❀ Radio Eutopia ❀ Full Name ❀ Plotline

I am lastname firstname

'Place character's quote here'

( change all the pictures to your face-claim except for the ones that will be filled with your rival/love interest/love rival part )
( delete all the instructions given )
Character Name— 


Other Names

— name
— name
— name


— nickname ( reason )
— add more if needed please use shift+enter

Birthday— in letters please

Age— international age please

Birthplace & Hometown— anywhere in the world



Blood Type— whatever floats your boat


Weight— be healthy for your height

Languages— max 5 languages, state fluency, you can't be fluent in all

— language ( fluency )
— language ( fluency )
— language ( fluency )
— language ( fluency )
— language ( fluency )

Face Claim— full name ( link to gallery )

Backup Face Claim— full name ( link to gallery )

Appearance— full name ( link to gallery )

Style— description or links

Personality— bold important traits if you must

Likes— min 5 ( please use shift+enter for the next few sections )

— typehere
— typehere
— typehere
— typehere
— typehere
— add more if needed

Dislikes— min 5

— typehere
— typehere
— typehere
— typehere
— typehere
— add more if needed

Hobbies— max 3

— typehere
— typehere
— typehere

Habits— min 5

— typehere
— typehere
— typehere
— typehere
— typehere
— add more if needed

Trivia— min 5

— typehere
— typehere
— typehere
— typehere
— typehere
— add more if needed

Background— explain how she got into music, her family life, and how she got into the company. Original member must explain her life in the 2009 Radio Eutopia days until the rebirth whilst new members must explain more about their special training

Family— personality and interactions are optional but fill them in if you must

— father | name | age | occupation | personality | interactions
— mother | name | age | occupation | personality | interactions
— brother/sister | name | age | occupation | personality | interactions


—friend/best friend | name | age | occupation | personality | interactions
—friend/best friend | name | age | occupation | personality | interactions
—friend/best friend | name | age | occupation | personality | interactions
—friend/best friend | name | age | occupation | personality | interactions
friend/best friend | name | age | occupation | personality | interactions


'Place rival's quote here'

Rival— full name and stage name ( put backup in brackets )


Group— if she has one



Why they are rivals— nothing cliche like "oh she spilled coffee on me so I hate her because thay was like my favourite dress" kind of thing

'Place love interest's quote here'

Love Interest— full name and stage name if he has one ( put backup in brackets )

Age— you can decide on the age limit

Group— if he has one


Personality— if needed

First Meeting— if needed

Interactions— this will be needed so do be detailed

'Place love rival's quote here'

Love Rival— full name and stage name if he has one ( put backup in brackets )

Age— you can decide on the age limit

Group— if he has one


Personality— if needed

First Meeting— if needed

Interactions— this will  be needed so do be detailed


[ Please answer in 1st POV ]

Interview for the original member [ If you're a new member, delete the interview for the original member ]

How does it feel for you to be coming back to Radio Eutopia?— 

Why do you choose to come back to Radio Eutopia rather than continuing your current job?— 

Do you think the renewed Radio Eutopia will come off better than the original Radio Eutopia?— 

What can we expect from the Rebirth?— 

How do you feel after the disbandment of the original Radio Eutopia?

Are you happy with the current situation and the new fairies?

Please give us an introduction for yourself and what can we expect from you


Interview for the new member [ If you're an original member, delete the interview for the new member ]

Congratulations! You have officially graduated from being a pixie into a fairy. How does it feel for you to finally be a part of Radio Eutopia?— 

Was the training really hard for you? Was there any kind of rivalry?— 

Since both of the original members are the producers for the group, what role do you play besides your position?— 

Do you aim to be a fairy in the first place? Or do you just want to debut in a group?— 

What are your thoughts about the original Radio Eutopia?

Are you happy with the current situation?

What do you think of the fairies?— Doesn't have to be constructive and in first impression of the given explanation in the plotlines page

What kind of concept do you want?— 

What do you expect from the group?

Do you feel worthy to be a fairy?— 

Lastly, please give us an introduction for yourself and what can we expect from you?


Stage Name— optional ( explain if you must )

Fairy Name— ( it could be related to sweets or something that cute )

Persona— be original ( no ice princess, aegyo queen and all that nonsense. I also will appreciate it more if there's a connection with the ploline's element )

Position— check the story ( put backup in brackets )

Vocal Twin

Performance Twin

Rapping Twin— [ If you're not a rapper or a triple threat then don't put it in ]

Talking Twin

Fanclub Name— make it have some relation to herself or stage name ( explain if you must )

Fanclub Colour— include hex code

Generation— Refer to the cheatsheet

Training Years— include if she has trained in other companies

— company ( no. of years )
— company ( no. of years )
— add more if needed

Trainee Life— include all the good and bad that has happened

Pre-debut Experiences— has she acted in a drama? sung an OST? Maybe she has cameoed in an MV?

— predebut experience
— add more if needed

2009 Radio Eutopia & Post-Disband Experiences— This will only apply to the original member

— post-disband experience
— add more if needed

Comments/Suggestions— perhaps a song for the tracklist or future comebacks?

Scene Requests

— request ( add more if needed )

Password— if any

Return to the story | Turn In

Layout by luminous_star from Ice Waffles | Do not steal or remove credit


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