The Boy From Psychology 4(MY K-DRAMA LIFE)TARDY BULGE!


Hello~ It's Monday and we had a mission. I accomplished moving to the nearest I was telling one of my friends that when the teacher isnt saying anything important, that I just stare at that guy (Daniel) who sits over there. Right when I said that, he walks in the class. My heart sanked lol My friend is pretty loud so she says "IS THAT HIM?" I put my head down and aid yeah. she goes "HE'S PRETTY" lol! WELL he came in late, by that time the teacher was starting, so yeah. -__-  Well after the girl that was sitting beside him left, whom I think was his sister because they had the same last name( never seen her or heard the teacher call her name at all until she said it today) we started our staring match. We looked, I looked away, looked back and he was staring. Moments later I looked over while i was biting the inside of my lip, he saw me and grinned. At that moment, I decided I was gonna say Hi at the end of class since we were going over our test and the teachers errors. During class, Daniel had to read aloud and his voice got deeper while he was reading, I was like MAI LORD! My friend beside me got upset with the teacher about some information he left out of the test, which caused Daniel to look over there and say "Ooh " I started laughing along with the class and he was just looking with wide eyes and so I started looking with wide eyes until I looked away. Class ended SO FAST! We were all getting up and when I looked over, he was bent down picking up his items so I was like ah forget it, My friends are waiting on me. When I walked up, there he was, placing something on the desk... and there it was BULGE. I choked in my mind LOL why did I look there? EEH? It was just..hmm. bulgy! ANYWAY I was gonna let him walk by but he was taking too long so I just walked in front of him and as soon as I walked in front of him, he started walking behind me. When I walked out of the door and walked to the side, he came out and stood beside me, His arm on my shoulder (Because he's like 6'1 and im 5'7. 5'8 with my boots on). We stayed that way for 5 seconds because his friend was talking to him and my friend was talking to me and they so happened to stop right there. HE TOUCHED ME! My poor litthe heart and imagination. Why didnt I ask how tall he was? That was the perfect time. Maybe I couldnt handle staring him in the face that close.My goodness I just wanted to link our arms, pull him away and ask God to forgive me for sins later. LOL  We walked off with our friends and me, forgetting about finding my class, started walking with him and his friends till my friend said "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" lol So CLEARLY I don't make him uncomfortable. If so, he probably wouldnt have been against me. Thats a good thing. My goodness I'VE FAILED AGAIN but somewhat accomplished something. If he wasnt tardy, this wouldve worked. They day I get the courage, my teacher decides he really wants to teach. -__- WEDNESDAY!!!!!! Im hoping he comes on time. Now that i'll be going to school everyday, maybe I'll see him more. More chances to speak. I TRULY AS A HUMAN BEING lol damn.


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"HE'S PRETTY" <--- this made me really want to see his face akajsismhss. AND HOLY SHOOT he sounds perfect tho. Dimples, he seems friendly and kind and also tall?!! Damnnnn girl~~~
And YASSS HE TOUCHED YOUUUU~ was it just like a brush pass or...??
And omg, pls. Where you lookin at girl? /wiggles brows