NaNoWriMo | Day 1

NaNo Word Count Goal: 1,667
Personal Word Count Goal: 3000
Haru's Challenged Word Count: 218
Official Word Count Goal: 3218
Words Done: 0

Alright so, I had planned on staying up past midnight to begin writing my story, but decided against when midnight rolled around. I've been crazy busy in that last two days alone, and I needed to rest. Also, I did another word count challenge with someone else for our ongoing stories BEFORE NaNo started. I wrote so much in just two hours, I literally felt drained.

Sleep was necessary.

I woke up forty minutes ago and have been checking my notifcations on AFF and the NaNo site, so I haven't started writing yet. I plan to as soon as this blog post is over. I'll be posting daily NaNo blogs, to keep track of my own progress and maybe give myself some form of motivation.

I still haven't finished my outline for my story, but I will work on it some more once I've met my daily goal.

Okay, procrastination done. I should really get to writing at least a little now.


Note to FSOJ readers, I wrote a lot of the twenty fifth shade last night. It's going to be a really long chapter (definitely the longest chapter I've ever written in my life) and I had something happen in it that was spur of the moment and unplanned that I think you guys will love. I have to finish it and edit some (because it's kind of all over the place at the moment) and I'll try and have it up by Saturday.



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You can do it! Care to join me in the room Lin set up?