personal thoughts// sungmin

can I just first say that I am currently missing Sungmin like crazy; I found myself watching tons of performances and little clips of him and there was a compilation of his freaking punch-me-in-the-face-you're-so-cute giggly laugh on tumblr and all these feelings just bam

okay all of this, right, all of my feelings and everything were just swirling and i hear that someone said sungmin being in super junior was redundant bc they did just fine this comeback without him

first off, lets get it straight that sungmin is precious as hell and completely essential to super junior as a whole

and seperately, he is so immensely talented and just because he’s not the best at one specific thing, like dancing/singing/what have you, he is talented in all of these things to an advanced level (especially the singing i mean this is one of my all time favorite sj live performances and it's him singing a ballad.... just watch it. his voice is amazing and it just makes me feel fuzzy all over) and so much more! coughcough his musical drama and coughcough martial arts

you can tell he gives his 110% percent in to his performances and it’s not even to show off; it’s bc he genuinely enjoys his career

which leads me to an even bigger note that gets me really upset when I think back on it- how a part of this fandom reacted when our min got married

yes I understand it was out of the blue and a lot of people have made posts about it and said this same thing blah blah whatever here I go saying it again

Sungmin dedicated nearly a third of his life actively performing in sj, not to mention all his time as a trainee. 1/3 of someone’s life is a hella lot. ONE THIRD. Think about that, really think about it, for a second.

k so he decides he wants to be happy and get married like any other regular person who is in their right. and people bash him about something like that! or decide they don’t like him all that much anymore or whatever just because he’s married

I doubt that’s going to mean he’s going to try any less harder when he promotes with sj or when he works on his talents and I know during earlier ss6 times before he left a lot of fans were complaining, saying he seemed so sad or like he didn’t care about it at all like of course the poor boy was upset he was getting all this crap for marrying someone he loved! what did you guys expect, for him to get married when he was 40? even if he did he’d still have some people on him about it I’m sure

I guess I just really wish we, as a fandom, would have handled it better because even some of those that were kinda heartbroken and all but accepted it didn’t say much of anything and it just seemed a really poor time for us. hopefully in the future if anything like this happens, we will be more prepared to support our boys in whatever they do, considering they’ve already done so much for us.

if you're going to call yourself an elf, act like one 

so, concluding this post that turned in to a rant, I just hope Sungmin is healthy and happy and will return to Super Junior as the little bunny (who is now a completely grown man, I realize) who we all remember.



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leeaida #1
I miss him deadly
Even me evry night i try to watch all my collection and then i cry laugh just like you
We are all the same