Day 15 - Favorite Super Junior show &/or fav tv moment

Day 15 - Favorite Super Junior show &/or fav tv moment

My favourite SJ shows are probably Explorers of the human body and Full House xD I love watching shows where they are all still together. I would  post some videos of Full House but I can't because every single episode is amazing xD maybe in the 'best engrish moment' i'll post some cause man......SO MUCH AMAZING ENGRISH IN FULL HOUSE xD

Fav Explorers of The Human Body moments~

Yesung : I collected bugs.
then Kyu... aww ^-^

everybody eating some spicy peppers xD Yesung and Teuk....LOL xD

Those are just a few of my favourite moments. Legit, every single episode is hilarious. Sometimes it's sad and it makes you cry but when they fail though, it's hilarious xD

If you haven't watched this, I suggest you do! xD



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OMO ! I love that part how YE said "I collect bugs" !! ROFL !! @ THAT PART !! :))
HAHAHAHHA.. Kyu is just,"Yeah,"Cocky grin,"I'm smart, huh?"