My anime days

I'm supposed to be writing a comparative essay, but eh, no one really does what they're supposed to do these days.

I'm pretty sure the majority of people on here have watched at least one anime. I will be reminiscing about one of the best anime characters I've ever come across. Or something.

Try. Just try to tell me you don't know who this magically beautiful creature is. Are you serious? You actually don't know him? It's only Usui Takumi, the MOST sought after guy in the anime world. He's only extremely talented, intelligent, athletic, dangerously good looking, and rich, no biggie. I mean, it's not like I wished and wished again that he was real and my bae- what? 




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Oh my god!! It's Usui!!!!!
Yessssssss, Usui Takumi <3, too bad he just can't exist in real life, he is too perfect ;).
i love Usui. especially his laugh
Oh My God *shoots myself after finding his beautiful face on AFF*

SERIOUSLY USUI IS MY BAE, Kaichou wa Maid sama was one of my first anime and I loved it!!