Stardom is the worst / ToppDogg & EvoL issues

Hello everyone.

So I guess you already know I don't usually write blog posts unless it's something really important. Well, what happens now in Stardom entertainment is truly important.

First of all, read this and this in order to understand better the whole issue.

Let's talk about EvoL. Those ladies are gorgeous, Yull and Say have amazing voices, Hayana has a really nice voice too, Jucy and J-Da are gorgeous rappers and Say also dances, and I could say she is one of the best female dancers I know. The thing is, their debut was in august 2012, then they had a comeback in 2013 and then, bam, no one hears about them again. Sure, Jucy released a mixtape, Say posted some covers, they had a few projects, but no comeback. Seems like Stardom has given up on them, which is really not clever move. I mean, yes, they didn't bring too much profit at first, but not all the groups do. But Cho PD and his friends don't really care about this, they simply pushed them away and tried again hoping that the same strategy would bring a different result. Very, very clever move, Cho PD. *claps slowly*

Then, ToppDogg's time came. As you can see, Stardom wanted them from the start to become a second EXO. If you watch some of their interviews from the "Say it" era, you can clearly notice how even the members were talking about EXO, about being compared to EXO and s like that. And the funny thing is, I've seen only a few people comparing them to EXO. So the strategy has been hinted since their debut days. Now, the articles posted on tumblr will give you more details about this.

Kidoh's album was a total joke from Cho PD's point of view. THE ALBUM WASN'T EVEN PROMOTED ON MUSIC SHOWS. If anyone manages to find a single video of those promotions, that would be a miracle. But videos don't exist on youtube, so make your own conclusions. Now, he barely eats and a lot of people said he seems really sad. The man's dream is kind of ruinned because of this ty company. To be honest, this hurts me so much because he is my bias and he gave me a lot of inspiration, but I'll keep by his side no matter what.

Hansol barely smiles in the selfies he posts on twitter. Nakta barely posts on twitter anymore. Everything seems changed. Stardom didn't even have a back up plan for them. These man practically put their dreams into Cho PD's hands and the latter smashed them on the ground. Some of the members even had plastic surgery, as it seems, and I woudln't say anything if I knew that it makes them happy, but I don't think any of them really wanted to have plastic surgery in the end.

I am genuinely worried about this, I've been a ToppKlass since their debut and I don't plan on leaving this fandom soon. Please, spread the first two links on any site you can and also show your love towars the boys on their twitter. Also, Kidoh has his personal twitter acccount. We have to try to keep by their side and show them how much we love them, they need their ToppKlasses probably more than ever.

Also, you can send comments on Jucy, Say, Hayana, J-Da and Yull's twitter accounts, since their situation seems even worse than ToppDogg's. Please, let's send them some encouragement. Our words might help them change something.

UPDATE: Here's something about SeoGoong too, because the whole facade that Stardom tried to build around his leaving seems bull.
ANOTHER UPDATE: Read here about EvoL's current condition.


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I agree with all this, stardumb . It makes me sad to see how evol's talent is being wasted, and how tired toppdogg looks recently :/ and you're right, the only thing we can do now is to keep supporting them!
I couldn't get attached to any Stardom group after what happened to Block B. It killed me.
Stardom + TS = Mini SM
I'm not even surprised how ty they are.
se7en from YG just made his label,so i hope he takes chances & help them along w/ b.a.p out
this is exactly why stardom is one of the worst companies in kpop.
also, this is exactly why I was so reluctant to fall in love with toppdogg... because I KNOW what stardom is like, and I didn't want to watch another group of my bbys end up like block b (yet, lo and behold, it happened). ing stardom...