◔ forward to the past : tick tock! tick tock! ♡ park danbee

all about you~
◔ name : Park danbee
◔ nickname :
bee - shotened verson of her name
◔ birth date & age : 08/06/1994 + 20
◔ hometown : seoul, south korea
◔ ethnicity : full korean
◔ language : 
    + korean -native language
    + english - fluent, moved to california when she was in 3rd grade, then moved back to korea when she was in 9th grade.

◔ occupation :
student at korea national university of arts (k-arts), dance performance major

please smile~
◔ faceclaim : krystal (f(x)) + link
◔ back-up faceclaim : bora (sistar) + link
beautiful inside and out~

◔ personality traits : 
+positive- outgoing, witty, truthful, good-natured, loyal.
=neutral- competitive,  proud, artful, emotional
-negative- opinionated, disobedient, obsessive, stubborn, impulsive

◔ personality :
+danbee was always outgoing ever since she was little. she would dance in front of everyone and anyone, if they asked her to dance or perform. she would always be the one saying hi, and she would always be making friends.

+danbee is also the person everyone went to for advice, since she was so truthful with her advices. there was no beating around the bush for her. sometimes her truthfulness came out as being too straight-forward, but she never meant to offend anyone.

+being able to be loyal to others was very important to danbee. She believed that loyalty was the most important thing in a relationship. She would always defend her friends or family, even if it meant harm to her ownself.

+everyone knew her for basically for being the "counselor", and for having a "smart mouth". danbee is very witty with her words, and it would bring laughter from her fellow peers, teachers, and mostly everyone.

+danbee is also a good-natured person. she would always lend her seat on the bus to the elderly and give to charity (with her rich dad's money mostly). danbee would be the person who has cheering other people up if they were feeling down or sad.

+as a dancer, danbee is very competitive. she would always try to win number one in dance competitions and get the main lead in ballet recitals. Even little board games would pump up her competitiveness.

+danbee is also very proud. she has a pride of a lion. it would be very hard for her to say sorry and apologize. especially to her dad, even when she knew she was wrong. 

+danbee is very emotional. she would be balling her eyes out with someone else that was crying even though she didn't know the reason why that other person was crying.

+with danbee's stubborn personality, she is very artful. she was good at getting things in her way without it being noticeable. she would cleverly use aegyo to her dad to get her clothes.

+danbee is also very opinionated. she is only concerned with her own opinions, and other people's opinions didn't really matter to her. She would voice out her opinions, and judge others for having different opinions as her..

+danbee is a disobedient child, since she was stubborn as a bull. If she didn’t want to do something she didn’t do it. She wouldn’t listen to her parents when they told her to study or to eat her vegetables

+another negative trait about danbee was that she was very impulsive. if she was bored, she would have a "spontaneous" trip, without thought, and eventually get in trouble, or get lost somewhere.danbee would do things like bungee jump, without thinking beforehand.

+last but not least, danbee was very obsessive. Once she fell into something (ex. Smtm) she would constantly talk about it non-stop. When danbee fell in love with song minho (by watching smtm), she would annoy her friends like yena, by talking about how she was going to marry him, and etc. 

seize the moment~

◔ background :
   Danbee was born in seoul, south korea on june 8, 1994. Her parents, haehyun and sunyoung were madly in love. However, their love was forbidden. As haehyun was 7 years older than sunyoung, sunyoung’s parents always opposed their love. After proving himself to her family, by going to med school, he was able to marry sunyoung. They married at a pretty young age, when sunyoung was a 20 year old, dance major in college, and haehyun was a 27 year old intern at seoul hospital. they lived their life happily, with danbee, their bundle of joy.
danbee grew up happily, learning dance from her mother (plus other dance classes, like hip hop),  and being with people who loved her. one day, when she was in 3rd grade, she had to move to california, because of her father's work. she spent 6 years in the usa. moving to the usa wasn't that bad. danbee learned english (which she was practically forced to learn), and the dance classes, and competitions where she earned trophies and medals. she made a lot of friends (thanks to her outgoing personality) 
during her middle school years, at a moslty white population, she was bullied for being asian. this led danbee into being depressed. haehyun couldn't stand his only daughter, danbee being depressed, and decided to move back to korea. 
when their family arrived in seoul, danbee entered high school. she was reunited with all her old friends. danbee continued to dance. she always was an average student and would often get in trouble for skipping school, but she was never a bad child.
then one day a disater was in her way. her beloved father was opposing her dream of entering her dream school, k-arts. the prestigious school with an excellent dance program. danbee's stubborn personality determined her to enter that school, even if it meant not talking to her father for a month. she eventually auditoned and got accepted as a student.

◔ fun facts : 
+majors dancing (ballet) at K-arts
+only child
+loves cats (because she looks and acts like one)
+hates bugs/lizards
+obsessed with song minho (because of smtm)
+bad at singing
+choreographs her own dance
+also dances hip hop
+instagram famous (over 10k followers)
+models for online clothing stores (her way of making allowence)
+appeared on a tv show when she was in 1st grade
+aegyo is her weapon.
+loves thai food
+never had a boyfriend
+ideal type is someone musically talented.(ex. composer, good at singing, good at rapping)
+wants to marry a rapper (obsessed with smtm)
+has two cats and one dog
+thinks love is something that finds you
+won first place in many dance competitions in california
being loved no matter what~

◔ family : 
+mother- park sunyoung-50-ballet teacher sunyoung and danbee are very very close, they are basically sisters. since danbee is an only child, she spent most of her time playing with sunyoung when she was a baby. they would literally talk about everything, from (for danbee's protection) to her love life. danbee was inspired to be a dancer by her mother who is a ballet teacher. danbee and her mother would often go shopping together, or eat brunch together, etc. sunyoung would always get danbee blind dates with young doctors, and danbee would get mad at her mother each time since danbee believed that love is the one that finds you.
+father- park haehyun - 57- doctor
danbee and her father haehyun are very close to (not close as she is with her mother). but since danbee is an only child, her father did anything for danbee(daughter babo). danbee always does aegyo to her father to get what she wants, like a new chanel bag or a new gucci dress. there was a point in time when danbee and haehyun didn't talk for a month. it was when
danbee decided to major dancing, but haehyun opposed her dream (since it didn't have a future). he wanted her to major in business or marketing. haehyun gave up and eventually let danbee fulfill her dream. however, there was an acception. danbee had to make her own allowance. (no money from papa)
friends - song yena - 22 - graphic designer
danbee and yena are family friends (since both of their fathers are high in status). danbee would bother yena a lot , by asking yena to buy her food, or drag yena shopping. since danbee was an only child, she thought of yena as her older sister.
where love never ends~
◔ love interest : kim namjoon
◔ back-up love interest : jeon jungkook 
◔ birth date & age : 23/12/1793 + 22 (in 1815) / 16/7/94 + 20 ( present time)
◔ occupation : musician (gayageum)

◔ personality : 

namjoon has an energetic soul. he has a very strong passion for music. his friendly characteristics attracted the people to listen to his music. he is also stubborn, and very opinionated too. he will speak out on his opinions. if something is on his mind, he won't try to hide it but actually show it more. (if she likes a girl, he will tell her and show his affection for her)

◔ interactions :  when namjoon first laid his eyes on danbee, he thought she was the most beautiful person in the world, except her personality. danbee and namjoon start their relationship as being enemies. both with strong personalities, and difference in opinons. they always argue when they are together for really really stupid reasons. that's when the other characters make fun of them for looking good as a couple together. as namjoon spends more time with danbee, he falls in love with her, even her strong personality. namjoon will always show his affection for her and confess his love for her, (even when she doesn't like him). he will experience one-sided love for awhile, until danbee realizes her love for him.

◔ potential ending :

danbee first meets namjoons great great great grandson at her university(k-arts). he majors music composition. they became friends when they joined the same club (photography club). danbee tries to be close to namjoon first because he seems so familiar to her. at first it was hard for her to get close to namjoon, since they continuosly fought for stupid reasons like what to eat for lunch (like the past namjoon and her). however, they end up being real close friends, sharing everything and even insulting each other. while they look at old photographs from the 1800, there will be a picture/drawing of a couple that looks like namjoon and danbee.

let the words fall out~

◔ comments : i'm so excited for this fic :) i'm new to fics so i hope you like her and plz tell me if i need to fix anything ! 
◔ questions : will this fic be sad? :'-)
◔ scene requests : it would be fun if the girls had a major argument, then have a ''heart to heart'' talk. or one of the girls + thier love interest go to a haunted house - sorry im lame hehehe
Thank you! ♥




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