Louisa Veronica Choi.
full name. Louisa Veronica Choi | Choi Han Sae
» Louie or Louis or Rui; Most of the people that are associated or at least close to her calls her with those name is short
» Sae noona/eonni or Lou; Her younger siblings had been calling her that since they were still a child, depending on which language they're using
» lou lou; she doesn't understand as to the reason of her friend's calling her that. Lou is enough but lou lou sounds way too cute for her heart like why?
» turtle; a name exclusive from her love interest....you'll see why
birthdate. 11th may 1998
birthplace & hometown. New York city, New york, United States of America & rangio, san francisco, california, united states of america
ethnicity. Caucasian-Korean
nationality. American
» English; Native + Mother-Language & her family speaks in English all the time
» Korean; Fluent + her whole family learned the language by themselves by the request of her father. sometimes you could hear them speaking in a mix of Korean and English
» French; Advanced + She had been studying intensely since she’s 4 years old for the language subject in her school
faceclaim. MA MA MOO  SO LAR
backup faceclaim. AOA HYE JEONG
appearance. Others may have noticed this since they've seen her but one of her strong qualities is her angular shaped face and her bright hazel eyes that she possessed from her American mother, the same way she has from her younger siblings. However she has his father's single lidded eyes and his thin lips along with his nose that creates the foreignly familiar beauty of Louisa and Hansae combined. She is relatively quite skinny for her age and even though 167 cm is a normal height, she could managed to 'look' tall because of her longer legs and arms. She has a quite fair skin that is of the colour of yellow undertone, in which she's more tanner than her younger siblings. She was born with a natural ash brown hair but she has dyed it to a more lighter type of brown with an ombre. Her hair reaches all the way to her back and has a medium thickness, but she has more trouble in handling her hair these days. she's not exactly the prettiest flower in the school but she could get into the category if she's not that in love with books or so sour-faced or a bit scary when she's on her 'student's council president' mode
personality. Intelligent, Perfect Leader-Type at the right time, Random at...random times, Unconsciously Funny | Introvert, Quiet, Pessimistic, Sour-Faced
Positives In Overall; Louisa gives out a vibe of a chill LA college girl ( even though she's not from LA and the fact she's not in college ) that likes to sleep but finishes her work on time at the same time. From when she's young, she's known for her impressive intellectual skills and her intelligence. She's the kind of person that thinks fast and is a very good problem solver at tense times. She has a very cool head and could handle very serious situations with a straight face, and without really thinking much about the problem. Although she's usually more of an observant type, but sometimes she will handle the situations by herself. One of the examples is when her team has a project on the erupting volcano where she just give them advices to her teammates since they insists on working on it alone. They ended up with almost ruining the plans until she steps in to help them with everything. Louisa may not be the oldest or the most ambitious of them all, but she knows how to organise things and make everything well. That's why she could be helpful as a leader too at difficult times, since she's always been the one who observe everything. Thus she could create another idea or an opening or a solution even, something that Louisa could do to help them. At least she doesn't want to waste her talents, so she could at least be something useful. When around her friends, she's more relaxed and the chill vibe really flowed around her. She enjoys a little company and a little laugh once in a while, that's why she only have several friends that she could truly be open more with. Louisa could give out random hyper outbursts when she's excited, in which could be exclusively shown around her friends. You could see her actually fangirling loudly with one of her friends when seeing a certain fanfic or a video that could give you a heart attack, in which she would screamed or say 'OH MY GOD GUYS MY HEART IS NOT READY, MY HEART IS NOT ING READY' or even clutching into her friends arm and crying into feels together. That is where she could unconsciously funny, it will be more evident when she's having one of those fangirl outbursts. She tends to say the funniest things ever at random times, she has a very unique choice of vocabulary. Even when she said it with a straight face, her friends couldn't help but laugh at everything she said. When fangirling, cursing is necessary for her (Take Sabrina of KSpazzing as an example)

Negatives In Overall; Louisa is, as you can guess, an introvert. Except when she's around her friends, she rarely speaks out or even want to be on the spotlight. She doesn't really fancy attention that much so she will feel weird and doesn't know what to do when she's on the spotlight. She's not exactly a shy person, but she's EXTREMELY awkward around strangers and new people. At least she could start a little conversation with some people that she already know but she really doesn't know what to do when she's left around with a stranger. She be like 'Ah...uh...u-um...nice...hair?', yeah something along that line. even with her fluid speech and all of that, she became really flustered when she doesn't know how to respond. Then she came back to being an awkward turtle 'So...umm..uhh...Guys? Help me out oh my God...', she's pretty much like that. One of her known traits is she become flustered and embarassed really often when she doesn't know what to do. And she became very pessimistic and insecure about herself. She doesn't really pay much attention about her visual and all of that, but she will questions her skills even more. Because of her tendencies to usually able to solve problem, she usually have a mental breakdown when she doesn't find a solution to her problem. It will come to a part where she will insult herself for being useless and belittled herself for it. It will take a couple of days to make her back to her normal state, so take extreme caution when you want to console this turtle. Surprisingly, it's kind of rare to see her smile widely if not with her friends. Her face is automatically set into that kind of a sour look and a 'don't-you-dare-bother-me-or-I-will-not-give-you-mercy' kind of look. She loves to bury herself in books and things that are on complete silence. So when she's being bothered by someone, she will put up a very unpleasant face while took off one earphone and say 'What the do you want?'. She may also involve something personal along the way since she doesn't like to be bothered at her alone time
Choi Hansae or better known as Louisa Veronica Choi is the first daughter of Simon and Julianne Choi. Born at May 11th 1998 under the evening sky of New York City. She was blessed with a financially capable family, a loving parent and amazing brains. Since she was a baby, she has show progression faster than an average baby. She picks up towards everything faster and seem to be able to learn quickly as she ages to more. the next year, Louisa met her little brother Hansol who was born at 1999 under the same sky. At the age of 5, she touched her first ever guitar. She showed interest towards it, asking her father to teach her how to play it. That’s when her interest in music first started as she widens her eyes in amazement in the feeling of the strums. However her interest towards guitar got changed into 2 other instrument that she caught one of her classmates playing it. She asked her mother to have a tutor to play cello and violin, resulting in her mother calling in her friend; a retired professional cellist and violinist to be Louisa’s private tutor. Even though she complained that it was hard at first, she then again showed extreme progression towards the instruments she’s playing because of her determination. She became quite a good junior cellist and violinist at the age of 8, gaining many trophies from local competitions and applauses from her recitals. However at the age of 9, her family decided that they will move to san francisco because of her father's work. The next year, her little sister Hangyeol (Sofia) was born

there's nothing really impressive in her childhood years, only after she met her ultimate best friend Alexio. she's a wild and hyperactive girl, making louisa more active in her own skin & sees the world in a whole new perspective. Louisa who had been quiet and a bit antisocial since she was a little kid, was changed by alexio who made her more confident about herself. louisa shows more of her intellectual and musical skills, gaining her more friends than before. She became the school's class representative in the middle school by vote and won a lot of competition  from the school when it comes to music or quizzes. the whole school was quite surprised when she found herself joining the election for student coucil's president. she showed grest potentials and promises towards the progress on it, and, unsurprisingly, she gained her position as the current student council's president

Complete silence
Relaxing and chill music
A cup of coffee or darjeeling tea
A darn good book
the colour blue and green
The refreshing morning air
Chilling at a cafe
Winter beaches
Long coats
Thai food
Subway sandwiches
Ramen is love, ramen is life
one punch man

All kind of things that are warm and fuzzy
Sociology, History, Chemistry & Forensic Science
Sprawling her body on her bed, sofa, floor, etc

Obnoxiously loud places or people
Anything that is too loud in general, exception for her friends or when she's fangirling
When someone bothers her
Morning sneezes
Got woke up in the middle of the night
Sneezes in particular
Getting emotional
When she feel like she need to slap somebody
The feels that bias gave you with no apparent reason whatsoever, they just suddenly decided to give feels as a freebie
People that thinks they know everything
When she couldn't sleep
Economics, Neuroscience & Geophysics
When she's not given enough time to finish her thesis
Thesis, essays, homeworks, exams, etc
A tense situation (Oh God...)
The fact that she sometimes feels so basic
  • She has a pet cat named Adam
  • People tend to say that the Choi siblings has the same visual characteristics
  • She has a Macbook Air and IPhone 6 plus
  • In her laptop, you could find a lot of her essays, articles, thesis and musics
  • She really like the galaxy and constellations design
  • Her favourite cartoon is Adventure Time. She has numerous phone cases with their theme
  • She's an ultimate fan of EXILE, maroon 5, 5sos and big bang. Her bias of EXILE is Elly ('GOD IS GOOD, GOD IS FAIR' - Louisa when she watched Elly dancing shirtless, 2014)
  • She's sometimes worried that she will sing out her thesis instead of the song
  • She likes it the most when the sky is the colour of orange
  • People around her say that her awkwardness and her easily flustered personality is very cute and often used to
  • Her younger brother Vernon says that he's still more quiet than Louisa is
  • she's like...could be called as Eugene's twin or sibling from another mother? because they're always seen to always be together in the library or seen talking seriously or sometimes arguing depends on the content really. they're close a f like wat wat 
  • She has an instagram; hansky_louie, snapchat; louisamm And a soundcloud; citruskies
  • She's quite well known in soundcloud since she does a lot of covers and her own music. she introduces herself as citrus. she also makes some podcasts that mostly features alexio
  • She's a bit video shy but she's okay when taking pictures
  • She's the only known sibling to have an English first and middle name whilst her younger sister only known to have a first English name and her younger brother only his middle name to English
  • she wants to be a musician
  • In the most brief-est description about her personality; she's awkward when you meet her the first time, but when you get to know her...well she'll still be awkward but at least she could let loose a little bit
  • Her schoolmates thinks that there's two sides of her; Louisa and Hansae. Louisa is the awkward girl that you meet everyday but a professional fangirl af while Hansae is the strong and dependable madam 
  • She had been learning music since she's a little girl. She first played acoustic guitar at the age of 5, her teacher being her own father. Then at the next year she changed her course towards cello and violin. When she's at los angeles, she took a piano course at the age of 10. She perfected cello, violin and piano along the way of her life whilst having basics on acoustic guitar. She's one of the very few super talented multi-instrumentalist like  Japan's male sensation Gackt who also mastered 11 different instruments. However, as of now she could only master 3 of them and know the basics of acoustic guitar. She strives to learn traditional Korean music instruments in the future
  • secret trivia; when she's stressed or depressed, no matter what the problem is, she has two options to relieve herself. either she burns something or she inflicts pain on herself. she is not necessary the kind of person who is a self-harm since she does not necessarily find it to be a problem solver. however, there are times where even she's at the very edge. and there are times where she needs to change the pain from the inside, to the outside. she doesn't want to kill herself, no, that's a horrible thought for her. but for once, she wants to see her blood running down her skin just for her to forget the pain that is bleeding from the inside...just to make sure...just to really make sure
family members.
little Brother; Hansol vernon choi | 16 years old | 
best friend/s.
childhood best friend; Alexio Alexian Abbott [yes that's her name] (let me cry because I can't find a right face claim /cry/) | 17 years old | Don't be fooled by her soft face and innocent electric blue eyes, she's actually a hyper active child at heart. alexio is a bright, energetic and athletic person. she is indeed stubborn and doesn't like to admit her mistakes, usually blaming other people. Also, she gets angry very easily, being an egotistical, irascible and impulsive person. Her behavior was considered eccentric, and highly hyperactive. she is also shown to be very sociable and caring towards her friends, shown as how she is incredibly protective towards Louisa. She always sticks by Louisa side and treats her very affectionately, skinship is not weird for the both of them. They're so attached and both of them are always together no matter what their destinations are (except if one person is not present). Alexio always makes time to go to Louisa's house before she goes home or the both of them goes to an arcade or grab a little snack before they went their seperate ways
my library brother; eugene jinghan ouyung | 17 years old | 
eugene and her first met when they were searching for the same book for their lesson, around middle school. Both of them hadn't really known each other because they're both is basically the same except for the fact that she hangs out with a rowdy girl like Alexio. at first they didn't talk much but then at high school they got into the same class together. her and eugene naturally started to help each other out in assignments and homeworks, before they knew it they start to talk about other things than studies. Both of them often hangs out at the library or at the cafeteria together, after school sometimes she hangs out at his house if she's not with alexio or she drags him (actually alexio drags them) out of the house to play arcade or go sight-seeing at the near river or beach. Although he's fairly friendly towards Alexio, he's particulary close towards Louisa to the point that both of them are okay with subtle skinship. She calls him 'Genie' rather than Gene because she can while Eugene sticks with louis. Both of them think each other as close siblings so there is no way they will date each other...right?
close friend/s.
the angel of school; michael christopher locke | 17 years old | 
an angel is a great interpretation to describe Michael. he is kind hearted and soft spoken towards everyone. He is also caring, responsible and friendly; he is the class representative for his class. Every girls adore him for his gentleman personality and chivalrous trait, what every woman needed in their life. In class he is a diligent student, with his sense of confidence serving him well in his role as a class representative. Michael seemed to be interested in Louisa in being her friend, because he always approached her when she's not busy with her student council work. He admired her two sides of being a normal awkward teenager and being a student council president. but he seems to give more attention and attraction towards Alexio whenever she is spotted next to Louisa
the devil of school; toshiyuki habara / daniel toshiyuki | 17 years old | 
when there's an angel, a devil is always near them; Habara is the complete opposite of michael. he is the school's casanova and heart breaker; one book will not fit of how many girls he had swept off their feet then slams them down to the floor. he is a smooth-talker and an absolute charmer towards the ladies, he knows how to make them feel so special and make them feel like they're the only girl in the world. but he's also quite a jerk, it's weird how so many girls falls for him. however other than that, he is loyal towards his friends and never turn his back on someone he truly cares for. he also has extreme passion is sports, especially soccer. He wants to be an athlete in the future. Habara is quite fascinated with Louisa especially with her awkwardness and attractiveness. there is no lying that he has his eyes on her but it would be quite hard since he has his mortal enemy alexio and the 'angel' michael. He often flirts with Louisa and treats her in a way how a casanova will treat their preys. Although louisa doesn't seem to pay much attention because she values that poor boy's life. If she pay any attention towards him or even as much date him, Alexio will kill him
love interest. heo dong yeob | quenton heo
birthdate. september 18, 1998
first meeting.
Her friendship with eugene starts it all. it was the first of high school where she and eugene got reunited because they have the same class. Louisa is the first one who noticed him and then actually starts a conversation with him, because she feel like he's not an actual stranger towards her. They talked about things like their recent book that they're reading and what they've been doing after their meeting. That's when Quenton comes in. He casually greeted on eugene, slinging his arm around his shoulders...before he realised that there's a third person in between them. Quenton suddenly gained his composure and greeted her, smiling towards her whilst Eugene rolled his eyes. Louisa greeted him back politely, introducing herself in a rather small voice. That's when her silence came in as he asked a bunch of questions as he scooted closer and closer towards her 'so you're the same class as eugene?' 'w-well...uhh...we are the same class toge-' 'yes i know but i rarely see you around' 'when did you meet eugene?' 'young man are you replacing me with this chick?' 'why are you all over my man?' 'you're scaring her, knock it off' Louisa was about to faint with all of this questions that she could barely answer, most of them contains eugene in it. Genie of course, saved her life and convincing Quenton that he's not replacing him with this...chick. well not a chick, a turtle really but you get my point
interactions. [holy this is ing long]
as soon as he knows that she's part Korean, he became more friendlier than her. he even called her hansae, in which not many people call her that except her family. he also insists for her to call him dongyeob instead of quenton, in which she has no other choice than to oblige with him anyway because she thinks she has no say in this. their close friendship started because she's pretty much with eugene and he is also pretty much with eugene. he occasionally flirted with her like a quenton heo would do to any kind of x chromosomes. she would just like stare at him with a blank face or sometimes flustered because she doesn't know how to respond [she sees someone's character as a challenge for her to solve...so you can tell it's hard for her]. it usually goes off with him feeding her with really positive feedbacks towards her and keeps a close proximity towards her. i mean, she's grateful for it. but like, chill damn i mean she did good but even she herself didn't think she did that great for  him to shower her with a hundred of compliments. usually ends up with eugene saying that same exact line as the above for 100th times for him to stop showering her with unnecessary compliments. knowing that he became quite close with louisa, of course murderous attempts has been made by alexio. it's not like he ever touched her the wrong way or something, it's just the way that he interacts with alexio's precious turtle is so...wrong. peacemaker quenton of course, doesn't make any attempt to attack her. he got a bit upset because he doesn't done anything to louisa but louisa assures him to forgive alexio's behaviour in being over-protective (and to protect that poor boy's life from being eaten alive by alexio, seriously that woman is so scary when she turns into 'wolf mode')

as time goes by, they got even more closer. it's not weird anymore for louisa to have him next to her. if eugene is not there, she's the one who helps him with all of the work and sometimes let him copy her homework (even though she's reluctant most of the times). they've also done numerous school project together and crashes at eugene's house after school (if they are not dragged by alexio to the arcade or something). quenton and her got some quality times too, if both of their buddies are not available then trying that new food stall near the school or both of their houses are nice for them too. as far as skinship goes, louisa feels okay with him slinging his arms around her shoulder in a friendly manner (sure alexio feels like snapping his neck but at least he's not slapping her like what he does to poor eugene). however, she feels that certain...well...that certain 'ba-dump' when he's wayyy too close to her or something, like just trying to help her fix her hair or if he notices that there's something on her face. sometimes she couldn't stand him looking or staring at her for a long time, she founds her cheeks heating up in a weird way and for her to stare her back for a long time  'so it's like suddenly itachi just appeared and- hansae? are you okay? your face is red, are you having a fever? yo? earth to hansae dude?' she doesn't know if he's just oblivious...or she's the one oblivious to her own feelings. she doesn't know when the hell this kind of feeling started to rise, but it had been there for a long time. she realised that she had gotten comfortable with him, faaarrr more comfortable and another kind of comfortable that is different with alexio and eugene. this is another challege for her to solve...she...couldn't find the solution. she's legit confused on whether to embrace it or not, because she's scared of what the possible outcome will be because she doesn't know how the hell she should handle this kind of problem. eventually, quenton himself realised what is happening between them without any kind of word spoken. she doesn't know how he feels towards her, at this point she's too afraid to ask

at one time, she kinda realised that...something is definitely happening between quenton and eugene. something that is...romantic? no it can't be right? they're friends right? they've been buddies since middle school...right? in either way, she could feel that the platonic relationship they had somehow has..developed? there are so many questions left unaswered, so many problems, so many challenges that it had scared the living hell out of her. so she kept her distance, she backs away from them for she doesn't want what she feared to come true. quenton knows that she likes him...so why? is he playing with her? is he torturing her? or does he simply like eugene more than her to have something romantic? there is no way louisa would get jealous over something like that but...she's still a woman. she still has that certain yearn for love from the one that pays attention to. but she felt it was too late, when she witnessed quenton fought someone because they talks bad thing about eugene. and when him and eugene encounters each other, he hugs eugene. she doesn't know if she feel relief for having one of her questions answered or she felt her heart did a little crack inside. eventually, it stresses her away, she lost control in everything. everyone notices, especially quenton. he invited her to talk at the rooftop, asking her what is going on with her but she just kept being mute everytime. so he just said sorry, for everything that he has done to her if he had done something terrible to her. as he was about to leave...

I can't solve it...
...what is it that you can't solve? perhaps i could help-

i can't solve it...i can't solve...
I can't solve my feelings...
for you...

relationship status. confusion + hopefully (EXTREMELY hopefully) dating
backup love interest/s. eugene jinghan ouyung or toshiyuki habara
character persona. the awkward president (also the green turtle)
extracurricular activity. chess club & music club [also student council president as you know but that ain't extracurricular]
life as a student. here
comments. here
requests. here
password! here
layout by juntaro.


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