I Need Help ~*Looking for Someone to Co-Admin and take over a Line Roleplay*~

As many of you may know, I own a line Roleply called Hit The Jackpot. It's a great roleplay with many friendly people. Unfortunately I'm the only admin in the group and I can't handle it anymore. I have too much going on in my personal life that it's hard to juggle planning events and things like that while also trying to get all that stuff done. So I'm looking for someone to co-admin with me and eventually take over if I need to leave. I really don't want to close my roleplay down. I would feel so bad for everyone.

So please, if anyone is interested let me know! You can contact me on line, and when you first message me type this message "ybakura, I am interested in co-admining with you" so I know you're not some sort of purger. And if you are a purger...don't message me!

Anyway, my line id is chanyeolsbigdick

Please! I really need help badly. And like I said before, you'll be a co-admin first, so if you have little to no experience of being an admin, it's okay because I'll still be there to answer your questions and help you out and get you prepared. My goal is to not leave my roleplay or shut it down, I just need some help.

Thanks guys!


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