NaNoWriMo | Day 4

NaNo Overall Word Count Goal: 6667
Personal Daily Goal: 2000
Haru's Challenged Word Count: 268
Official Word Count Goal: 2268
Overall Word Count Goal: 10174
Words Done: 8825

I got a little ahead yesterday (not much, 900 maybe?)

I have to go into work earlier than usual today, so I have to shoot for 9300 before I go, so I don't have to worry about it so much when I get home.

My chapters are all pretty short, most only just passing 1k. They might get a little longer as time progresses. I've written up to Chapter six completely, I'm almost done with seven (got bored with it and skipped to eight for a bit). I'll probably finish both seven and eight tonight, if I'm lucky. I've updated up to five on the story thread (click here to be redirected).

This is random, but does anyone else have a guinea pig? Ugh, I just got one, and I've wanted one for a long time, and I'm still just like gaaaah over it, ya know? She's so precious, I could die. She's my writing buddy. She usually sits on my chest or stomach while I type, and yesterday she even laid down on a small pillow at my desk. It was too cute.

I discovered she likes the sound of piano music, so I made a whole playlist on Soundcloud with piano covers and instrumentals. I've only had Bam three days and she's already becoming spoiled rotten.

Anyway, wish me luck for today. I'll need it.



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Wow you are still way ahead of me, I barely have 6600 words done :/ I am hoping that the weekend I'll have more time to write (and more privacy, not a fan of writing in the dorms) so I can boost up my wordcouny till 20000 at least.. I have classes during the week so barely any time at those times OTL anyway guinea pigs are so cute. Never had one but always wanted to xD we had a hamster (lived three days in my sister's care..' And I have cats so yeah :D