
People could easily do things they want, do things for their life to be easier, relax so they don't get stressed, or just tell what they have i  mind so they can be free of doubts and all.


It's just that our feelings are too overwhelming sometimes that we don't know what to do next or how to act around people. We let our brain be flooded with doubtful thoughts that we keep thinking negatively and building a wall around us that we forget how to interact properly with others. 


We may be depressed or upset about something and the next thing we'll know, our life's ruined. 


You can have many friends or little friends, nevertheless, they'll be there for you so just open up. The more you open up even when you don't have problems, the more you can relax yourself. 



One way or another, there will always be that point in your life where you would feel like you will burst your emotions so don't let that happen. You always have someone to talk to. You have many options. 



It will only be a matter of choice. If you want to be happy then do everything to be happy. Release your stress, remove all your doubts, shout your thoughts, enjoy the present.







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