Any Fanfics?

Hello, bonjour, hola, annyeong, people! You have no idea the way it feels to finish an amazing story and being unable to find the next one that will have you hooked-or maybe you do. If you do, I'm sure you know it's a terrible feeling; it's the same way when you finish like THE BEST kdrama and suddenly you feel empty inside D: (of course with dramas it's easier to find another that you will love-there are so many great ones). ANYWAYS, in case any of you have well-written and interesting fan fics to recommend to me, I'll be glad to accept them. (You don't have to read any further ^^)

-I'm now into the bullying-romance type (not a sadist xD) because one author has used it so well.

-Please, NO or YURI

-I really like agsnt, action, and teasing from the male and female (kinda like arguing/flirting?)

-I hate horror -_- Just..just no

Anything else is fine. Thanks in advance ! :D 


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Two of the recommendations I sent to you made me cry, LOL.
lol I have a story like that, but I don't think it would be fair to recommend it to you because I haven't finish writing yet. XD