A Sudden Thought (one of those depressing late nights of thinking)

I suddenly have a thought (A depressing thought but still a thought)

What would happen if your favourite online author suddenly died and you don't know that and just assume that they're on vacations or on hiatus?

What would you do?


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I've had this almost happen on several occasions. I can say from experience that it really, really, really .
wow,.. I've always thought of that, but the author being me,..
I would just think that either they would unsubscribe and yell at you on your wall,
or, they'd not care at all. :/
Wow.. Omg.. Yeah.. This is scary
After i read this, i felt that i have a heart attack thinking about that. seriously what will happen? we'll stay in here hoping to read a new chapter from her/his story without knowing that she/he died already!!!! after couple of weeks or a month we'll keep a message on her profile or in the commenting box asking a reason for being so late! then what? no one there to give answer.. gosh this is too scary.