<   BLANC BOUTIQUE ― co-designer; cosette yoon.

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cosette yoon ahyeon
stargaxing . arielle . 7-8/10 depending on how much i procrastinate tbh . english
you should probably know this (probably)
full name yoon, cosette. ( 윤아연 )
 — coco; there's no explanation for this, really, it's just - a nickname based on her name. back when cosette was a naive lil kid she used to think it sounded cute but now that people go 'i'm in love with the coco' or 'you go glen coco!' she's not really sure anymore.
 — ah! yawn; this nickname's quite stupid, honestly, and it's based on her korean name, ahyeon which sounds like ah! yawn when said in english. she gets really annoyed by this one, especially since she does really yawn a lot. ethan especially likes to use this term on her to ignite a ( 'playful banter' as said by him; world war 3 pt 3204982 as said by the rest of the staff members ).
 — little girl; cosette means little thing, or victorious people, the male version of nicolas in french. cosette blames her parents for giving her this name ("it's because of this damn name that i'm so short!").
 — les miserables; the reason why her parents hamed cosette cosette was because it was the first play the two of them watched together when they went to france on their honeymoon. the female heroine of les miserables is called cosette.
dob / age 06 • 18 • 94 ( 20 )
birthplace los angeles, usa.
hometown paris, france.
ethnicity full korean.
blood type A+ ( pretty surprising for a start right-- )
 — ENGLISH; fluent ↷ ( i mean she spoke it for 21 years if it isn't fluent that'd be sad tbh-- ) her accent's honestly all mixed up from living in france, staying in america and being around her parents ( who do have really strong korean accents, actually. )
 — french; conversational ↷ cosette grew up in france so she had to learn a bit of french to survive lol her fav sentences include 'bonne madame du matin je suis Cosette' which means 'good morning ma'am i'm cosette' and 'une tasse de café au lait à la vanille fraîche emporter s'il vous plaît', meaning 'one cup of fresh vanilla latte takeaway please'. ( btw i used google translate for this so.. hi. )
 — korean; basic ↷ basically she's korean but she at speaking it lel. when koreans come visiting whichever country she's currently residing in all she can do is smile politely and nodding her head awkwardly, pretending she has any idea what they're saying. not to mention the weird -accent she's slowly developed. her mom's truly saddened by this, but cosette has her 'korean for dummies' with her all the time so it's good. ( well - according to her. )
you gotta be stylish to work with ethan ;;
backup face girl's day's yura
appearance cosette's a real shortie, standing at a mere 160cm - which explains why she wears heels and insoles wherever she goes, really. the 23cm height gap between her and her co-designer drives her crazy, and ethan often likes to wield this to his advantage, ruffling her hair for fun and teasing her about her height. she's a rather petite person, weighing only about 44kg at most, and her little sister calls her a chopstick that can break at any moment. there's nothing much really to talk about for cosette, except maybe for the fact that she tends to look like a kid next to any guy she stands next to. she's her hair is dyed a dark chocolate brown, and is usually either straightened or lightly curled depending on her mood. she's a make-up junkie.
other have i mentioned how cosette's 160cm and nahyun irl is 170cm--
fashion sense
— cosette views fashion as one of her top priorities, and her worst nightmare probably is to have the royal trio ( esp jessica tbh ) enter her mess of a house and see her in her pooh-bear print pajamas and hair sticking out everywhere. she values class, and doesn't enjoy going the typical sweetheart frilly pink skirt kinda way. a pair of sunglasses are almost always donned on her, and she can go nowhere without a pair of heels - or insoles at most, if she really can't wear them. 

( x x x x x x x x x x x x x ) - i got too caught up with looking for links didn't i.
LET'S GET TO KNOW THE REAL YOU; character analysis
krystal likes to really know her employees
( + ) really hardworking, fiercely loyal, stands up for what she believes in, pretty witty if she tries hard, and can be really passionate about her job.
( - ) really, really awkward, clumsy, oblivious to surroundings, gets distracted easily, short-tempered. also really slow at picking up things. eg. if someone makes a joke she'll probably be the one with a clueless face on and staring at everyone, before awkwardly laughing along 30 seconds later. ("h hey wait guys, what's the joke-- i don't get it--")
— cosette's the girl in the middle when it comes to her character - you know the one in movies which isn't too good or too bad? the one who's neither the best nor the worst so doesn't get any screen time at all? yeah, that's her. cosette's just average, honestly, and that's one of the many things she hates about herself. she used to mope about it back in middle school to high school. but now that she's graduated and finally a- /clears throat. adult, she's learnt that it's okay to be average. because she's going to work to be the best. cosette doesn't seem like the type, but she's very extremely hardworking, and everyone who's known her for a long time will know that. her inner perfectionist shines through every school project, handing it in a week before the deadline and spending her tv time working on it until it's finished. she's fiercely loyal to her friends, and will stand up for whatever she believes in - which may be a bad trait sometimes, in all honesty. she tends to be pretty gullible but because she doesn't make friends easily ( it's not really surprising, really. there are two sides to cosette: the side where she's really confident and is like 'don't touch me i'm flawless' and then there's the side where she feels like, well, basically, crap. ), she tends to accept anyone who accepts her. she squeals a little on the inside when someone 'cool' notices her because she gets a little ego boost but she's generally pretty nice to everyone, unless they've done something to offend her. cosette tends to lose her temper easily and as such, has gotten into tons of trouble as a kid. as quoted by her kindergarten teacher, "you can't just go around punching kids just because they took your hairclip, cosette!" sometimes she gets a little distracted and a little steered away, and that's usually when her life reaches her peak - and then slumps down, but a little pep talk from her parents and friends usually does the trick. she's pretty insecure ( or really confident - istg, it just depends on her mood. she has more mood swings than anyone else, i swear. ) and frets a lot about her image; that's why she cares about her face and fashion so much. she gets flustered way too easy ("shut up, it's something i'm working on, okay!") and kind of at coming up with comebacks ( it's entertaining to people waround her, but a nightmare for her, really. she's totally envious of those people who comes up with puns and such easily. ) her biggest fear is to be an outcast, and be thrown aside while everyone accomplishes their dreams. cosette really does try very hard though, and i guess sincerity's the thing that touches people's hearts in the end.
— cosette's parents got her an apartment through her uncle who's a real estate agent and has lots of contacts aha. she's currently living alone in a studio apartment a fifteen minute bus ride away from blanc. it's not the biggest place, but she's happy with it ( mainly because of the fact that it has a huge walk-in closet that's almost bigger than her tiny bedroom, equipped with a mirror. it's nothing much, but with her beanbag, tv, posters placed everywhere and random lights strewn around, cosette's pretty happy staying there. 
— COsette's pondered a lot about college, and after a lot of discussion from her parents, she's taking college courses online ( for fashion design, what else ) because there's no good colleges suiting her near her and she frankly doesn't have enough time, what with the jobs and the dream-chasing and all.
— younger sister • natalia yoon jiae ( fc rv's joy ) • 18 • high school student • natalia and cosette grew up together and natalia knows her sister inside out; better than cosette knows herself, to be honest. natalia's funny, outspoken, and goofy, pretty much the opposite of her older sister, honestly. have i mentioned how she's 169cm? when the two of them go out together there have been times where natalia's been mistaken for the older one and cosette'll throw a glare at them. natalia really misses cosette because there's no one to make buy her snacks and pamper her anymore but at least she gets to brag to her friends about her sister. she's visited blanc once during her summer break, and the staff never thought they were related - they don't really look alike, after all. ethan cracked up really hard and the height gap and opposite personalities again. natalia's really embarrassing to be around but cosette loves her and sends her all her clothes because natalia has a terrible sense of fashion anyways. • closeness 9/10
 cosette's parents are both korean, born and raised in seoul but moved to la in 1989 to further their studies and go further in their careers. ( he's a neurosurgeon and she's a psychologist ).
↷ they moved to paris in 1995 ( a year after cosette was born ) because they concluded for themselves that france would be a better environment for their kid to grow up in ( her parents had their honeymoon in paris, and they're really big on the romance and cute cottages and stuff - don't even talk to cosette about it.
↷ cosette's the epitome of someone who likes doing something, but at it. she likes drawing, and honestly, she thinks she should be the next picasso, but there's a reason why ethan tells her she should just stick to sketching fashion designs.
↷ likewise, she can't sing to save her life but she likes to pretend she's on american idol or kpop star when she reaches the shower. it's not a pleasant sound, natalia can vouch for it.
↷ she's really good at gymnastics, though. though she'll probably complain lots about it, she'll proudly reach down to contort into some weird- position with a bright smile on her face, freaking out everyone around her. she was offered to be in the france national gymnastics team but refused because.. honestly, she's just gonna be jumping and flipping around for the rest of her life then, isn't she.
↷ she blushes really easily. she also at hiding her emotions - she's like an animated character, as people say. when she's mad the tips of her ears go red, and when she's down everyone around her notices immediately.
↷ though she doesn't seem like the type, cosette's a hopeless romantic. throw her any of those flowers, chocolates, or fluffy stuff and she'll fall for you almost immediately. 
↷ her favourite movies is.. still the notebook. like i said, she's a er for romance.
↷ she hates dogs. and cats. and fishes. and birds. and animals in general. the zoo is the worst possible plass you can bring her to.
↷ she also hates kids. her aunt rose once asked her to babysit her 3 year old cousin, it wasn't a pretty sight. cosette ended up feeding her cousin biscuits meant for 1 year olds and just locking her up in a room with a cartoon on loop because she was fed-up with her crying.
↷ she's a perfume addict, having a whole shelf full of perfumes and different scents. her personal favourites are rose, mint and peach. and those with fancy names so she can brag to ethan, of course.
↷ she takes lots of pictures of herself- mostly blurry, because her hand shakes a lot and she gets embarrassed by herself, but if you ever get ahold of her phone - check the gallery and threaten cosette with it, she'll probably agree to pay you to let her off. she takes an ootd almost everyday and sometimes when she's alone at home she messes with her makeup and dresses up all weird.
↷ she can't go by a day without coffee. it helped her get through school, and it'll help her get through life.
↷ chamomile tea really helps cool her down on bad days, though.
↷ she wears glasses. ( gasp from crowd ). she's literally blind without them, but being the girl she is, cosette's been wearing contacts for most of her life - except maybe the first few years of elementary school.
↷ her personal email is cocothesette @gmail.com, and althogh she's a little embarrassed of it ( honestly, she's embarrassed about everything about herself. ), she can't be bothered to make a new one. i wonder how whoever first received her job application felt like.
↷ she can't wake up on time. she sleeps through literally everything and in the morning she's set about 9 alarms with the loudest ringtone possible to wake herself up. she takes hella long to get ready, but she's always late anyways. she takes a cab to work everyday because of this, although she's told her parents she'll take the bus.
↷ SHe rambles a lot. and gets off-topic a lot. also gets distracted a lot.
↷ She loves running. she goes running every day after work and occasionally mornings on weekends if she's able to get up ( although that itself is a feat already ).
↷ She's also doing pilates, although she only goes once every week. 
↷ She's always wanted to go vegetarian, but never had the will to because- "this isn't fair, what's with all these hamburgers tempting me?" 
↷ her ideal date is one at the amusement park.
↷ She's a huge coward. she's scared of clowns, horror movies, insects, everything.
↷ She spends most of her time on the internet, and has uses most social media. ( twitter @cocothesette; ig @cosetteyoon. she has too many blogs on tumblr to list down. )
when she's nervous she tends to fiddle with her thumbs. that's a clear sign of how anxious she is. she's unconsciously plucked out her nails ( ie every nail beautiwhen she got into trouble before.
< 今日は世界を引き継ぎます >
[ ] personal assistant — [X] co-designer
[ ] visual / speaker — [ ] baker / kitchen aid
[ ] cashier — [ ] server
[??] barista — [ ] busboy / busgirl 
[ ] fashion assistant — [ ] other: (please state)
anytime? i don't know, as soon as possible, i guess. i have way too much free time- i mean what.
[ ] sundays — [X] saturdays
[X] mondays — [X] tuesdays
[X] wednesdays — [X] thursdays
[X] fridays — [X] no preference (we can assign you a schedule) 
whispers everyday tbh except maybe sundays because that's when the new episode of 'insert stupid tv show here' comes out!!!!
i was surfing online shopping when i happened to click onto blanc's webpage and i recognized jessica's name. they were looking for applicants and i've always been looking to be a designer plus i really needed to get a better job and stop bumming on dad & mum so i couldn't miss the oppourtunity.
i worked at starbucks and got fired on my first day lol i kept forgetting the customers' orders and wanting to taste their drinks impulsively - not a good habit. otl. that was like - uh. a month ago? # good memories. i've also worked as a part time store assistant in bobbi brown and a nail artist ( i've been working at bobbi brown since i graduated high school and i only started on the nail artist thing after starbucks chased me away
"i don't really know, tbh- i mean. uhm. i'm nice to everyone, i think ?? ?? i mean - okay, i'll probably stick to myself most of the time ( except maybe ethan because i have to i mean it's not exactly a choice )."
— cosette'll just probably be really awkward around everyone no kidding lol. she'll act really differently depending on whether it's their first meeting, or they've met each other in the lift and stuff before, and so on.
— she really looks up to the jung sisters, btw. actually, she'll respect everyone except ethan. krystal's cool.
— + i'll never hand in designs late & they'll be of really high quality because i literally pour my heart and soul into making them perfect to the public. i don't mind helping others when they need help--
— - my work won't ever be handed in late but i'll probably be late-- i'll probably get distracted by everything and spend more time arguing with ethan than everyone else. i'll be too busy staring at how pretty the walls of the office are to realize that i've just spilt coffee on my laptop.
 my fashion sense is rly good ok + i attended fashion design curriculum lessons in high school and stuff sigh. plus i worked at starbucks- even if it was just for a day lel. maybe i can made good coffee for y'all? no? have i mentioned how i desperately need a stable career.
— u uh- you're kidding me right. uhm- well, no, nothing to get me into jail- /chuckles nervously, muttering under breath. but there was this one time i borrowed a fork and spoon from a stall because i brought my food from home and forgot to pack my utensils- and then i forgot to return it and brought it home. i'M SO SORRY PLEASE DON'T TELL ANYONE I'M TOO YOUNG TO GO TO JAIL--
— i need a stable job for once- i mean, i really love designing. and i've always been a fan of jessica jung and blanc.
— no, not really, but since you said please.... i guess?
— pure white because i'm an angel.
— i really look up to jessica but krystal's really cool so she's my fav- ethan's a piece of why would he be anyone's favourite--
grande vanilla latte with low fat milk and a sprinkle of chocolate.
CAN I DATE YOU; ethan park.
is that yoon bora dancing with hugh jackman??
LOVE INTEREST park, ethan; co-founder of blanc and designer.
age he's 23 aka 2 years older than cosette once her damn birthday passes in december
SUBSTITUTE(S) my pillow jks. uh. bangtan's yoongi?
PERSONALITY you know him really well already man you wrote his app really gross & fluffy. nerdy asf and has a reallg big ego but he understands people really well and knows all the right things to say to make people feel better.
meeting i have no idea?? was ethan in charge of interviewing? no? jk uh- they first met when cosette was still working at starbucks, and ethan had the most detailed and complicated order, istg-- basically, she botched the whole thing, and had to redo it like three times because he was so picky ( "i mean, isn't low fat milk and condensed milk, pretty much the same? no?" ). after her short-lived career in starbucks, ( thanks a lot, ethan. ) ethan was looking forawrd to meeting his new co-designer that he'd be working with, and you can imagine their surprise when jessica introduced the two of them to each other. "obnoxious tall guy?" "shortie who can't get an order right?"
interactions they act really stupid together - they look like dumb and dumber, honestly. they have this love-hate relationship going on and they're constantly bickering and at each other's throats - when jessica and krystal ask ethan on his relationship with cosette he'll probably wrinkle his nose and say something like 'oh my god, that's just gross', or 'i have higher standard than that, pls don't disgrace me-' and the same goes for her. but they can also get along really well and without each other, they feel sort of empty and weird ( they do spend like 6 out of 7 days with each other, after all-- ) they're always making fun of each other, and it's a wonder how they actually manage to get work done, honestly. the stuff that they design together is gold, though, so jessica doesn't really mind. ethan likes to say stuff like 'why am i stuck with you and not some cute girl who'll call me onii-chan ?? ?!??! ??!? ?' and cosette'll probably shoot back something really dumb and stupid as well.
relationship they work together what happened to no relationships in companies
status yeah they're both single because both of them don't want to admit to each other and take the first step-
not to mention they don't even know the other likes each other and think it's just a one-sided thing lel.

[ ] ps. if you can't date joy, date her older hotter but stupider sister. /kicked.
replace w/ love interest
CLOSING TIME; ending notes
farewell, blanc & eclare. jessica bids you sweet sorrow.
comments / questions haha it's 4.33am now i hope i don't make too many embarrassing typos and stupid errors forgive me for this crap app btw i'm s o sleepy rn i-- thanks for making this fic btw i love it so much o h my god don't even start me but even if i don't get picked i'll still read it bc i love it so- !!! !! ! ! !! i made cosette so dumb i'm poor coco pats her.

scene requests
— ethan and the gang (?? ?? ? ? ) paying a visit to cosette's place for what reason idk ( maybe she overslept again oh god although i can't imagine why he'd go to her place just for that i- ) or maybe it's her birthday and lmao. pmsl anyways she's a different person at home so she's really shocked and stuff when she sees him outside at her door and she's half-contemplating whether to slam the door in his face and run away and hide in her bed forever because her hair curls are on, she's not wearing makeup, she's in a pooh-bear onesie with fluffy pink slippers and she's wearing her glasses. i think cosette'll feel like crying lmao bye

— natalia visits for summer break!!!!! ethan thinks she's really cute but she's a devil spawn and approaches her to call him oppa and and she gives him the weirdset look ever. over the week she visits and gets to know pretty much everyone in blanc ( she probably knows more people in blanc than the one working there sideeyes cosette ). before she goes she tells ethan to take good care of cosette and tells cosette something really stupid about ethan lel idk ??? ???? ? ?

— halloween party omg i think i'll scream i can already imagine everyone in their costumes and -- or christmas and secret santa. oh my god. 
extra oh my god i just thought of ethan having a dream that cosette called him oppa and he woke up like what the did i just dream breathes heavily wheezes.
( ) clc's like ( not really a summer jam but wtv btw sorry if you don't laugh idk man people don't find stuff that i find funny funny sobs. there are two links btw click clc's first then click like. the heart is the song itself. pmsl bye-- )
layout by yamaken-. do not steal.


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