What's the point? Like -_-

I really don't understand the point of some things on AFF but ONE thing that gets me so angry is the way a lot of users force authors to allow translations of their story. Wait, hold up. I thought this was MY story; am I mistaken? I understand the fact that not everyone here speaks fluent English and they understand a different language, I was there at one point, but that is not an excuse to be disrespectful toward the author if they refuse your request. If they accept, sure, knock yourself out, but if they don't, get over it! Sometimes I don't think it's just for the sake of translating; its feels as if there's an ulterior motive. There is no way someone can be so forceful JUST for the sake of translating a story. Nah, it's just not going to happen. This is a problem we don't really have control over, however. Yes, you may be able to keep them from publishing your story here, on AFF, but they could go to a completely different site and still claim your work as theirs. When it comes to these issues, I think integrity is key. In my opinion, authors take a lot of risk publishing their story(ies) online. It's not just on AFF but anywhere else on the media; once it's out there, anyone could steal it. If you are one these people who unceasingly bother authors about translating, please think about your actions; would you want that to happen to you? 


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I feel you. My stories were translated without me knowing, and since then I haven't been allowing translation for my stort excluding those with my proper authorization.
Kitsuko #2
Get ur story officially copyrighted.
They try it,report em.