Boarding House || Oh Sunhee || Disc Jockey


Oh Sunhee

heartships • yuri • 9/10


the basics.

name » Oh Sunhee

nickname(s) » Sunny - Her friends and even her grandmother thought that this was an appropriate nickname for her because she was the kind of girl who's always bright. This nickname can pass as a shorter version of her name too.

birthplace & birthday » Mapo-gu, Seoul, South Korea • 25 December 1992

hometown » Jung-gu, Ulsan, South Korea

ethnicity » Korean

language »
• Korean (Fluent) - This is her native language.
• English (Conversational) - Learned this in school.
OCCUPATION EXPERIENCE » Sunhee works as a Radio Disc Jockey at 6am-12pm every weekdays whilst her schedule on Saturdays would be 4pm-8pm.

face claim » Halla (The Ark)

backup face claim » Lee Jieun/ IU


appearance » Sunhee has a long brown hair that falls down to her back. She likes to dye her hair with different colors but usually sticks with the brown hues. She has hazelnut brown eyes that are rounded but at the same time chinky. Sunhe has a signature eye-smile. Her friends would that her eyes disappear whenever she smiles; as they became crescents. Her nose is quite pointed and she has natural plump pink lips. Sunhee has a dimple on her right cheek that appears whenever she does facial expressions. She has a milky white complexion that she likes taking care of. She stands 168cm and weighs 48kg. Sunhee has a birthmark on her right shoulder with a size of a coin and it's shape somehow resembles a heart.


style » Sunhee is the kind of girl who always likes to look classy and at the same time elegant. She sometimes follow trends but most of the time, she'd wear clothes that are just comfortable with her.

When she's going out to meet up with friends or to the mall, she'd wear dresses, skirts, high-waisted shorts, and pants. She'd wear hoodies or crop tops to pair with her skirts and shorts. Plus, she always wear sneakers or oxfords. Though sometimes, she'd also wear a pair of boots too, depends with her mood. Sunhee would style her hair up to a messy bun, a pony tail, or sometimes just let her hair down freely behind her back.

Since her job doesn't have a uniform and of course they could just wear any casual clothings they would want, Sunhee is often seen wearing dresses or skirts. But sometimes, she would also wear black leggings partnered with oversized blouses and then her sneakers. Just like a normal day out, that they would usually describe Sunhee's style.

Oftentimes, her accessories would usually be a pair of earrings, her wristwatch, black or silver bracelets, hats, and also sunglasses. Sunhee doesn't wear make up much. Usually, lip balm, light pink lipstick (matte), and face powder only. Sometimes blush on too. Sunhee doesn't leave their apartment as well without putting on her perfume. She also likes using rucksacks, messenger bags, and tote bags.

"A smile to anyone could make someone's day."

"Forget about the fast lane. If you really want to fly, just harness your power to your passion."


the girl next door.

plotline » Disc Jockey


• Sunhee had worked as a Junior Disc Jockey in a radio station during her college years.
• After graduating in college, she worked as a Production Assistant in another radio station for 6 months.


• Sunhee's currently working as a radio disc jockey.


personality »

Positive: Cheerful, ebullient, kind, venturesome
Neutral: Emotional, dreamy, whimsical
Negative: Childish, blunt, opinionated, stubborn

Sunhee is the kind of girl who is always smiling and bright. That's why people would tell her that she really suits her name. She looks like she's always happy and doesn't even have a problem at all. She always believed that she's too young to feel so problematic with the world that's why her number one weapon would be a smile. Even the way she speaks and moves, people could clearly see how lighthearted she could be. Sunhee looks like she's always in an upbeat mode that's why others would feel lively as well when she's there. Some would think that she really has the 4D personality as she can be a crazy gal but that's just how animated this girl is. She's always bubbly and because with her witty comments, people would always laugh. She's definitely not the type to joke a lot but she can come up with humorous and clever statements at once. Sunhee is a very kind person as well. That's why a lot of people are drawn to her because of this trait. As much as possible, she'd help others with all her might as long as she knows that she can do it. She's also generous and wouldn't hesitate to share her blessings to everyone. Sunhee is quite a venturesome girl too. Always on the go and never afraid to try out something new. She had always been like this that's why she's always the one to be volunteered by others because she's always willing to take risks as long as no one will be hurt or harmed, she'll definitely do it. There's definitely no dull moments with this girl as she really is a people's person. Oftentimes, others would say that she really can bring the sun after the rain.

Although she's the girl who always smiles and happy, Sunhee tends to be emotional as well. She will cry just about over petty things if she feels like crying. She can be easily moved and touched with simple things done for her. (She'd already cry then.) Sunhee always does her best not to be like this when she's at work though. Her family and close friends would about this because it's not like that's the real Sunhee. But whenever she feels too happy, she'd cry already. When she feels something, she won't hold back and show her emotions. She really is crazy. Sunhee definitely loves to daydream. A lot of ideas would come to her mind whenever she does this. In short, she's a dreamy girl who's often absorbed in her own little otherworldly world. Sunhee can be very fanciful and playful too. She can act mischievous and would often lead others to feel quizzical about her. She's just the unpredictable kind of girl that's full of mysteries in every move she makes. She's the girl who's always eccentric.

No one is perfect and so is this litte girl. Sunhee can be really immature at times that a lot of people would just like to throw her out. She can really act silly when she feels like it and when people would scold her about her age and her being so childish, Sunhee would just act more babyish just to annoy them more. She'll have fun with that though because she sometimes thinks it's okay to act all immaturely. Sunhee can also be a direct person. If someone did something wrong, she'd clearly point that out at once. She doesn't like to have problems so for her, in order to have a peaceful life, she'd clearly tell you what bothered her. If she's annoyed, she'd tell it at once what pissed her off. She doesn't like prolonging problems so as much as possible, confrontation would be best for her. But sometimes, she can't help but express it in a rude way that others would feel offended when she's being really blunt. Sunhee always feel that she has a lot of things to say. She's state what she thinks is right and would say it like it's a fact. She doesn't keep to herself her opinions and would sometimes say it recklessly. Oftentimes, she doesn't mean to offend others but it just comes out naturally. She feels free that's why she's not scared to say what she thinks. Sunhee can also be very headstrong with all of her beliefs. Sometimes, nothing can change her opinions or thoughts especially when she thinks it's right. Sunhee can be difficult to deal with sometimes as she always want herself to do things she likes more. But she knows when to give up as well and when to back down. Sometimes, her stubborn personality just loves going in her way and it's really hard dealing with her. But with the right things to please her, she'd be willing to listen.

trivia »

Favorite Color is Blue. For some reason she's just drawn to this color ever since she was young.
Blueberry Cheesecake & other pastries. Sunhee's addicted to these as when she was young her grandmother would bake her anything that she wants.
Coffee (Hot & cold). Ah, her addiction to this beverage started when she was still in college. This is her company through sleepless nights.
Music. Besides coffee, she likes listening to music. That's why whenever she encounters a friend who's good in singing, she'd always ask for requests. Well, Sunhee's just a frustrated singer and music helps her to calm her nerves.
Horror Movies. For some unknown reason, she had developed a liking for horror movies.
Snow. Sunhee's favorite season is winter. She loves the feel of coldness of snow on her skin and she loves to play around with it. She was born on December and admittedly, she just loves the snow so much.
Hugs! Sunhee gets the strength of the other person thru hugs. Haha. Kidding! well, she just feels energized whenever she hugs her friends and family.
Soft Pillows. She has lots on her bed! Gosh. She prefers soft pillows over stuffed toys.
Books. She loves to read books whenever she's free. This helps her vocabulary to widen and also probably learn something new as well.

BUGS. UGH. For the love of God. Sunhee doesn't know why these things exists. These will be the death of hers.
Seafood. Because she's allergic to these and it hurts her that's why she developed a hatred towrds these. :))
Clowns. "They are so not cute!"
Thunderstorm. She didn't know when she had developed this or the reason why but she just knows that she panics whenever there were lightning and thunder.
Lazy people. Nothing will be accomplished if people are just slacking off.
Color orange. For some reason, it hurts her eyes. :))
Angry barking dogs. Oh boy. She's afraid of them.
Medicine. The taste for her is totally bitter and would want to make puke. :/

4:00 a.m. Exercise. Sunhee likes to jog near Han River every 4:00 a.m. as she likes to keep her body at least healthy. She knows that she's a bit underweight.
Scrunching her nose. When she feels annoyed and irritated, she'd do this.
Coffee trip. Before she'd go to the office, she'd pass by a cafe and would buy herself a cup of coffee.

Listening to music. She could always feel relaxed when there's music.
Reading books. Any genre works for her and whenever she's free and she wanted to let her mind working even though she has nothing to do, she'd read books.
Watching films. Sunhee believes she was born for the Entertainment industry. :)) She loves to watch films. May it be independent or not.

• Definitely not good in cooking. She could only fry eggs and bacon. More than that? Meh.
• Sunhee's a leftie.
• She doesn't know how to play sports. She almost failed her Physical Education class when she was in high school and college. Good thing there's always special projects. :))
• She has asthma. But it's only mild.
• She wants to learn Mandarin because of all the Taiwanese shows she had watched when she was younger.
• Besides of being a coffee addict, she loves bubble tea!
• Her favorite food are jjajangmyeon and yanggaeng.
• No boyfriend since birth. It was just not in her mind when she was younger.
• She really is a frustrated singer. For her, she's just average as she doesn't have any special talents.
• Sunhee hates stuffed toys. It just irks her.
• She doesn't like receiving roses that's why the guys from her school before thought she was a man hater.
• Sunhee loves receiving letters. She appreciates that more rather than the usual chocolates and roses. She did receive a few letters of confession when she was in high school but really, she's not ready for those that time.
• She feels attracted to beautiful voices. Sunhee really loves hearing great singing voice.
• She wants to learn to play the piano.
• Sunhee loves to share her dreams to her best friend. She would remember it vividly.
• When she's with the right people, she's really, REALLY talkative.
• Sunhee wants to learn how to drive a car. Maybe someday...


home is where your heart is.

background »

On the 25th of December in 1992, Oh Sunhee was born to her parents, Oh Hanbin and Park Dahye. Her family belonged to the upper middle class as both her parents had decent jobs that they could provide for Sunhee with all that she needs and wants. Sunhee's father, Hanbin, worked as a Software Developer in a telecommunications company whilst her mother, Dahye, worked as an Events Manager. Sunhee's parents both resided in Seoul and trusted her to her grandmother, Lee Daseul in Ulsan, South Korea. Her parents would visit her whenever they were free and on special occasions. They would usually call Sunhee as well to check up on her. Her parents decided Sunhee to live in Ulsan instead in Seoul because it was more peaceful there and they wanted their daughter to live a normal life out of the capital wherein it was more crowded. Sunhee grew up to be more conservative and traditional because of her grandmother, but as years passed by, she learned to blend in with the trends of her generation. She became more cheerful and not to mention, talkative, that her friends really found amusing.

Every day before going to school, even as a young kid, her grandmother would listen to the radio and Sunhee was always fascinated with the radio DJs as they were girls and for her, there were only a few DJs who were actually women. She grew up wanting and dreaming to be one too. Sunhee entered Ulsan Meister High School and during those years, she worked part-time for the school's radio shows. She felt so inspired that she really wanted to be a disc jockey in the future. Sunhee enrolled in Korea National University of Arts and took up Broadcasting because it was related to her dreams. Before going to move in Seoul for college, her grandmother passed away because of cancer. Sunhee felt so devastated that time as for her, her grandmother was both her father and mother, who was always there for her through thick and thin. So, in order for her to feel better and continue her life without Daseul, Sunhee spent more time with Hanbin and Dahye. She focused her attention to her parents, her friends, and her college years. Sunhee joined the TV and Radio Organization in the whole school and she even became a disc jockey in their university from her sophomore year to graduation year. Because of her time management skills, Sunhee applied for a part time job in 95.2 FM as a Junior Disc Jockey (wherein college students were the DJs). For her, everything was going according to her plan and she couldn't even be happier.

After graduating in college, Sunhee applied in 102.5 FM and successfully got in. She became a Production Assistant for the first six months as she was only a trainee then. Her boss had seen great potential in her and because of that, she got promoted as a Disc Jockey since they also knew that she used to be a Junior DJ in another popular radio station. Sunhee was really happy as the course of her life was going in her way until another tragedy happened. Hanbin had met an accident while he was going to work and was confirmed in the hospital that he was dead on the spot. Dahye and Sunhee felt their life went down at that moment. They had mourned but they also continued with their lives. Sunhee's relationship with her mother strengthened and they became more supportive with each other. Sunhee even would set her mom on blind dates just so Dahye could find a new love in her life but her mother didn't want to anymore. And since then, Sunhee would spend a lot of time with her mother when they were both free.


family »

Father I Oh Hanbin I 54 I Software Developer | Funny, smart, argumentative, conceited
Mother I Park Dahye I 52 I Events Manager | Loving, caring, moody, opinionated
Grandmother I Lee Daseul I 80 I (Deceased) | Protective, sweet, paranoid, strict


friends/rivals »

Sister from another mother I Kim Minyoung I 23 I Journalist | Cheerful, kind, blunt, competitive | Minyoung and Sunhee basically grew up together. They were the best of friends ever since they were young and were very inseparable. Minyoung and Sunhee would still hang out even though they were working already. They'd go out to the malls or just anywhere. Their closeness never fade and they remained close with each other.
Best Guy Friend I Park Chanyeol I 23 I Idol (EXO) | Quick-witted, funny, direct, arrogant | Chanyeol and Sunhee met during a party when Chanyeol was just a trainee in SM Entertainment and most people who were invited there were working from the entertainment industry. The two were just sitting on the couch while everyone was going wilde and they just started talking to each other. The two became close instantly and they would go out from time to time. For some reason, the two just hit it off and treated each other as siblings. Even though Chanyeol had already debuted in EXO, they would still secretly meet and sometimes would even go jogging early in the morning so no one could spot them. EXO had also already been a guest in Sunhee's radio show.


last words.

comments/suggestions » Hello, authornim! So here's my application. :) I'm really sorry it looks plain because I only edited this with my phone. Haha! Sorry. Also, I hope you like the character and I hope I did verything right. ♥️ I'm sorry in advanced for the mistakes and grammar errors. English is not my first language. Huuu. Thank you again authornim! I had fun with this. Yaaay! ♥️

scene requests » None, authornim. If it's okay? Please and thank you! :)

password » Reality ♥️


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