Lets connect cuz I'm gonna go on Hiatus for a bit

I have decided to go on a small hiatus for a few weeks because I noticed that my grades are shooting down. In the last week, my grades skyrocketed down to a 60% which is a D, which in college terms, is an F. F IS FOR FAILURE.

I am definitely not trying to repeat these classes again, so I am gonna take a leave so I can bring my grades up and when they do, I will be back. If you see me in a few days on the blog, I am only here for a rant if its completely necessary.


So lets connect?

I'm gonna deactivate my Facebook as well as AFF for the time being

So does anyone have Kakaotalk, snapchat, IG, Twitter?


Although I should be giving up my phone, I need it for other uses.





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NO NO NO!!!! I would really like to keep in touch... I have to get a new phone, my current phone has no space I had to delete snap chat and kakaotalk.... But you can add me on facebook! My name is Andrea Faria. Maybe we could Skype sometime aswell. My username should be AndreaDance4u. I also killed my lap top, currently burrowing my sister laptop for the time being. As well I want to know the spicy ramen you got. I understand how school is important maybe you can give me the details of your story so I won't go crazy. Thanks for being a great friend, lets keep in touch <3
I rarely use my twitter and u have it too, but I use IG more than other stuff so, my ig is @500r3tti
-B2STfreakk #3
I have all of those, but I rarely use them, hence the apps being deleted off my phone.
whelp you have my twitter ^v^
I have none of those, but I will remain a bad here until you return, Andy ;)
Drowning- #6