Hi everyonnneee!! So i just wanted to see how everyone was doing and tell you all the amazingly awesome big news!!!!

I GOT ACCEPTED TO GRADUATE SCHOOOOOOOLLLLL!!!! lolol I'm been working towards it for the past 2 years and my dreams are finally being realized!! Since many of you are my friends and biggest fans/followers, I wanted to share this with you first!! <3 I wish to thank each and every one of you. Friends, followers, fans, and readers, I feel that being here and being able to make friends has really helped me blossom into the writer I've always wanted to be. Although I still have a long way to go, I know that as I continue to grown and work hard that you all will be there for me! I love all of you and hope that I can continue to write stories that you enjoy!


Updates!! I have been trying to update more and I promise, especially now that the stress of graduate acceptance is off of me, I will update much more often! However, I am going away for the holiday to spend some time with my family. Unfortunately the place that we are going...has...no...internet....*twitches* So I most likely won't be able to update until I come back, but fear not!! For it will not be long! lol I'll be working on more of my stories for you all so I can update. I have even more chaptered stories in the works but I dont want to reveal anything until my other stories are completed! <3 Please wait for me and my updates <3


As always, I give you all my love! To those who are working on finals and exams, GOOD LUCK! FIGHTING!!! 

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! and please, if you wish to be friends just message me!!! I love talking with you guys. Plus I am shinee, anime, and film trash lol so much to talk about aye??!!! lol <3 



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have a safe trip........and congratulations!
& good luck heheh
That's great!! Congratulations!!
CONGRATS! I am in the midst of researching possible graduate schools since having an undergrad degree doesn't seem to be enough in my job search -__-