
I debated whether or not to write this blog post because I figured if I did, it might make me feel worse. I'll write it but I won't go into details.

Why do people have to be so awful... like what do they gain from it... Today my sister and I witnessed something terrible that I believe should be a crime that one would at least get fined for. Perhaps it is and I don't know, but I don't have the courage to look it up and I also have no way of getting proof to report this evil man.

Just before it happened, something extremely cute happened that made my day. Then literally half a minute later my mood was ruined. Tonight there have been times when I think about it randomly and it makes me really upset. 

This event today makes me hate society more and more. I never really had that much hope for today's people, but there are some people that make me think there is hope. Then I turn my head and someone does something that is outstandingly awful and dumb. It makes me wonder if they have friends. Would they do the same thing? I also wonder what that persons parents would think. Is this how they were raised? If so, that's a whole other issue.

I know this may sound kind of ranty, but this is pretty much a rant on how I hate society. I'm sorry if you didn't want to read this. I should've put a warning I guess. But honestly, I feel like most people must agree with me. At least most people on here and most people I know. Because my friends would never do something as douchy as what that guy did.


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People do things because they tell themselves that they are right to do it. They believe that they are completely right to do it, even if we can turn around and say "No. Just ... no, ok?" Murderers will kill someone because they think they are right to do it. Like, if I had a girlfriend and someone was trying to hurt her, I would think "Well, I am protecting my girlfriend, so if I kill this guy then I am ok" even though it's still against the law and I'm still wrong to do that. We as people justify so much that others can say "No, you're wrong." Even things that aren't illegal! Like ... I love designing things. I went to University for a degree in design. Some people looked at me and said "Why don't you take a real degree? Like business or something?" and I'm thinking to myself "If you run a business and you need a website or posters or some other promotional material, you hire a designer, right? So you will need my skills, right? So why is my degree suddenly not a 'real'degree if you will need the skills I am learning?" Because we can justify a lot of things, sometimes we can justify something that you won't like. So this guy will have thought "Well, it's fine for me to do it because of these reasons." and he will have just done it. You don't have to agree with what he did because you have your own reasons. And if what he did was illegal then you are perfectly justified to report him for it. But always remember that he would have justified his actions first.