Boarding House || Kang Junsoo || Soccer Player


kang junsoo

stargaxing • arielle • 134098403 / 10 ( i'm literally on everyday so-- )


the basics.

name » kang junsoo ( 강준수 )

nickname(s) »
jun ( 준 ) ┊there's nothing much to say for this, basically it's just a shorterned form of junsoo's name.
ert kang; or kang byuntae ( 변태 ) ┊this nickname was given to him by the ladies of the boarding house, because of the many ual references and jokes he makes, and the suggestions comments he sometimes gives.

BIRTHDAY » 17th of september, 1993.
birthplace » daegu, south korea.

hometown » daegu, south korea.

ethnicity » korean.

language » 
korean; fluent┊native language; conversed from young.
chinese; conversational
┊learned from school & went on a school trip to nanjing, china for an exchange programme for two weeks. may or may not have had a huge crush on the chinese girl next door when he was ten.
soccer player┊he's been a soccer player for south korea's national soccer team for about two years now, and one of the team's most publicized star player.

face claim » lee hyunwoo x

backup face claim » jang wooyoung x


appearance » junsoo stands at 178cm and 75kg, with rather toned skin and a pretty built body. his body is one to boast about, because after all, he visits the gym almost everyday and his job pretty much requires him to exercise, so his six pack is really no joke. junsoo doesn't really pay much attention to his looks, unless he's out for official business ( official business meaning either an interview or some date with a girl of sorts ). he has a dimple on his right cheek and with a killer smile that seems to make all the girls go crazy, junsoo was always blessed with pretty good genes.

style » junsoo doesn't really care about what he wears, honestly. after all, his job doesn't isn't really one to care about clothing and all - it's more about comfort. junsoo's mostly sporting soccer jerseys, baggy shorts, soccer cleats, and all. when he goes out occasionally he'll try to look a little more presentable with v neck tee shirts or even the occasional button up shirt with three quarter trousers and a pair of casual shoes. cologne is his best friend, and there's always a bottle of the magical spritz in his adidas bag, just for good measure, y'know.

" just call me kang junsmooth. "

" according to the of course, very reliable kang junsoo™ worldwide statistics, about 99.99997% of women find kang junsoo really really attractive. and manly. and hot. did i mention attractive yet? "


the girl next door.

plotline » soccer player.

store assistant
┊junsoo helped out at his mom's flower shop for a while as a store assistant during summer holidays and stuff, but other than that, he's pretty much been doing soccer his whole life.
soccer player┊junsoo's currently a soccer player in south korea's national soccer team, and he trains pretty hard, if you ask him. his place is pretty much secured as the star player - ask any south korean citizen which soccer player's name comes to their mind first, and junsoo's will probably be at least 90% of the answers.

personality »
junsoo's a really outgoing guy, sociable and bold. he's playful, a big jokester, and at times, quite a flirt. he gets along with most people pretty easily, and he makes friends wherever he goes. junsoo's the type who hates awkward conversations, and solemn atmospheres aren't really his thing. junsoo's always spotted with either a teasing smirk or a bright grin on his face. it's rare to see him in a serious mood, so if you ever see junsoo down or not sporting any positive emotion of the sort, something's probably wrong. junsoo's a really carefree person, and he doesn't really care about other's opinions - his ego is no joke. insult him all you like, he's pretty much grown immune to negative remarks, and witty responses are always lined up along his sleeve. junsoo's always playing tricks on people, and as such people have learnt to look out whenever an expectant grin's on his face. some call him immature, but junsoo as said before, he doesn't really care. junsoo's 'ego of steel' never fails to let him down, and as such he's always been pretty confident of himself since young. 

junsoo's always hated being alone, so he's grown to surround himself with people. being alone - that's the one fear he has, the one constantly nagging him at the back of his head. the star player of south korea's national soccer team has lots of things he keeps to himself, and a lot of flaws that are obvious to people around him. he has a rather big mouth, and can never seem to keep his thoughts to himself. he's been called rude and given the cold shoulder for months thanks to his bluntness and sometimes, insensitivity. junsoo doesn't really know where to stop when teasing people, and as such, sometimes - he tends to go overboard with the comments. there's definitely a fair set of people who find junsoo annoying and attention-seeking. junsoo doesn't really care, after all - he's used to it. but words do hurt, and at times, even his best friends get fed up at him, as much as they feel for the guy. junsoo's a firm believer for what he believes in, and often supports his causes whole-heartedly. he's a really, really, really stubborn guy, and he really hates being told that he's wrong - even when he himself knows deep inside that he's the one who's commited the mistake. he hates being lied to, and whenever he finds out he's been had, there's just a really empty feeling in his chest and a sort of blank look overcomes him. junsoo is extremely competitive, and hates losing - he tends to be a little chilidish and throw a fit when he does. it took him a while to master the art of sportsmanship in soccer ( trust his coach, the whole team's seen junsoo's little fits first hand. )

junsoo's really loyal, and although he doesn't seem like one, he's really a great friend to have. he'll never turn his back on you, because if there's one thing in this world that touches him, it's companionship. he treasures his friends - sometimes even more than him himself. touch the ones close to him, and you're basically done for. junsoo tends to be a little rash and reckless in what he does, and sometimes doesn't think before he acts - which has landed him in many times a trouble. he doesn't really like sticking to the rules, but if it means it'll put the people he loves in danger, than of course he'll abide. although he's rather lazy when it comes to things like laundry and filling out paperwork, he'll never say no to an impromptu soccer match or anything of the sort. he's really hardworking when it comes to his passion, and goes to the extremes sometimes to improve himself and be the best. he's overworked himself before, which is pretty stupid since he's the one who always reminds everyone in the team to rest well and drink up when he himself doesn't really do it himself. he has a soft spot for younger girls ( they remind him of his little sister ) and he likes to think he's the world's #1 babysitter, when in reality they all just think he's a big creepy ahjussi. he's a pretty romantic guy, really, besides the crappy pick-up lines he uses on pretty much every girl that catches his eye. he'll always be there to lend you a shoulder to lean on and if you need someone to cry to, junsoo's always an available option. 

trivias » 
grey┊grey's his favourite colour, and it's the colour seen on him most when he goes out.
selcas┊junsoo's a pretty avid taker of selcas, 
xiao-yun┊when junsoo was ten, a chinese family moved in next door to his family in daegu, and junsoo had the biggest crush on her. suddenly his grades in chinese tests shot up and he was the number 1 student in chinese classes. he would go over to xiaoyun's house everyday with big, hopeful eyes and the occasional flower from his mother's house. needless to say, he was devastated when the family moved back to china, and he cried for days. it was pretty cute, really. puppy love. junsoo and xiaoyun had promised to marry each other when they turned twenty one - but they never met again after the chinese girl moved away, so the chances of that happening now is close to zero.
guitar┊junsoo's little sister used to love the sound of the guitar, so he picked up the instrument just for her. it helps pick up girls nowadays anyway, so junsoo occasionally uses the seranade card when asking girls out.
jun-casso┊junsoo can't draw at all, really. do not ever ask him to draw a portrait of you, you'll regret your decision immediately.
what a mess┊junsoo's definitely not an organized person. his room is forever a mess, and it'd be wise not to step foot in it unless you're prepared for a stench from the numerous soiled soccer jerseys lying all over his room, the odor of sweat and cologne hanging in the air, halfway peeled off posters of pretty models pasted up on the walls along with medals and trophies lined up along the shelves of the room. someone should really get him to start doing his laundry before he starts The Great Dilemna of whether to rewear his dirty soccer jersey.
claustrophobia┊junsoo can't be in small, stuffy spaces, basically. that means no making out in cupboards, unfortunately.
skinship┊junsoo tends to unconsciously grab people's hands, sling his hands around people's shoulders and waists, and things like that - so it's really hard to tell whether he's doing it because he's interested in someone or what.
junsoo ramsey┊junsoo's no chef, in case you're wondering. he's set the kitchen on fire before once when he tried making pancakes for breakfast. the results weren't very pretty - just don't ever put him on kitchen duty.
interruptions┊junsoo's number one pet peeve is being interrupted - which is ironic considering he's the one doing it to people most of the time.
cyclist┊junsoo cycles to the stadium everyday - it keeps him fit and saves money and the environment anyway, so why not? his ideal date is a ride around the park on his bike and a picnic under a tree.
oppa┊junsoo prefers younger girls - coughs aggressively. his ideal type is a girl maybe slightly younger than him, who's feisty and will understands him like a best friend.
thrillers┊junsoo loves the feeling of being exhilarated - one of the reasons why he enjoys soccer so much. he loves the adrelinaline racing through him while in the field. it probably explains why he loves amusement park rides and action movies too.
put a shirt on, oh my god.┊junsoo's used to going shirtless in his house - so the girls in the boarding house are often startled when he comes out of his room first thing in the morning shirtless, shorts loosely hanging from his hip and wet hair, freshly out of the shower.


home is where your heart is.

background »
junsoo's father passed away when he was just two, so he has really vague memories of the man. he was raised by his mother, a florist living in daegu, and along with his little sister hyomin, they were a pretty happy family. they weren't the most well-off family out there, but they got along. junsoo never really asked for much - who cared about brand names anyway? junsoo absolutely adored his little sister, and he'd bring her to places and show her off to his friends. he hated when she was down, and anyone who dared lay a finger on hyomin basically was asking for a beating from junsoo. junsoo would cycle hyomin home everyday after he got back from high school, no matter how exhausted he was from soccer practice or how much homework he had waiting for him at home. he vowed to be a good brother, and a good son, and earn lots of money to support the family when he grew older. whatever hyomin wanted, he would save his money up to buy it for her, just to see the crack of a smile on her face. he spoiled her, he really did. 

but one day when junsoo had to stay back for extra soccer practice and couldn't cycle hyomin home ( "i'm sixteen, jun! you really don't have to bring me back anymore, it's really embarrassing, y'know?" ), something happened. the bus hyomin was in got into an accident with another driver, and hyomin passed away of lost blood before she could even be sent to the hospital. junsoo was devastated. he wouldn't talk to anyone for a whole month, and visited hyomin's grave everyday.even junsoo's mom couldn't get him out of his depressed state. he finally got his act together when he saw a photograph of him and hyomin together at one of his first ever soccer matches, where he had won first place. she had been his personal cheerleader and told him that he looked really good when playing soccer. i guess that's what made him go back to soccer. from then on, junsoo commited all his time, all his effort to improving himself, to one day, maybe make hyomin and his mother proud. after all, the females that will always have a tender spot in his heart would be hyomin and his mother. 

junsoo passed high school and university with a breeze, with ups and downs, and days he felt absolutely ty. he's currently residing in an apartment in seoul with an old friend, just beside the stadium his soccer team practices at. well, before this show, of course.


family » 
lee seulhye ( 이슬혜 ) ┊mother; 57 years old & florist.
kang hyomin ( 강효민 ) - fc gfriend's yerin. ┊younger sister; would be 20 years old this year & deceased.

friends/rivals »
lee jieun ( 이지은 )  - soloist iu.┊best friend; 22 years old & solo artist.
jieun and junsoo have been friends since forever, and it's pretty known to the media that the soccer star and the singing beauty are best of friends. jieun's the one who got a place for junsoo, and junsoo's been there for jieun since the start of jieun's career in the entertainment industry. the two know each other inside out, and while they're shipped by the general public and rumours about the two of them are always spreading like wildfire by the media, there's nothing but friendship between the two of them, really. 
park sehyuk ( 박세혁 ) - fc bangtan's jimin. ┊rival; 22 years old & soccer player.
sehyuk's another player on the national soccer team, and he's always been eyeing junsoo's spot on the team. he's always been a little jealous that junsoo gets the spotlight, even though they're the same age and just barely, almost equal in skills. 


last words.

comments/suggestions » uh.. idk. ; v ; '' hope you like junsoo aha.

scene requests » nothing, really. i'm a lame person, sorry.

password » reality.


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