I need help with my assignment

Hi guys. Been a while since I've been on here. I need help with one of my assignments.

You see, I have to write a story, and the lecturer said it can be fact or fiction.

I want to write a mystery/thriller but I have no idea how to make the story progress. Plus I'm having a writer's block so it's really hard. 

I asked my classmates what did they write and they said they just write simply. Meaning, they just wrote the bare minimun and be done with it.

I'm a bit different. I think I'm a perfectionist when it comes to assignments. I want everything to be perfect. I don't want to just half-assed my work. Just before this, the lecturer gave an assignment that we have to make our own logo. Everyone just use the instant logo websites while I used photoshop to make my own.

Please help me.


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What’s the word count? How long do you have to complete it? Go read mystery/thriller stories or watch movies to see how the story progresses