About NamJoon's issue

It feels like I'm posting too many blogs and not enough stories, to be honest, but this is another thing that really worries me.

Please, before talking about what NamJoon said in that interview, read this.

He didn't want to offend anyone, he doesn't seem the kind of person who would be racist and he also looks up many black artists.

(I apologise if I used "black" in any wrong or offensive way in the previous sentence. English is not my first language and I find it a bit hard to explain what I want to say in a situation like this.)

For people who still feel offended by what he said after reading this (second time I am posting the link, because I really think you should read its content), please, take a few moments to describe exactly what hurts you. Comunication is very important in a situation like this and I really don't want to see confusion and fights inside of this fandom because this is one of the fandoms I love the most. So please, let's talk and solve this issue together.

Thank you for attention.


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gohnwiththewind #1
People get easily hurt over stuff these days. It's like, no matter what you say now, someone will get offended. And like, it's especially harder for the idols. The moment they say or do something 'offending', they could ruin their career or face extreme hatred. I say people should lighten up a bit, to be honest. XD