NaNoWriMo | Day 7+8

NaNo's Overall Word Count Goal: 13333
Personal Daily Goal: 3000
Haru's Challenged Word Count: 628
Official Word Count Goal: 3628
Overall Word Count Goal: 19440
Words Done: 15901

Yesterday (day 7) was my first day off for NaNo. I didn't get through everything on my to do list for yesterday, but I did update Fifty Shades of Jimin and wrote some for the next chapter of What Am I To You? I still need to finish outlining, which I'll work on a little today, once I reach my goal.

I've had an awful block for the last couple of days, but I've finally just decided to force myself into it, and not allow the block get to my head. It's hard writing so much, it really is. But, I'd feel even worse if I didn't accomplish what I wanted to.

I got an idea for a spin-off of this story, which has helped me get a little more motivated to write it, so yay!



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