Someone? Anyone?

Honestly, school is so BORING! Teacher are giving me TONS of homework and EXAMS are coming, UGH!!!!!

HashTag: #HateSchool

So, recently, there is this bashing of shops which sells upvotes only, can somedoy tell me what's going on? Curious user here!!





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sense I barely started high school it's cool so it's not boring. About the shop I know but someone already explained.
I know that feeling T_T
As for the bashing of the shops that sell upvotes, the scenario is basically like this: Many people these days are creating shops that sell upvotes for karma (e.g. you give the karma they want and they will use accounts to upvote the story you want). I guess a lot of people dislike that because upvotes are a sign of whether a story is well-liked, plus the story with the most upvotes gets featured. That means that some well-deserving stories may not get their fair chance of being featured. It's quite an upsetting thing actually >_<
ikr even i want to knw