MMMT (16/11/2015)

Hello and a very good Monday morning to you!


A little reminder for you sweet darling. No matter the odds, just keep smiling. If you know you're not in the wrong and the other party is not worth it, keep your stand. No matter how low they go, stay 'atas' (Singaporean slang for 'high-class')wink emoticon


Keep smiling and help others smile and remember: Stay classy. Because you are worth so much more ^.^


Have a wonderful week ahead!


Much love,


p.s. When I clicked on the 'Blog' tab, I would be able to see my previous posts before writing a new one. My post right before this was titled, "Why, Gyu?" and I was wondering to myself what he did (I had completely forgotten the contents of that post) xD


p.p.s CLICK! *squeals*


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