❝ The Gossip Girl Witch, Kwon Jisoo ❞

FULL NAME : Kwon Jisoo (권지수)
NICKNAME Soo - Shorter version of her
name that friends and family call her.
AGE : 18 years old
GRADE : Senior
BIRTHDATE : 31 Dec 1996
BIRTHPLACE : Seoul, South Korea
HOMETOWN : Seoul, South Korea
true self


Personality Traits
 : cheerful, charismatic, friendly, confident, gossip, insensitive, talkative, pompous
Personality :
A happy-go-lucky personality can go with this girl, Kwon Jisoo. She's a kind of person that everyone notices how happy and optimistic she always is. It's like, no day would pass without her smiling to anyone. She's just like that, a people's person, other students would say. With this, Jisoo's a fascinating young lady who other students and even teachers can't help but notice. She always stands out for some reason unknown to everyone. She holds a charm in her own ways that others can't help but to be captivated by her. Maybe the way she acts? She talks? Or even walks? It remains a mystery how people are always drawn to her; that's why they trust her easily. Jisoo's a friendly person too. She may look like she's a mean girl but she isn't. She practically befriends everyone as she always enjoy the company of other people. This is also the reason why she can always gather new information that she habitually shares to her friends or just practically everyone. She likes meeting new friends just because she feels better with someone else's company rather than just by being alone. Jisoo's also the kind of girl who's oozing with self-confidence, she always look like that nothing can scare her or faze her. She's self-assured that she can do everything so perfectly as she knows that she's pretty clever and she can outsmart any given situations. She always look like the person that nothing can go wrong in her life and that everything's going on her way as perfect as she wanted it to be.
Whenever people hears Jisoo's name the first thing that would come into their mind is that, she has news. It's like she never ran out of new gossips to share making her having the title of being the gossip girl. A lot of other students find her annoying as she can spread rumors with just a blink of an eye because she has that lots of connections around school and the worst of these situations would always be that the news she's sharing to everyone; she doesn't double check it if it's true or not making the person, center of the rumor, a potential target of bullying from other students. This makes her as a very insensitive person. Sometimes, she just doesn't care on how other people would feel when she gossips with everyone. For her, the most important would be she was able to tell others what she had known. Another reason why others do not trust her much anymore because if they share things with her, it's guaranteed that it would reach the whole student body. Hence her loquacious nature. Jisoo is one hell of a talkative girl that her classmates who hate her find this personality of hers really annoying. But to those who like her, she would just let her be. She could practically talk for hours with hundreds of topics being opened up. "Will she never shut up?!" Other students would say but she would just shrug them off and ignore them to hell as there's no point in arguing with people who's hateful. Jisoo could be a bit overbearing too, always thinking that she's an important person others couldn't live without. For some reason, she just turned out to be a vain person as she's aware that she's pretty (well, at least for her she is) and smart too.

When Jisoo discovered her ability of invisibility, she was really crept out by it that she didn't get the very idea as to why she becomes invicible every time she'd try to gossip. Gossiping is a part of her sole personality and it sort of frustrates her whenever she cannot talk to other students whenever she has new gossips to share. Through her powers, she then got the chance to confirm the rumors she tried in sharing to anyone. She'd be invisible and follow students that were part of the rumors and there she would confirm everything. Jisoo would discover that some were true but some were not and unexpectedly, she totally felt bad with it. She saw the consequences of her actions toward other people and it bothered her. It was surprising for her as she really was an insensitive person but seeing the outcome with her own eyes changed her principles.
Likes :
- Talking. No questions with that.
- Color blue.
- Coffee & bubble tea.
- Cheesecakes!!
- Oreos.
- Soft pillows.
- Horror movies.
- Snow.
- Hugs.
- Watching films.
Dislikes :
- Bugs!
- Seafood. She's allergic to these.
- Clowns. They're scary for her.
- Thunderstorms.
- Lazy people.
- Color orange. :/
- Angry barking dogs.
- Medicine.
- Too much heat.
- Going out while it's raining.
Habits :
- Puffs her cheeks whenever she's thinking.
- Playing with her hair by brushing it on her cheeks when she's bored.
- Pouts whenever she gets disappointed.
- Tidying her bed neatly in the morning and will not stop until there are no wrinkles on the bed. :))
Hobbies :
- Gossiping? :)) OTL
- Hanging out with friends.
- Going to the park with friends.
Fears :
- Acrophobia. She's afraid of heights.
- Coulrophobia. She really does have a big disliking and she's also afraid with clowns.
- Monophobia. Jisoo doesn't like to be alone. It can scare her.
Fun Facts :
- Jisoo has a soft spot for anything that's cute.
- She once wished to have a power during her childhood years. But heh. She unexpectedly had one now. :)
- She's a leftie.
- Loves to draw and paint. She's good in arts.
- Never had a boyfriend before.
- Whenever she's alone, she'd go to a cafe or a bubble tea shop to ease the frustration formulating inside her head.
- A certified frustrated singer. OTL
- Sometimes she uses her powers for fun. There was this one time when she was at the dorm and she tried scaring another girl from the different room with her invisibility powers. :))
- Jisoo has a big appetite but has a fast metabolism, the reason why she can't gain more weight.
- She loves to hug close friends.
Appearance : Jisoo has a long brown hair that falls down to her back. She likes to dye her hair with different colors but usually sticks with the brown hues. She has hazelnut brown eyes that are rounded but at the same time chinky. Jisoo has a signature eye-smile. Her friends would that her eyes disappear whenever she smiles; as they became crescents. Her nose is quite pointed and she has natural thin pink lips. Jisoo has a dimple on her right cheek that appears whenever she does facial expressions. She has a milky white complexion that she likes taking care of. She stands 168cm and weighs 50kg.
Style : Jisoo is the kind of girl who always likes to look classy and at the same time elegant. She sometimes follow trends but most of the time, she'd wear clothes that are just comfortable with her. When she's going out to meet up with friends or to the mall, she'd wear dresses, skirts, high-waisted shorts, and pants. She'd wear hoodies or crop tops to pair with her skirts and shorts. Plus, she always wear sneakers or oxfords. Though sometimes, she'd also wear a pair of boots too, depends with her mood. Jisoo would style her hair up to a messy bun, a pony tail, or sometimes just let her hair down freely behind her back. Oftentimes, her accessories would usually be a pair of earrings, her wristwatch, black or silver bracelets, hats, and also sunglasses. Jisoo doesn't wear make up much. Usually, lip balm, light pink lipstick (matte), and face powder only. Sometimes blush on too. Jisoo doesn't leave their apartment as well without putting on her perfume. She also likes using rucksacks, messenger bags, and tote bags.

Jisoo wears her uniform perfectly that she's always perceived as the role model of the students. She wants her uniform to not have any wrinkles. It should be pressed and ironed well. 

x x x x x x x
Others : Jisoo has a birthmark on her right shoulder with a size of a coin and it's shape somehow resembles a heart.
wheel of life
Background :
Kwon Jisoo was born on the 31st of December in the year 1996 in Mapo-gu, Seoul, South Korea. Her parents were full Koreans and their family belonged to the upper middle class as both of her parents were working and could provide for Jisoo. Her father, Kwon Hanbin, works as a Lawyer while her mother, Lee Mirae, works as an English Professor in SNU.

Jisoo didn't have any siblings and she sort of grew up alone because her parents always had works. She was always left with babysitters who don't care much and so she had learned the art of independence at a young age. This might have triggered her that's why she didn't want to be alone ever again. During her fourth grade in school her best friend, Seo Yebin, betrayed her. Yebin started spreading rumors about Jisoo how she had made out with a girl. Of course, that time they still didn't understand the queer gender and isolated Jisoo. For her, it was a very traumatic experience as she doesn't like it when she's alone. But later on, before they've graduated grade school, it was revealed that Yebin was the one to made out with a girl and that Jisoo had seen them but decided to kept mum about it since Yebin was her best friend. She just thought that Jisoo would tell it to anyone that's why she did that. Because of this horrifying experience, Jisoo then loved the art of gossiping. It brought her down once and she doesn't want that to happen anymore. And thru gossiping about other people, any rumors that may appear about her, wouldn't gain so much attention.

When she reached high school, she persuaded her parents that she enroll in Viacy High School since they weren't always at home and she could manage living in a dorm. Plus! That means, she could finally have a roommate and she will know how it feels to have siblings. 

Father - Kwon Hanbin - Lawyer - calm, smart, observant, moody, argumentative, stubborn - 7
Mother - Lee Mirae - Professor - caring, emotional, sweet, paranoid, irritable, aloof - 7
Friends/Rivals :
Soul Sister - The Queen Bee - 9

Guy Best Friend - Kim Myungsoo - Kind, intelligent, tolerant, reserved, passive, escapist - 9

Rival - Seo Yebin - Outgoing, clever, manipulative, two-faced - They fought when they were still grade schoolers because of a freaking rumor Yebin started about Jisoo. They were young and Yebin told everyone how Jisoo made out with a girl when it was the other way around.
little witch
Lifestyle :
Jisoo is the kind of girl who seems like she has different things to do everyday. She's a smart lass and she often goes out for explorations to learn more about the environment and also about the people. She does this whenever they don't have classes. Sometimes, she'd ask Myungsoo to accompany her or the Queen Bee. She would also occasionally drag Seokjin with her. But sometimes, she goes out alone (even though she's not comfortable with it) just as long as she goes to places with tons of people, then she'd be fine.

When she's at the dorm, it would be expected that she'd be gossiping with the Queen Bee or she's talking to the phone with Seokjin or Myungsoo. Sometimes, she'd also try baking. She loves pastries so she tries making one as well. When she's feeling lonely, Jisoo would also draw and whatnot as she loves doing art. In short, Jisoo is a girl who likes to keep herself moving.

Jisoo goes home once every month just to say hi to her parents. She knows how busy they are so sometimes, she doesn't really go home.
Roomate : The Queen Bee or The Jock
When she finds out about her power : I was really shocked when I found out about my power. Who wouldn't anyway? I mean, that's one thing that doesn't happen everyday. Plus, it hurts me. I can't talk to anyone because of it!
How she feels about the power : In all honesty, at first, I didn't like it. Come on! How can I ever share to others about the gossips I've learned if I turn invicible? Psh. But when I followed some people who were the center of these rumors and when they were hurt or were bullied, I realized what I was doing was wrong and hurtful towards other people. I was too busy covering up my imperfections that I forgot to care about others. Soon, I appreciated my invisibility powers because through it, it stopped me from gossiping around. Because of this, I learned to value the truth more and spreading rumors are rude and painful. This helped me to become more sensitive to other people's feelings and that no one will benefit if I gossip. It would only bring harm to others and to me as well./div>
Does he know about her power : Yes, he knows. I'm no chatterbox for nothing. To be honest, he was actually thankful about it. He thinks I'm leading myself to trouble everytime I gossip. But at the same time, He wants me to let it be removed. Supernaturals are weird for him. Such a cutie!
In the end, will she keep the power or not : Yes, this is something I've learned from so I want to keep it. Plus, it's a big help to me as well so I really could stop with the gossip thingy.
Prince charming
Love Interest :Kim Seokjin
Back-Up : Ok Taecyeon
Age & Grade : 18 years old & Senior
Birthdate 04 012 1996
Personality Traits : Caring, friendly, debonair, arrogant, blunt, demanding
Personality :
Kim Seokjin, or commonly known as Jin, is one of the popular guys in school. He is the kind of guy who's really sociable and very approachable. A lot of people, most especially girls, would always grab the chance to get his attention as he would freely give this to anyone. He just can't stand it not helping others that sometimes he doesn't realize it but he's tricked by other girls just to have his attention. He wouldn't mind at all though as it is in his nature to accommodate everyone. Jin loves to make friends as he's really the kind of guy to be outgoing and cheerful. He's also one of those popular guys who is always loved and known by everybody. He has the looks, a cool personality, and the brains as well. He wouldn't be shy to talk to anyone. Jin knows how to joke too that lots of other students really find funny. He is against offensive jokes so he always has other things to share. He's also some kind of a mood maker from his group of friends that they find him comical and entertaining. There's definitely no dull moments with him as he likes everything to be lively. Jin is also an adventurous guy as he always want to do extreme stuff so his life would always be excitable. He actually wishes to try out extreme sports and maybe through the road trip, he'd finally be able to do that. He likes the feeling of adrenaline rush in his body as it makes him feel alive.

Despite being the kind of guy who's almost perfect, Jin is no exception to imperfection as well. This guy tends to be overweening to his own good. As he knows that he is loved by many, it actually went up to his head and so he thinks that he's more important and smarter than anyone else. Sometimes, he can't help but to boast about his achievements in life, like acads or in sports. This would be one of his traits that most people, especially his haters, find really annoying that they would love to pop his head off. What can he do though? His fans, aka the school girls, would usually praise him and some other guys actually idolize him. Thus he developed a sense of conceitedness about himself. Jin can also be too straightforward that he doesn't realizes he had offended someone already. He may be against offensive jokes, but if it's real talk, he'd definitely state what's running in his mind. Not taking in consideration the feelings of others if they'd be hurt or not. It's just that, he doesn't like sugarcoating things and always wanted to be on point. He believes that problems would be solved easily if a person is being honest and he'd feel like a hero every time he does this. Jin is also one of those people who cares too much that he doesn't realize that he's nagging excessively already. It would be like he's too hard to please because he would always require special efforts most especially if academics are on focus. Sometimes, because he cares with his friends, he would nag them like a mother would do to her children and they find it irritating. They know his intentions are good but hello. Who loves to be nagged on anyways? Even Jin doesn't like that. All in all, Jin is completely flawed and he knows that perfectly (Jin still thinks he's better though) but still, he doesn't do anything to change it as he knows that it wouldn't be "Seokjin" anymore if he changes. :))
First Meeting :
Jisoo and Seokjin both belonged to the popular clique but they didn't really know each other. They were aware of the existence of one another, but they didn't became friends at once. He always thought how absurd Jisoo was to talk about other people but he didn't say anything about it since he didn't really know her. While Seokjin was the epitome of perfection to both male and female, Jisoo never found the charming in him until one day when they officially met.

Their meeting was nothing out of ordinary, it was somewhat cliché even. That day, Seokjin went to the comfort room and when he was about to go back to the classroom, he saw from the window that another girl had pushed Jisoo to the ground. At first, he didn't really want to go there but he was at least concerned about them. So, he approached them. But the other girl went away already and left Jisoo sitting on the ground. Seokjin lend a hand to her to which she gladly accepted. He helped her to stand and Jisoo thanked him. She explained to him that the girl who pushed her was one of the victims of the rumor and that she was a brave soul to confront Jisoo. Seokjin nodded.

"Maybe you should stop talking about others. It causes trouble with you as well. Look! You're hurt." Jisoo blushed with his kind words and shook her head.

"Don't worry about me. I'm honestly fine." She assured him. And then the two grabbed the chance to introduce one another. But the bell rang, which meant that their next class will start already. Seokjin asked her phone number and from then on the two became close. Jisoo then realized how first impressions don't last at all.
Love Story :
After their meeting, they became friends. Alongside, Myungsoo, Seokjin and Jisoo likes to hang out together. He was a perfect gentleman to Jisoo and always there for her when she needed rescuing (at times when she's alone haha). He would often ask her where she was so that they could be together and just share about what happened to them the whole day. Jisoo found comfort with Seokjin and he felt the same. Truth be told but, it took them a year to finally realized how they were falling hard for each other. In all honesty, love life was in their least priority but being together makes them happier. Sometimes, Seokjin would hint to Jisoo on what if someone will court her, what would she do? Her answer will always be vague and be something like, "It depends." But honestly, she was just waiting for him to make a move. And so, Seokjin gathered all his courage to confess to her and when he did, Jisoo couldn't be any happier. He courted her for almost a year and after that, she finally said yes. They felt that they were perfect for each other and so they decided on just be happy together.
Interaction :
Seokjin and Jisoo likes to hangout together. Sometimes they do go out with Myungsoo but it was mostly just the two of them. They treated each other as close friends but extra special. There were times that Seokjin will cook for Jisoo and buy her bubble tea and he would go to her classroom just so they could have lunch together. Or when Jisoo's free, she will just drag Seokjin to anywhere she wants so they could bond and al. Seokjin didn't mind because he was used to being by Jisoo's side that never was a day the two will not talk to each other. If they have petty fights, they will cool each other down first before talking again. They were a bit matured when it comes to their relationship that the two of them thought they were just acting normal. When they don't have class and Seokjin can't visit Jisoo at her dorm, he would call her as he can't stand not being with her. She thought he was clingy but she likes it because she never wants to be alone and he knows about that. Heck, Seokjin even knows about Jisoo's powers (which weirded him to the core but nonetheless he accepted it). They were always there for each other and other students thought they fit perfectly.
Comment/Suggestion : hi, authornim! So I'm finally done with my application. :) When I read the latest teaser, I got inspired to finish my applcation. So here it is! Yay! :) Sorry for the grammar mistakes, English is not my first language. :( and oh~ I'm sorry if the interactions part turned to be short. I actualy had drafted it before already. And when I pasted it in my application, I thought I was able to save it. But I've copied another one already and so my previous draft with Jisoo's interaction with Seokjin was lost and I had to rewrite it again and I can't remember it anymore. Huhuhu. It was a shame, really. I liked the first one better huhu OTL any, here it is. Thank you for being patient with me! :) Fighting! <3
Scene Request : I don't have any. Please and thank you! :)
Password : none


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