CHIC。— Tien Vuong


Vuong Tien
bii_jisoo || josi || activity rate: 9

other names: Angel - In Vietnam, she had an English class where they picked names that were commonly used in English-speaking countries, she chose Angel as her name Tien means the same thing
— Tiennie ( Her other members often call her this as a sort of pet name )
birthday: September 16th, 1995
age: 20
birthplace: Hanoi, Vietnam
hometown: Seoul, South Korea
ethnicity: Vietnamese

— Vietnamese ( fluent - it's her native language )
— Korean ( fluenct - mostly conversational, but she can speak, write, and read the language fairly well )
— English ( fluent - she learned this from middle school till now, she is very good at English, better than Korean actually )

faceclaim: Im Nayeon(Twice)
back-up face claim: Kim Dahyun(Twice) 

appearance: Tien has never really done much with her naturally black hair, but she did highlight it red for CHIC promotions. Her eyes are naturally a deep brown color. She has a few small moles here and there just not on her face really. Tien doesn't have any scars or birthmarks, but does have her ears pierced both twice.

style: Tien's overall style is very grunge and punk looking. She wears a lot of skinny jeans, sometimes with holes in them. She also wears t-shirts, turtlenecks, flannels, sweaters, and sometimes skirts and shorts. Tien's default footwear are usually boots or sneakers. Sometimes, she'll wear thick soled shoes but she doesn't really like wearing them as they can be hard to walk in. Tien does wear some more laid back and comfortable clothes. At home and while training/praticing, Tien will wear normal t-shirts, denim or sweat shorts, sweatpants, and sneakers if she's going out.          

height & weight: 165 cm and 49 kg

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Tien was born on September 16th, 1995 in Hanoi, Vietnam to Vuong Thao and Hoa. She is the oldest child in her family and was an only child up until she was 10. Her little brother, Phuc, was born on May 17th, 2006 and is currently 9 years old. Growing up, Tien's parents were often strict and didn't allow her to have a lot of things. She wasn't allowed any sugary food or drinks, and grew up as mostly vegetarian before becoming a vegan at 12. Tien was to get good grades as well as be in at least one sport or club at school. She was on the girl's basketball team in both middle and high school before at the age of 14, falling in love with music.

At 14, Tien began to be both a basketball team player as well as be in a dance and choir club at school. She mostly joined because her best friend, Xuan wanted her to join. Xuan had always been in the school concerts and plays, so really wanted Tien to join and show her what she's missing. Tien began to love being in the club more and more, especially when they performed Kpop songs. At 16, Tien decided to audition for a couple of companies. Xuan, Tien, and Xuan's mother all went to South Korea on school break to audition. The two girls auditioned everywhere and were lucky enough to get into an agency, just not the same one. Tien got into Star Entertainment, a really small company, while Xuan got into YG Entertainment. Tien was honestly jealous of Xuan but didn't let this stop her. She moved to South Korea and began living at a school dormitory at an international school. Tien's been training under the agency ever since.

Father | Vuong Thao | 41 | Nurse | Strict, Smart, Wise
Mother | Vuong Hoa | 38 | Stay-at-home Mom | Strict, Quiet, Shy
Brother | Vuong Phuc | 9 | Student | Friendly, Loud, Funny

Good Friend | Le Xuan | 19 | Trainee | Kind, Friendly, Bright | Tien and Xuan were best friends in high school, but nowadays the two aren't that close. Xuan is busy training while Tien is busy with CHIC promotions. The two do take time to text one another though when they can.
Best Friend | Group Member | ?? | CHIC 

Jessica Jung | 26 | Designer/CEO | Quiet, Shy, Kind | Jessica is the CEO of Blanc & Eclare Associations. She bought the company while Tien was still a trainee under Star Entertainment, meaning Jessica got to have Tien as a trainee under the her new company. Tien was excited when Jessica bought the company, because she really looks up to her as a singer herself. Jessica often gives Tien advice and helps her sometimes better herself with her singing whenever she gets the chance.

personality traits:
positive: optimistic, friendly, athletic, honest
negative: blunt, sarcastic, disobedient, stubborn
The first positive trait that describes Tien is that she is optimistic. She is always trying to look at the brighter side of things as well as try to make others around her feel comfortable. Tien is very friendly and open to others, even if they aren't her friends. Despite her appearance and the way she dresses, Tien enjoys conversations and like hanging out with old and new friends. She's known for being very welcoming and kind, even if her outer appearance seems a bit dark. Tien is very athletic and is constantly moving around. She loves exercising and being as fit and athletic as she can be. Tien is a very honest person so she really will never lie to you. She hates lying doesn't like doing it, she personally believes lying is really bad to do.

For some negative traits, Tien is known to be a bit blunt. As stated before, she is very honest and doesn't like lying, meaning she doesn't have much of a filter. She lets everything be known, keeping everything out in the open, telling exactly how she feels or thinks about something. Tien can be a bit sarcastic though at times, mostly when she is in a bad mood. She will often be a little salty and spiteful when angered as some things do make her a bit angry. Tien is a bit disobedient and has a hard time follow regulations and rules. She doesn't like being under someone's authority and often will class heads with people who she feels are being bossy or pushing her around. Tien's stubborn so she will only follow what she believes is right and what is okay.


— Temporary Tattoos ( Instead of getting real tattoos, Tien prefers to wear fake ones instead getting real tattoos because her taste changes a lot )
— Wearing Lots of Rings ( Tien loves wearing multiple rings on her fingers as sort of an aethestic )
— Berries ( Tien's a vegan and she just can't get enough of berries when she has them, she would devour them in two days if she could )
— ​Vegan Friendly Foods ( Tien is vegan so she can only eat things that fit her diet )
— Exercise ( Tien loves exercising and feeling like she is fit, she often goes running and is very flexible )

— Lots of Rules ( Tien's parents are strict so she hates it when there are too many rules )
— Rude People ( Tien doesn't like rude people or bullies, she doesn't put up with it either )
— ​Meat ( Tien's vegan, she can't eat meat, she's never eaten it before )
— Diary Products ( Tien's vegan, diary products aren't part of her diet )
— Broccoli ( Tien hates the texture and flavor, it makes her feel ill )

— Singing
— Eating Berries
— Running
— Putting on Temporary Tattoos
— Practicing with CHIC

— Being too blunt or sarcastic to the point of hurting someone
— Not following rules
— Having problems with listening, she's has trouble pay attention

— She is vegan and has been since she was 12
— Has a secret love for anything 90s' inspired
— Tien usually always has at least one temporary tattoo on
— Her favorite berries are Blueberries
— Tien's very flexible, she can do backflips, frontflips, splits, and handstands
— Tien looks up to Jessica as she yearns to be a good as a vocalist that Jessica was when she was in Girls' Generation
— Tien's favorite Kpop boy group and girl group of all time are Infinite and Miss A
— Tien's current favorite song is Bad by. Infinite

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stage name: Angel
fanclub name: Heavenly
fanclub color: #99ccff
postion: Lead Vocalist, Main Dancer
backup position: Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer


singing twin: Lovelyz's Jin (Lovelyz's Yein)
rap twin: N/A (Red Velvet's Joy)
dancing twin: Sonamoo's Euijin (Sonamoo's Nahyun)


training years: 3 years
trainee background: Tien entered Blanc & Eclare Associations, formally known as Star Entertainment, when she was 16 years old. She auditioned with her friend Xuan, who is currently a trainee under YG. Tien mostly specialized in dancing as she was very flexible, fit, and had some moves after being apart of a dance and choir team for two years previous. Her singing needed a bit of work, so while training Tien focused on that as she felt dancing was fairly easy. Tien struggled learning the Korean language but came through as a miracle. Tien witnessed a lot of people come and go from the agency, but she worked even harder when she saw others give up, it made her feel like she had to work harder for what she wished for.


Chae Hyungwon

group: Monsta X
back-up love interest: Yoo Kihyun(Monsta X)
— Won Money ( Part of Hyungwon's name has the word Won which makes Tien think of the currency Won, she sometimes calls him Won Money to mess around )
— Oppa-Hyung ( The beginning part of Hyungwon's name is Hyung which for male speech in Korean means older brother or guy, Tien sometimes messes around and calls Hyungwon Oppa-Hyung )
birthday: January 15th, 1994
age:  21

personality: On the outside, Hyungwon is very quiet, shy, and reserved. He isn't very talkative and appears shy about a lot of things. He isn't mean or rude at all, mostly showing a "quiet kindness" of sorts. Hyungwon tends to appear polite to most individuals, which he is, especially to sunbaes and elders. But when Hyungwon is among s, friends, and family he does a total 180. Hyungwon becomes very talkative, loud, bright. He tends to be shy around strangers and people he doesn't know very well, often coming off stuck-up to some people. Hyungwon is actually very talkative, and he loves talking to his friends and the members of his group. He is said to be the loudest in the dorm and it's mostly because of his comfort levels with the other Monsta X members. He becomes very relaxed around them and feels like he can be himself without getting embarrassed or scared. Hyungwon is very bright and is actually a ray of sunshine once you get to know him.

first meeting: Hyungwon and Tien met on a music show where Hyungwon was the guest MC. It was CHIC's major debut stage interview and Tien was supposed to interact a lot with Hyungwon because of the script the writers came up with. In the script, Tien was supposed to have [MAIN VOCALIST OF CHIC] sing "You're Pitiful" then ask Hyungwon if he can sing his group's song, "Rush". But what happened caused fans of Hyungwon and Tien to ship them because instead of asking, "Can you sing your song, Rush?" She asked, "You can hold my hand, Right?". Tien didn't realize the mistake and Hyungwon got flustered causing the main MCs to interupt and end the interview early. Let's just say Jessica thought it was hilarious yet not good.

interaction: Hyungwon is really shy around Tien, while she is all out in the open about everything. Tien didn't get what she asked until after the interview was over and the members told her. Hyungwon got flustered because he already thought Tien was pretty, but her words made him feel like there was butterflies in his stomach. Like a stereotypical role reversal, Hyungwon gets nervous around Tien while she gets very up close and personal to him all the time. Tien is always trying to hold Hyungwon's hand but he's shy so he walks away the moment she tries causing her to burst into laughter everytime he does it. As the two get closer, Hyungwon will get more comfortable and maybe they will finally hold hands.

relationship: Right now they are friends, but they have a crush on one another.

conclusion: Dating please~

comments/suggestions?: I hope you like Tien! :) I hope the songs I provided are good for your story~
song suggestions: Red Light, B.B.B, Dumb Dumb, Automatic, and One More
scene requests: Hyungwon and Tien hold hands, The interview in their meeting, Jessica giving Tien advice on how to better project her voice clearer and steadier, A comeback with Red Light, and the CHIC members get a group pet which is a dog that you(The Author) can name :)

password: Yes

layout coded by luminous_star @ ice waffles | do not steal or remove credit



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