
1. Cold blooded animals: amphibians and reptiles, mostly. I ing HATE lizards.
koreankimchibaby #4
My top one fear:
Hearing my bias retire from the kpop industry
Getting abandoned by my best friends
Seeing those creepy roaches
AFF shutting down
My biases on a scandal
I'm ridiculous scared of submarines, it almost borders on a phobia. I always find it a little stupid as well. Idk. T_T Just hate those things. I usual can't even read about it or watch a picture of them. Yeah, no.
Depths are somehow included in the submarine-fear. As much as I love the water, yeah ... no.
omg cockroaches ew ew ew so ing true like vbfavkafv and clowns... they creepy af