How to write the perfect request form? Guide - Do's and Don'ts

I made this 'how to write the perfect request form-Guide', because I felt like there are many people who don't know how to fill in a request form or how to respect a designer/shop and their rules. Out of all the requests I ever received, I think only 50% of them were 'good enough', which is pretty sad to be honest. There are many newbies who don't know how to fill in a form and don't really know the 'etiquette' which come along when requesting at a shop. This guide is mostly based on graphic/poster request shop but might also be handy for any other kind of shops.

The guide explains why designers and shops make rules authors/requester need to follow and what designers and shops expect you to write in the form. I put in a lot of do's 
don'ts and also a lot of examples which I gathered from actual forms I received over the years.
Please everybody, trust me, shops don't make these rules and forms to irritate or pester you. We make those because that will help us for making an awesome poster for you and also assures us that we are respected within this community. We wouldn't make them if it wasn't necessary.

Please DO spread this guide as much as you like, make a new blog post with this infographic, make a new chapter in your shop or just redirect your shop audience to this blog post. But please do credit me for making it. Please personally contact me if you've got any questions or any suggestions you think this infographic needs.

Find the guide/infographic down below. Please wait a while for it to load if you can't see it yet. You can also find it here: 'How to write the perfect request form? Guide - Do's and Don'ts'



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This is perfect!
this will definitely help me write better forms in the future so i can make sure i don't confuse the designer. ^^
thank you for making this~
this is absolutely perfect. so many people don't fill in forms correctly and just kind of leave it up to the designers which makes it so so so hard to figure out what they want.
i just saw this on another designer's blog and I just wanted to say
this is the most perfect and accurate thing ever
If you allow me to put this up my "info" chapter (as soon as I open my shop again lol) you'd make my life thank you so much ♥_♥
This guide is marvelous! :DDD Girl, you're too helpful and awesome! thank you!
This is a very great guide. I will be posting this on my shop. :)
esmee!! this is really helpful!! i realized i've filled out some sections wrong oop but now i know what to do :)
This is a really nice guide ö I'm new to all the shops and stuff and it's really nice to know how I can be better when requesting ^^
/*Slow claps.

This is amazing haha, finally someone made one. I'll be sure to share this blog one time. I might even suggest sharing the blog through the shop I work at because man... I've had my share of persistent or overly specific requestors.
this is really helpful.