Only So Much I Can Take(Vent)

Family seem like theycan be the worst thing to happen to you. When my family is harsh to me, I'm not cruel in return because I know I will need them and they're the type to hold that one little explosion over you. These mother ers are always rude to me, straight up s. And my sister oh wow, Since her bf left her almost a year ago for someone else and then came back to live with my grandma and her permantely, she has ing changed BIG TIME! She's become very disrepectful to just about everyone and does absolutely nothing in the house unless my grandma ends up in the hospital. I'm so fed up with family. Talking to my physical friends (the ones in front of me) about my family, especially my sister is a bit awkward because they seem to like her a lot but of course theyre not the ones she's being an to. I have a history of violent behavior that I've actually gained some control over but I am a being so I can only take so much. She tells me to stfu when we're talking and her bf laughs. Once, he told my cousin,( who we call my son because Im the second person he calls when he needs something) to stfu and she smiled, I corrected him. I told him "you don't say that. You dont tell him to stfu." Even if he was playing or my cousin annoys you, you don't speak that way to a child. Since her bf has come back, she's been doing everything to keep him, even giving her money to him so he can buy weed. She was going to give me money towards my phone because it was broken, well he needed weed so she went back on her word. My grandma is in a hard place so money is scarce for her right now but my sister doesnt seem to care. She just yells WORRY ABOUT YOURSELF to my grandma. all you gotta do is hand her 30-40 dollars a month. You have no kids, no bills so wtf! My sister and her bf sit and spend their (her) money of fast food but never offer to buy my grandma food or clean up for her. That pisses me off. GET THE OUT IF YOU'RE NOT GONNA DO BUT EAT, SLEEP, COMPLAIN AND HAVE DISGUSTING . I get upset because I cant provide my grandma with financial help. It's seriously like every man for himself. I'm actually breaking down here. EVERYONE calls on Vaughnie when they need something but where are you when I need you? I rarely ask for things because I feel helpless when I ask but when I do, no one can help me. We have 7 dogs at the house. 2 belong to my sister and her bf, 1 is my moms, 1 is the family dog and 3 of them are mine. Well my grandma wont allow pets anymore so their two dogs are with me. theyve bought dog food once and one dose of parvo medicine NOTHING ELSE! They rarely come see them and every morning, I have to wake up, clean up puppy piss and poop, disinfect the wood floors, take the dogs outside (theyre all inside and theyre not small breed dogs)feed them, get ready for the day then leave. I'll be starting college next month so I wont be able to do it all. I asked for help from my family and they declined me. I was so damn hurt. WHAT THE IS GOING ON WITH MY "FAMILY". They know my position and mental status. I have a therapist, Im on medication, I have anger issues, I suffer from depression, yet noone is there unless Im in the mental hospital again or I've ODed because of my still fighting addiction. I'm just tired. I'm so tired. I cant wait till i can get MY dogs and move away from these ers. I do EVERYTHING I can for them because family is very important to me but it. I can't take it anymore.


I'm sorry if punctuations are in the incorrect places or absent, but I just needed to vent.


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I hope that somehow everything will get better for you and your grandma. Life is hard but I still , I hope that you can continue to be strong and positive for yourself, grandma and your dogs. I think just as long as you dont give up and continue to work hard and do your best in everything, somehow you'l be able to changed all of these for the better. You can do it.