※ 완벽하게 // t h e . p e r f e c t . m a t c h [ 박아연 ; PARK AHYEON ]

park ahyeon

stargaxing •arielle• 90%


call me baby. 

name » park, ahyeon. ( 아연 ) 


» natalia ( 나탈리아 )┊an english name ahyeon picked up while living in london.
» yeon-ah ( 연-아 )┊an affectionate nickname only the ones closest to her get to call her. it also happens to be her actual name said backwards.
» ice queen ( 얼음 여왕 )┊a name people have grown to call her, usually behind her back.

birthday » december 18, 1993.

Birthplace » seoul, south korea.
hometown » london, britain.

ethnicity » south korean.


» english I fluent I english was ahyeon, or natalia's first language in the many years she spent in london. she's grown to have a very strong british accent when speaking english now.
» korean I semi-fluent I ahyeon may be korean, but korean isn't exactly the language she wields the most. taught by her tutor and the frequent use of it at home by her parents, ahyeon's able to at least get along and understand what people are saying to her in korea.

face claim » kim sojung; sowon ( gfriend )

backup face claim » kim chanmi ( aoa )


appearance » ahyeon, standing at 168cm and weighing 48kg, has pretty much the figure of a model, and could be mistaken for a member of aoa, with legs that seem to go on forever. her hair is dyed a light blonde and curled just slightly at the bottom, and with her pale skin, some people say she looks like a ghost. she doesn't have many piercings, but she has two along her earlobes and none anywhere else. she has cold hazel brown eyes that seem to stare into your soul when you look at them, and overall, a pretty indimidating aura. she takes good care of her figure and although she doesn't like admitting it, her appearance does matter a lot to her.
style » ahyeon values class and comfort, and doesn't particularly enjoy going the typical sweetheart frilly pink route. she's slowly developed a signature style to her outfits, and the time she spends in the morning arranging her outfit out of the day, is honestly, pretty questionable. her closet is pretty monochrome, black and white the colours seen most on her. she prefers cool colours over bright wear, and neon honestly does not suit her at all. anything orange or of the sort should be burnt. you'll never see crocs or anything of the sort on her, and there's almost always lip balm and hand cream in  her bag wherever she goes.


" love? i only accept love through paypal. "



what if...

INtroduction » son 'natalia' ahyeon is the epitome of an ice queen, giving out an aura of sophistication and class wherever she goes. having worked at stylenanda for close to four years as its visual, speaker and face ( aka the leading model ), some may recognize her when they walk past her, but most just think she's someone who happens to be blessed with good genes. not much is known about ahyeon's personality, and hardly anyone's able to get past her icy gaze. will the matchmaker actually be able to find someone to melt her heart? 


+ » witty, soft-hearted ( although she definitely doesn't seem like the type ), very confident about herself, hardworking, and passionate about her career.

-  » cold, distant, rather arrogant, and pretty sarcastic. also happens to be very indecisive.

personality » 
in typical bad american high school centered tv shows there'll always be the one queen bee who everyone either envies, hates, or thinks is a . mostly a mix of all three. ahyeon is the real life version of that one person, and she's known for being cold and aloof, rumours surrounding her wherever she goes. many things have been said about her, and most of them aren't verified by her, mostly wrong anyway. unlike popular opinion, ahyeon does have feelings and a heart, she's just used to not expressing herself and preferring much rather to stick to her herself and wallow in her thoughts all day. she's a confident person though, do not be mistaken. she never keeps her head down when walking ( basic model etiquette 101, hello? ) and when she walks, she expects everyone else to clear the path for her. she spends time on her appearance and her image, and she's grown to love herself so much that her self-esteem is basically out of this world. a really hot idol could insult her and call her a pig, and she wouldn't care, and instead shoot him down with a witty remark back. in this sense yes, she tends to be very straightforward and honest, sometimes way too blunt for her own good. she's always been pictured as the antagonist of the story, so much that she honestly doesn't care anymore. the only person she'll probably get a little disappointed by a negative comment is probably from lee hyori, her idol and number 1 role model since young. she doesn't particularly enjoy in mingling with people, and is the type to wait for people to approach her rather than for her to approach people. her fellow models have complained that ahyeon's often 'rude' to them, but in reality, all she wants is to be left alone. as selfish as it may sound, photoshoots with others are the one thing ahyeon detests about her job ( besides joo mari, of course ).

trivias »


coffee & tea┊ahyeon's a coffee and tea junkie, having consumed them since young in britain. they got her through high school, and they'll get her through life. her favourite coffee includes low-fat mocha with minimal sugar and additional creamer, plus a hint of chocolate. green tea always helps to clear her mind, and chamomile tea never fails to get her through a bad day at work.
yiruma & sungha jung┊whenever ahyeon feels down, a video or two from sungha jung never fails to cheer her up a little. she's posted a few pictures of him on her sns, so it's no surprise to people when she says that she's her favourite musician. yiruma's music is always on repeat when she's working on stuff, it's like her 'get-to-work' music.
running┊ahyeon's favourite way to stay healthy, she goes to the gym near her place ( the park has too many screaming little kids for her to handle, plus hey, there's always potential eyecandy at the gym ) every few days to have her run ( which always goes hand-in-hand with her ipod. )
spicy food┊ahyeon takes everything with kimchi, and tends to complain that the food is too bland for her. she takes a lot of chilli, and people are often amazed by the amount that she consumes.
horror movies┊ahyeon doesn't get scared by a lot of things, and one of them are horror movies. people often call her a bit sadistic, but she doesn't really find horror movies scary, but rather funny. when she goes to the cinema and everyone's screaming, she's the girl at the side laughing by herself. it's kinda creepy, to think about it. 


kids┊ahyeon loathes the little terrors. maybe it's because one of them stole her hair curlers and laughed at her, but she can't stand being around them at all. she never wants to have children or a sibling. thank god she's an only child.
dirt┊ahyeon's a little ocd, to be honest. she's a neat freak, and a perfectionist, and cannot stand anything being out of place. when she goes abroad and no one's home to clean her place, she hires someone to do it for her so she doesn't have to come home to a gross and dusty place. she brooms, mops, and vacuums her house every two days by herself, and takes pride in keeping a sparkling clean home.
the countryside┊in case you haven't noticed yet, ahyeon's a total city girl. she doesn't ever want to visit the countryside, where she has to mingle with actual horses, chickens, and cows of the sort. she might cry.
colds┊ahyeon always feels really vulnerable when she has a cold, face mask on and a thousand tissue packets with her wherever she goes. sneezing really gets on her nerves, whether it's her sneezing or anyone else doing it.
public transport┊it may sound a little snobbish of her to say this, but ahyeon absolutely detests taking public transport. she tries to take a cab to work everyday, but occasionally when she feels like saving cash she takes the bus. she hates the feeling of being stared at by random strangers, the smoke and the smog from the city choking her.


holding grudges┊alright, so this isn't an actual 'habit', but when ahyeon gets mad, she gets mad. she's not the type to forgive and forget easily, and she tends to hold grudges against people.
playing with her hair┊when ahyeon's nervous, she tends to shift her weight from one foot to the other and play with her hair. it's just a thing she does, honestly.
mumbling in her sleep┊ahyeon tends to mumble things in her sleep, so if you're a light sleeper - watch out. sometimes she says things no one should hear in her sleep, but they say if you want to hear the truth, listen to what she says then.


watching british tv shows┊ahyeon hasn't let go of her childhood just yet, and instead of watching those funny korean variety shows or kdramas, she tends to watch british shows on her laptop while eating takeout from the chinese restaurant down the street from her apartment complex.
blogging┊she first started 'natalia's perks', her blog back when she turned 16 in britain, and she's an avid blogger, blogging about everything about her life. if you'd like to get a sneak peak of ahyeon's life, check out her blog and you'll probably get to know her a little better. not a lot of her friends know about it though; since she keeps an anonymous image.


» ahyeon's parents are both full korean, born and raised in seoul, but the two of them moved to britain in 1987 for their careers ( her dad's a neurosurgeon and her mom a psychologist ). 
» ahyeon can't draw for her life. trust me, ask her art teacher.
» she takes really long showers and tends to think about life in there.
» she doesn't believe in love at first sight. she hates those fluffy movies where you look at a cute guy and immediately goes 'oh wow, you must be my husband! let's get married at the chapel, like, now.'
» she's a very heavy sleeper, sleeping through literally everything. a fire could set off in her apartment and she still wouldn't wake up. she needs 9 alarms to wake up in the morning, and there has been a time where she's slept through all 9.
» she's always wanted to go vegetarian, but couldn't handle not being able to eat korean beef with her co-workers during celebrations.
» she tends to ramble and get off-topic a lot when she's panicky.
» she's been playing the piano since she was five, and she's amazing pretty good at it. she's held a performance before and won a couple awards back then when she actually wanted to be a pianist.


el dorado.

background » minimum of two paragraphs. Events that have lead up to who your chracter is today.

current lifestyle » What is your chracters job? What is their living conditions? How well off are they?



» mother I son mina I 47 I psychologist I Personality I Relationship
» father I
park jinhyuk I 47 I neurosurgeon I Personality I Relationship



» best friend I ethan park ( choi junhong ) I 21 I fashion designer I Personality I Relationship
» close friend I oh eunseol ( shin sekyung ) I 22 I stylist I Personality I Relationship



» co-worker & rival I joo mari ( lee kaeun ) I 22 I model at stylenanda I Personality I Relationship





love me right. 












love interest » byun, baekhyun.


backup love interest » kim, jongdae.


traits » Minimum of three positive and three negative. Neutral traits are optional.

personality » Minimum of two paragraphs. Give me an idea of how your love interest acts. 


" you made flowers grow in my lungs and although they're beautiful, i can't ing breathe. "

first meeting » What was their first meeting like? How did they react? Minimum one paragraph. 

love story » How their relationship develops over time. Minimum two paragraphs. 

interactions » How you and your match interact with each other. Minimum one paragraph


my answer.

HOW would you describe your ideal love and relationship?

» Answer truthfully.


How did you react to getting the matchmaker's white envelope? HOw did your family react?

» ah ma gawd


what was your first impression of your match? Has that changed?

» Be honest. He may not be the prince charming you were thinking of!


some may be skeptical of the matchmaker's ability to find the perfect match. do you believe in true love?   

» Hmmmm


Since the matchmaking process tends to be very public, you and our match will become quite well known around the country. how do you fell about your private life becoming the topic of interest among the media?

» wait what



comments/suggestions » call me baby

scene requests 

» start here. 

password » Make sure to read the cheatsheet!


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