NaNoWriMo | Day 12

NaNo's Overall Word Count Goal: 20000
Personal Daily Goal: 1000
Haru's Challenged Word Count: n/a
Official Word Count Goal: 1000
Overall Word Count Goal: 24000
Words Done: 19660

I've only been writing around a 1k these past few days, so I haven't really caught up, but at the same time, I haven't gotten further behind, so that's good. I work today, so I don't plan on getting much done. But, I'll have the next three days off to try and catch up. I want to be at 30k by Monday, if at all possible. 

I've at least gotten past my writing slump (I think). I just need to... not be lazy and actually write. I miss being ahead T.T

In other news, we have internet back (three days without it was torture when your life revolves around it like mine). I've also officially decide to rewrite a couple of old stories (I won't take down the old ones... yet) and I'm actually really anxious to get started on one of those. I might do that this weekend, on my day off Saturday.

I don't think I'll get much written today, because I'm tired and want to nap before I have to get ready for work. I'll shoot for 500 before going to nap.


P.S. I swear to god, I'm going to buy myself a portable mouse, because my mouse pad on my laptop is dysfunctional and I wanna burn it.


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