NaNoWriMo | Day 16

NaNo's Word Count Goal: 26667
Personal Daily Goal: that
Haru's Challenged Word Count: n/a
Official Word Count Goal: n/a
Overall Word Count Goal: I just want to get caught up.
Words Done: 20168

I've made it to 20k, finally. I did that just a little earlier. Honestly, I'm on chapter nine and it's such a struggle to write. I can't get past it, but I haven't finished my outline, so I can't really skip ahead much more, either. I'm just happy I made it past 20k finally. I work a long shift today and tomorrow, so I know I won't get much more done, but at least I got somewhere.

Yesterday was a total bust. I didn't write but 40 words, I was so exhausted.




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