JYPE Audition 2015

I applied to another audition, this time with JYP...I'm actually debating whether or not I should go to this audition, even though I already filled out an application and sent it off via email. I'm much less prepared for this one, and I have to drive myself to the location since transit is not a possibility. I've also heard it's a lot more intense than the SM audition: one of the auditioners for the SM one in the summer said that JYP looks at *all* categories instead of just one: singing, dance, modeling, acting...If I end up going and this is actually the case, then I won't audition at all because I'm not all that confident in my dancing/modeling/acting XD

Anyway, the other reason I say I might not go is because I've been recovering from a body cold these past couple weeks. I feel very achy and my voice is still a little husky and hoarse. I also only decided just yesterday what song I'm going to sing. The audition time is also in the afternoon, and I have plans later on in the day, so if the audition ends up taking longer to complete, I'm not gonna be too happy.

So we'll see. If I do end up going, you'll be hearing from me in another post ^^


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Is there a limit as to when you can give your forms or something? Since your body is not in a good condition maybe rest for a while and when you've fully recovered, you can audition. Lol idek.
But I didnt know JYP looked at all of those stuff in auditions, man the dude is strict. Don't lose hope tho, even if you don't feel like you're a good dancer give it a try, who knows, maybe they'll think you are one.

Anyways, good luck for the audition! Well if you do go~ :D