Alone, But Not Lonely

The first semester's over and to say that I'm elated is an understatement.

My heart feels lighter but I must say that the past semester wasn't the only thing I abandoned. I left some friends behind and I should be feeling sad. But I'm not.

In the last week of the previous semester was the worst we had. Sudden addition of things to be passed, revisions here and there. It was a close definition of hell.

Then there was this damn project. It was supposed to be a group project but the only time we had to do that was the actual day before the submission and presentation. I asked two of my friends to help me and to stay up with me, but I got no answer and (surprise) they slept on me. They gave me ty excuses but I've had enough. 
I had no sleep. I literally pulled an all nighter. I was up from 9pm to 5 am, and had to leave at 6 am. So I did not even get a blink. Nawp.

So, I went to school, my mind all over the place because I didn't get to finish the project. Hours before the presentation, I crammed my .  And they were there, talking among themselves. Not even bothering to ask me what's wrong or if I needed any help. Then something inside me snapped.

It's about damn time I stopped letting ty people use me. 

I gave them the laptop and told them to change if they needed to. I was just done.

I looked back as I saw them evaluate the project I slaved for all night. AND THE LOOK ON THEIR FACES WAS PRICELESS. It's as if they were looking at the work of someone stupid. They even had the audacity to whisper among themselves, and I knew they were talking because I've seen them do it countless of times for 3 years. 

I stopped talking to them after. And now, we treat each other as strangers. I should be sad. But I'm not.

I felt unappreciated for the longest time, and I don't need more people in my life that treat e as if they can use me everytime.
As I was alone, everything came back to me and I realized that I changed a lot while I was with them.

While I was alone, I realized it was nice not hearing others' for a while.

While I was alone,  I felt stupid for being so ready to be with them in times when they fall in a hole, and I also realized that they were ready to abandon me when I up. (I have an experience lol)

I'm alone, but I'm not lonely. So yay for me!

A loud shoutout to @ThisIsNotWolf for your comment on my last blog post. You were a great help, not only to me, but to another friend who has been feeling the same way as I was. Thank you so much. I'll forever be grateful!


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*claps hands* you're growing up so well ;; and now you'll be able to make some new friends :3