To readers of Fifty Shades of Jimin and/or What Am I To You

Or if you're not a reader of either story and clicked on this blog anyway, here are the links >:D. Fifty Shades of Jimin. What Am I To You.
#shamelesspromotions #sorry #notreally

I have a few announcements for each story, so I've split it into sections (that way you don't have to sort through the entire blog to find the information you came for). If you just want to read about what's going on with a particular story then skip to that part.

But, first things first. As some of you may know, I joined NaNoWriMo (link to the site here. Read about it yourself or check out my other blog posts to hear more about it). This means that I'll become even busier in the next month. So, I'm posting this blog post to inform you guys of some things about the near future of my stories.


What Am I To You?

I haven't really updated this story much at all, which is bad because it's in a contest that has a deadline of December 31st (... I think). I have four out of twenty chapters done, so I need to get a move on. I will do my absolute best to post chapter five before November because if I don't, the odds of me updating it at all in November are very slim (cause, ya know, NaNo and all).

However, even if I don't update it before Sunday (Nov 1st) I will definitely be coming back to it in December. I'll be writing like a mad-woman and updating it as much as humanly possibly, since by then, I'll only have a month left. Wish me luck. #imscrewed #isokaytho #igotthis #ihope

And, with that, I'll move onto my next story news:


Fifty Shades of Jimin

First, let me say that I updated the foreword and chapter layouts this past week and I'm quite satisfied with the way it looks now. It's simple and nice. The new poster and background were made by my friend yongharu21 (no surprise there, I'm sure).

Now, onto what I was supposed to say.

Due to the fact that I have a deadline with WAITY, I will be taking time away from writing FSOJ. I will still try and update every couple of weeks (and at least once over November, if I manage to write a chapter in advance), but WAITY will become priority then. I hate having to put FSOJ off like this (especially since I haven't been so diligent about updating it recently), but it's necessary, and I'm sorry. Come January, I will put my priority back on FSOJ and work on regular updates again (even if it kills me).


Anyway, that's it for the story life update. Thank you for taking the time to read this (if you did). ^~^)/



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We all are waiting! I am waiting for both XD. Look forward to the upcoming updates. Also if you do start writing like a mad woman, I have no objections but then make use to take care of yourself! Good luck for NaNoWRiMo! :D fighting!!
"write like a mad-woman" sounds like a person of my own heart :'D