wandering machine — She never gets tired from looking for new locations. She will go to the most inhospitable places, or go more than once to the same place, just to se it under different lights and to know if it can be used for their projects.
Cotton head — Jongin and Howon call her that because usually her hair color remembers a blue cotton candy. Instead of this turn out in a mocking nickname, it's rather a cute pet name, since their voice tone is always caring.
Seullie (sounds like 'sullie') — The way everyone else found to give her a nickname that comes from her own name. Sometimes they use this more than her own name, so it's not uncommon to hear "Seullie-ah" here and there. Sometimes they merge it with another one and it turns out in something like "Seullie, the wandering machine".

birth daTE & Age — 18 / February / 94 + 21
birth place — Busan, South Korea
hometown — Busan, South Korea (Now living in Seoul)

ethnicity — Korean

Korean, Fluent — It's her mother tongue
Japanese, conversational — She can talk well with other people and know enough about the "alphabet" to fend for herself on the streets. She learned it because she liked to listen to J-Rock and anime songs as little and wanted to learn it.

blood type — O

lee iseul

by BanaWarrior (bana) - 9

eyes bright, uptight, just girls

character appearance

face claim — Kim Hye Lim (Lime)
back up — Lee Sunkyu (Sunny)

height — 165cm
weight — 55kg

With an average height, average weight and average body, what distinguishes her is her short colorful hair that can go from a platinum blonde to a bluish green passing by all the possible spectrum of light shades of blue and green (this actually depends of how long ago was her last trip to the saloon). Her skin is rosy and when tanned it gets a nice shade of very light golden. Her eyes are almond-shaped and kind of cat-y like. She has a large smile that shows a lot of her teeth (and that people find awfully similar to Luhan's). She has a white large scar on each one of her knees from the time she tripped badly when she was 10. But they really didn't bother her and she wears shorts with no problems. She has two earrings on each ear and she's gathering courage to put a piercing on her left ear.


dressed in black from head to toe

character style

She puts the girly touch on the tomboy style. This means she's always wearing alpargatas, converses, shorts (and pants) and large blouses and T-shirts, but everything has a mix of pastel and bright colors. Funny prints and old fashioned sunglasses are some of her trademarks. "Confort" and "fun" are her main words.


Iseul is the one responsible for finding locations and getting all the related paperwork done. Although she likes a LOT more the hunting part than the paperwork. Having a viewset that do not only restrict to film helps a lot with the authenticy part. And she knows the city like no one else, so that's a bonus. Being laidback and optimistic makes her one of the only people that not freak out when schedules get crazy. She would be like "What? Why everyone are in their PMS?" and then is when someone more responsible would put her free hands to do something more useful. Usually more paperwork. Or making her the errand girl (That she preffers a lot more, to be truthful).

inside out

character personality

Positive: Calm, Persevering, Amiable, Optimistic
Neutral: Imaginative, Laidback
Negative: Perfectionist, Get's distracted easily, Introverted, Unpredictable

Iseul's a calm person, never getting worked up or stressed. Persevering and optimistic, she never gives up and is always seing the bright side of things, so she can go foward with a smile on her face and confidence and peace in her soul. Being amiable just increase the time amount that she's with a smile on her face to... well, always. She smiles to everyone and treats them right. Kindness to everyone, respect to the elders and playfulness to the kids.

She's also very imaginative and laidback, but this is not always a good thing. Her imagination sometimes can go overboard and make things up that are too crazy/far away for other people to understand/grasp it. Also the laidback side can reach an extent that she will be too unconcerned about things that actually need to be concerned about. Like deadlines.

Iseul is also perfectionist, what means that she will aim for perfection. no matter the time she have until the deadline and no matter if the others are rushing her. She will take her own time calmly perfecting the minimal details and she gets upset when someone rush her, or worse, reminds her of deadlines. This makes her a slow worker, but hopefully they never lost a deadline. Yet. And let's hope that never will! Usually you would think that being perfectionist is a good thing, but not when you get stubborn and even snappy when others try to interfere in what you're doing.(this makes a especial pain to deal with her near deadlines since she seems to absolutelly ignore them when she wants) Obviously this trait only get worse by the fact that she got distracted easily and has some troubles to properly focus on her at , wanting to go to things that are still far away and that  will only be taken care of once the present is solved.

Introverted means that it's difficult to really bond with her. She will treat you with respect, politeness and kindness, but this not mean that she's close to you, or that she trusts you. She's very closed about her real feelings, only talking about them to those she really trusts. And unpredictable is almost the key word to describe her. Since she's always smiling, you can't know if she's sad or angry, at least not until she snaps. And you never know if she finally decided to trust you or not. (Of course that with time and a little of sensibility you can know) Iseul can be quite rash in her decisions if pressured too much and she's also always wandering, looking for locations, so she's barely at the the office. The only way to contact her is by cellphone, 'cause God knows when will be the next time she will shows up. Usually nobody is expecting her, and she just pop's from nowhere with new additions to her catalog or bringing food to everyone.


— likes

Old fashioned sunglasses — That's basically her trademark. She has a collection of them with lenses variations so she has some that can be used even indoors.
Cloudy days — Since she has to personally goes to the locations and generaly walk a lot, when the sun is not frying her head it's a lot more pleasurable.
Mocha Frappuccino — She's just addicted to it. The perfect balance between bitter coffee and sweet chocolate mixed into a heavenly iced drink. Nothing better than that to wake her up too, since hot beverages makes her relax and sleep.
Street food — Anything that she can eat with one hand while walking, preferably. If it's spicy even better.
Antiques — Anything that's old or vintage catches her attention.
Animes (and mangas) — It was part of her childhood and still is part of her life. Thanks to it she got interested and motivated to learn japanese.

— dislikes

octopusShe doesn't like eating nor seeing it all sticky on the tables of markets. She's ok with the living thins wandering happily in the water inside a tank. Or cute representations of it. But it's end there.
Hot days — Ok, let's be specific here. She deslikes the really hot hot summer days. Since this are the worst ones to travel. (...yeah. it's a reference to a f(x) song... omgit'ssolameI'msorry!)
deadlines — This one here is confusing. She hates deadlines because it lets her nervous, but she knows she need those or she would never finish her work.
rude people — unfortunately on her line of work, she has to deal with some really rude people whose fun seems to just make her work harder by delaying that permission that she really needs. (Because of that, sometimes she lets it on Kyungsoo hands, since on this cases he can awaken his "evil" side and intimidate people to not mock him)
Smelly food — She loves food but she absolutely can't eat anything that smells... funny.

— hobbies

Taking photosThat's how she makes her own catalog of interesting locations. Since she joined Pathcode, her calatog was of use at least a couple of times.
traveling/exploring — That's how she gets to know new locations and interesting places.
Playing video games — It's de-stressing.
Writing — She takes inspiration on everything she sees, and since she's always seeing new things, it's a lot of inspiration!
Binge Watching — When she's finally home and doesn't have to worry about work, her favorites are that super-hero movie series (to which Jihoon would join her) or her favorite anime of the season.

— habits

one — She's always smiling. Like, ALWAYS. (to the point that sometimes it can get creepy)

two — She's a morning person, so waking up early is a part of her. She even jokes that this is already on her name (Iseul means "from dew").

— other facts

one — No one knows but who got Jongin his camping suplies and who get his unlimited stash of coffee and energy drinks is Iseul.
two — Iseul is always munching on something because she prefers to each a little every three hours.
three — She knows how to survive with little. So a tight budget will not trouble her.
four — She's usually quiet and calm, but after a long period without rest she starts to get hyperative AND to act like she's from the "thug life".
five — She could get crazy as when she doesn't rest when drunk. But she doesn't drink. Not by her own free will.
six — She probably has a crush on Baekhyun.



once upon a time

character background

Iseul was born as the younger child in a very loving family. She never went through any hardship, but at a young age her parents would notice that young baby Iseul seemed smarter than the first impression. Besides, she would always cry that she wanted to join her "Wonwon oppa" in that place full of kids. That's how she joined school one year before the right age. Despite being the youngest, she never had problems to keep up with everyone and while she was growing up, she managed to keep herself as one of the bests of the class.

Iseul and Howon, as good sister and brother, were always picking up on each other. The only thing that made the two kids behave was to put them to watch cartoons. They would chant along Sailor Moon's transformation or sing together with the opening song of Dragon Ball. Before they could notice, they would be playing together paecefuly.

Iseul had an overall happy childhood, minus one tragic incident. Iseul wanted to have a younger sibling and she couldn't get more happy when her parents told her and Howon they would have a little brother. But when her mom was five months pregnant, she had a miscarriage that got her one month in the hospital and the lost of the baby. This frightened Iseul and Howon so much, that they spent a whole day crying. Probably was after that that they started to get along more. Like a peace agreement in honour of their lost brother. That's also why they love having Jihoon around. They are just cousins, but they threat him as a little brother. To Iseul, she can't help but pampers a little all the young males close to her. It's her overprotective sister instincts speaking louder.

Since Iseul went early to school, early to college she went too. One year ahead of the normal age, she successfuly was admited into Hanyang, Architecture major. She primary wanted architecture because she loved old buildings and wanted to studyy that. But once she started the lessons, she saw that the world was so much bigger and interesting that she first tought, that she went taking credits of everything she found interesting. Ended that she started to like filmmaking too and from there it was just a little jump to where she's now.

The time she went to college was also the time she moved to Seoul and with Howon. That was the only reason her parents let her move to Seoul. That she lived with Howon. Of course her brother was pouting that he had to share his appartment with his "annoying little sis", but he overcame it and now he can't think about "home" without her. That was also the time when Howon got Iseul addicted to mochas. In the beggining with all the mess from the moving, they couldn't even properly ate breakfeast, so Howon would always buy it from a caffe closer by. Doesn't need to say that he was always buying the same coffee after he saw that it made Iseul calm down on her period.

The last addition to their little crazy family was Jihoon. They were supportive of his dreams of pursuing the musical career and even told their uncle and aunt that Jihoon could live with them (actually, Iseul did it and didn't let Howon un-say it). They soon saw that it was good that way, because Jihoon was very level-headed and balanced their loudness.

Iseul is now fresh off college, living hapilly with her dear brother and cousin and working on the "most coolest job ever". Her words.



annoying older brother that I love — Lee Howon // 24 // Music Industry - songwriter and producer // Self-confident, Chic, Sarcastic, but in reality a caring cheeseball 

His exterior is though and confident and he does annoy Iseul a lot, but they are siblings. That's what they are suposed to do. Fight like they hate each other but they will be the first person there to help you to get up and will be the first person to protect and defend you. They live and love annoying each other but they can understand each other like no one can. Besides, they had to learn how to live kind of peacefuly since they live together in Seoul without their parents. Iseul is his number one fan and Howon is totally a fool for his younger sister, but they will never admit this to each other's face. Howon doesn't seen like it, but actually he's a overprotective brother. He thanks to the heavens that his sister is too aloof to even give any guys attention. And on Iseul's side, she trusts him and depends on him a lot. She's not embarrassed to ask him to buy her pads or pain killers on the middle of the night because she has run out of it.

Cute cousin — Lee Jihoon // 19 // College Student // Calm, Serious, Perfectionist but has a lot of charms //

Iseul is totally a fool for her younger cousin Jihoon. She finds him the cutest guy on earth and acts a lot like that inconvenient aunt that loves to give you food and squeezes you. Jihoon finds it totally embarrassing and he thanks to the heavens that until now she had managed to behave like that only when they are at home and to be a litlle more discreet while in public. Despite that he loves her too and probably he wouldn't have passed his first year at Hanyang (major in Composition) sane if was not for her constant support and late night and ungodly hours of the night too snacks. Jihoon shares the apartment with his cousins and sometimes he's the most mature of the three. He looks up a lot to Howon since he's a music producer too and Jihoon's also Iseul's movie buddy.
Curious fact: as the giantic fool she's for Jihoon, Iseul thinks about trying to get him an intership in music production of soundtracks cough at Pathcode cough if he couldn't find another one when the time comes.



Best buddy that everyone knows about — Do Kyungsoo // 22 // Production Assistant & Location Manager // Responsable, Serious, Dedicated, Warm

Since Kyungsoo resembles Jihoon so much in terms of personality, Iseul clicked with him from the beggining. Where she's too unconcerned, he will be responsible. When he's to serious, she will be amiable. Both of them are the kind of people that are calm and that open up just to the closer ones. So it's very common to see them together smiling and Kyungsoo ruffling Iseul's hair. They treat each other in the combo siblings-best friends, but without all the fighting (what is a topic of teasing for Howon, since he says that Iseul likes Kyungsoo more than she likes him). Iseul too always try to help Kyungsoo with everything, since he holds two positions inside the production crew. So lately Kyungsoo is trusting her with more location huntings.

Curious fact: Iseul calls him "Kyung-oppa".

Best buddy that no one knows about — Kim Jongin // 21 // Editor // Passionate, Self-confident, Laidback

They met back in university time, in a open festival on his university where all the different majors would have stands to expose about itselves. They got friends because Iseul was really genuine in her fascination for his CG animations. So it was a lovely susprise when they found out that they would now work on the same company. No one really knows that they are friends, but they are ALWAYS messaging each other by any social media you can think of. They are very supportive of each other and they share the same love for good special effects and have the same sense of humor.

Curious fact: Jongin already though about putting some sort of tracker device on Iseul's phone so they could know where she is. But he never went ahead with it.

Extraterrestrial buddy — Baek Yoojin // 22 // Director of Photography & Colorist // Lively and Creative

Being extremely creative, Yoojin is the only one who can keep up with Iseul when the multi-color-haired girl go overboard. The two are lively and photo freaks, so they always share new techniques and ideas with each other. Yoojin too is always the first one to see Iseul's new additions to her catalog since her opinion is held very high by Iseul. If Yoojin thinks this or that location doesn't work, it's highly unlikable that Iseul will show it to the others or even mantain it on her book. But since they more or less think on the same way, this almost never happens. Both of then too like to hang out on Yixing's office, just talking to him or brainstorming when he's out of ideas.

Curious fact: Most of this talks or brainstorming sessions would consist of Yixing and Yoojin phisicaly present and Iseul on a video call.

The inspiring unnie — Lee Kaya // 23 // Production Desinger // Focused and down-to-earth

Since Kaya is known for being always on the phone, it's just logical that she's the main connection with the wandering machine Iseul. Being the head of the Art department makes her too some kind of "boss" towards Iseul, since she needs the locations and the permissions so the schedule could work. Kaya is one of the few people that can make Iseul get out of her wandering bubble and do some other more urgent jobs. Iseul respects Kaya a lot and wishes that someday she can be hardworking as her. They have some sister relationship, but Kaya is the "bussiness woman older sister" while Iseul is the "wandering high schooler younger sister" (even that she's not a high schooler anymore).

Curious fact: As she does with Jongin, Iseul is the source of all the cold coffee that Kaya drinks.


my twin from another mother and from another year — Lee Hansol a.k.a Vernon // 17 // High schooler // animated, playful, cheeky, easygoing

Since Iseul found out that her and Hansol shared the same birth day, she "adopted" him as her younger brother. She pampers him all the way that Jihoon not let her and she probably would join Kaya if someone hurt him. Since she means no harm Kaya even trust her with him sometimes, especially after him and Jihoon got friends from the time both of then went to visit their cousins on their work and ended meeting each other.

Curious fact: Hansol sometimes -playfuly- asks for Iseul's help when he's arguing with Kaya, even hiding behind her while laughing. On the other hand, Jihoon would frustrantingly -but never being really mad- ask for Kaya's help when Iseul would embarrass him because of too much PDA. Even saying things like "Kaya noona, please teach her how to behave!"


  • Hanyang University (Architecture, 2011-2015)

location manager (Back-up: Production Assistant)

— "My eyes are trained to see the smallest details"

Although Iseul didn't studied something directly related with cinema, her eyes for details and her own catalog of interesting locations caused surprise. Her architetctural formation gave her a lot of knowledge about buildings and cities, thus she knows how the city works, if a building is authentic or not and she has a general perception if it's safe and can manage to support their work on it or not. Her intership gaves her another view set since she helped one of her professors in Historical Architecture consultation and learned how architecture can be directly used on film/drama making. She applied for the job because she really enjoyed her intership experience and because she wanted an opportunity to look at the city in a way other people haven't yet.

What is your dream for Pathcode Films? And how do you suppose you will be able to contribute in achieving that dream?  — It would be great if we could make it big! Bringing joy to everyone who watches our movies! Being know as authentic artists with deep meaning and life lessons stories. ... I digressed didn't I? Sorry. But I would help that by doing my best to always find the best locations and helping with ideas when asked for. And manteining the mood high too, of course! Someone need to keep thinking positive. -laughs-

Do you like your position? Why or why not?  are you aiming for a higher one in the future? — I do like my position very much! It allows me to see the city in millions different ways and I can always get to know new places and new poeple. If I am aiming for something...? Hum... not now. I just want to do my job right. Even be the best in it, who knows? -smiles-

If you could switch positions for a day, what would it be? Why? — Maybe being the writer? I like the idea of creating stories and charaters. Although if I could gain the abillity together for one day, maybe I would chose to be in Jongin's place. I just love his animations! -grins-

DO YOU think pathcode films could go a long way? — I do hope so! Everyone here is very talented and dedicated, so I see why not. -smiles-

DO YOU get along well with everyone? — Yep. -grins- Of course that there is people to whom I'm more close to, but everyone is nice here. -continue grining-

Previous Work ExperienceS

  • Intern (Architecture Consultant - Assistant) — tvN — June 2014 - October 2014 — Projects handled: The Three Musketeers

No one

— Iseul is just that weird friend everybody have x3






last comment — On the Alma Mater I had put the year she begun and the year she graduated, 'cause I got a little confused of which one you guys wanted xD

scene requests —
// Iseul and Jihoon throw a surprise party to Hansol, but at the same time it turns out that it was the same party that Jihoon and Hansol were planning to throw her, because Jihoon was a cunning little guy and ploted everything behind both of their backs.

password — C. S. Lewis



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