Recommended Fanfictions

Hey guys, so I've been reading enjoyable fanfictions lately and I just wanted to share them with people looking for a good read. 

These stories won't contain or yuri for those wondering ^^

1) Touch of Fear - Now, I have to say that this is a really good one; I'm often very picky about what I read but I remember this story being the first one where I read so many chapters in one day. I even remember staying up at night trying to read more and more of it. I remember being interested when I read a line about her heart being hardened and how it would be hard for her to love; I emmediately clicked the 'Next' button. This story will grab your attention and you will find yourself asking for more. I haven't finished this story because I'm so sad about it coming to an end but I know I won't be disappointed.

2) Don't Love Me - The first time I read the title of this story, it reminded me of Hyorin's 'Don't Love Me' which I really like listening to, but that wasn't the reason I started reading this story. Before I start, let me just say that I finished this story today (I started yesterday). It's just that good. The part that got me reading it was "But it soon turns into Park Sojin's life being torn apart" I'm not going to lie; I enjoy reading love stories where at least the male lead or the female lead is cold/ arrogant. After reading the forword, I smiled to myself. "Aha. This won't turn out well." I'm not a sadist or anything though. Just like the story before, (Touch of fear) this one also has a strong,smart, and independent female lead. And let me tell you, I personally think strong, independent females are daebak ! 

3) The "Tick" of Time - You can call this shameless advertisement or whatnot, I don't really mind. Yes, this story is my own, but that's not why it's here. I was debating wheter or not to post this story here because of plagiarism issues but I wanted to share it nonetheless. I used to always write for myself and never really showed anyone any of the stories I ever wrote; of course, if needed at school, I would but I never thought of writing chaptered stories to show to an entire community. Rather than calling this a fan fiction, I like to call it my own book; the one I want to pour myself into more and more. I've always thought it would be great if thousands of people would read this story; not only on AFF but also globally. I've found however, that writing for yourself is most important. I don't find myself paying attention to the number of views or subscribers I get on this story and once I've stopped, I found myself loving my writing even more. This story would be for anyone trying a new genre, one that isn't all fluffy or familiar.


~Anyways that's it ! I'm sure I will find great more stories later on but these are my top three as of now (Yes, including my own)

\\slapped//  xD

I don't expect anyone to read through all of this, but thanks if you did anyway.

Just out of curiousity, how old do you think I am ? 


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Wow! I'll definitely read what you recommended soon :) Thanks <3 If you want to read any fics (though it's mostly exo or shinee), then I'd be happy to recommended them to you as well.

Hmm, I think you are 16? Or 17?
Thank you for the recommendation! :)